Chapter 24

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I would never get used to this.

Submerged in the water, hands scrubbed, picked and prodded at my body, meticulously washing. Two druids hovered nearby, outstretching grapes to my lips while I shook my head continuously.

We emerged all at once and they started to dress me. The purple linen was untied, and I made out what seemed to be sheerest, most revealing dress I'd ever seen.

Before I could process my words, I blurted, "I don't think I can wear that."

There was a collective hush.

One of the maids turned to me, a gentle smile on her face. "It would do us proud to see you in one of Abberdin's finest fabrics."

I bit down on my lip. When I still said nothing, another interjected with a smile, "It would look so flattering on you, princess. You have such fair skin, and the blues of your eyes are so marvelous."

Discomfort coloured my words, "Uh, thank you..."

After a while I was fitted into the dress and I stood facing the mirror while they made my hair into elaborate braids.

My metal arm band glinted in the sun, a similar coloured necklace falling in rows of shiny silver around my neck. My dress plunged low, revealing peaks of my breasts. The long flowing gown had a high slit, my thigh peaking past shimmery light blue material. I looked like a forest nymph, a fairy princess. I looked... beautiful.

And I felt beautiful.

But there was no way I was looking anyone in the eye wearing this.

The rest stood back to appraise me, something similar to soft pride gleaming in their eyes. My gaze flitted away.

The Senior maid, who had introduced herself as Gweneth, came forward. When she rose her hands, I saw what she held in them. A tiara.

Intricately made out of vines, the curving sides of the circlet tapered to a fine point in the middle. Embedded at the center was a glittering onyx stone. Their gleaming edges reflected my awed expression.

Gweneth spoke, "You'll have to make do with this one, my Lady. The kingdom Jewelers still fashion your crown as we speak."

"It's... I love it," I said earnestly.

She smiled and I held my breath as she came closer and rose her arms. I ducked lower and she placed the crown on my head.

When next I rose, expressions of warmth and reverence met me. I started to smile back when someone knocked on the door.

Gweneth jolted. "Oh, how much time we've wasted." She spun around and addressed the maids, "Alright, we must be on our way now."

They filed out while I brought up the rear. I paused at the door when Sebastian's towering frame came into view. My breathing stuttered.

He faced me, then time seemed to stand still. Like he couldn't help it, he ran a bold gaze down my body, his eyes darkening by the second with every inch of my skin his eyes grazed. His gaze lingered on choice parts of me; my exposed thigh, the pulse beating at neck, and lastly, my breasts.

His eyes finally locked on mine. "Eleanor," he said in way of greeting. But it sounded more like a suppressed growl.

I sucked in a breath to contain the wild beating of my pulse. I attempted a smile. "Hi, good morning."

MASTER SEBASTIANDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora