Chapter 12

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When I exited the iron gates, it was to see the SUV still parked out front.

Tucking my windblown hair behind my ear, I drew level with the van. I opened the door and got in. Seating, I cleared my throat. "Sorry I took so long."

While the blond vampire murmured something to the effect of 'no worries,' the shorter one remained silent.

"Also," I began after a few beats. "I'd really appreciate it if you don't...mention this to anyone. That I'd been to the cemetery."

Feeling the weight of a heavy stare, I rose my gaze to meet the blond's eyes in the review mirror once again. A few seconds passed before he slid them away, saying nothing. I hoped that meant a yes.

We pulled out of the barren trail and then rode down the empty lane we'd come through. When we hit the highway, the car began to speed down. Buildings quickly whizzed past, air slicing in through the windows. I leaned into my seat, letting my eyes slide shut.

We drove on for what seemed like an eternity. When the vehicle started to slow, I opened my eyes. We were easing down an extensive driveway. Well maintained trees dotted either side of the long lane, opening up to where huge black gates stood stoically. I burrowed deeper into my seat when cold air wafted past.

The shorter vampire got down, striding for the tall gates. In went a chipped card and the towering enclosure slid open with a mechanical whir. We drove in.

My eyes instantly drew to the soaring Mediterranean mansion. Interspersed within manicured shrubs and thriving greenery, it managed to look both cold and magnificent at the same time. Just like its owner.

Stretching around the building was an immaculate lawn. Farther off were surrounding perimeters made of thick forsets and far hills.

My nerves got the best of me on seeing countless vampire guards parolling the wide grounds. I remembered something then. Sebastian had mentioned he was Lord, of the Tivan house. I wondered what awaited me on the inside. Collard humans? Neighboring Lords engaging in some blood drinking orgy? I swallowed.

The blond vampire came around, opening my door.

"This way, miss."

Tentatively I got down, conscious of the stoic stares trailing after me while I followed behind the vampire to the wide entrance.

It opened up to reveal the interior of a large receiving hall. Stamped around the cool space were unmistakable signs of wealth. There was no one in sight.

No human pets, no vampires belonging to the aristocracy. No Sebastian.

We went further into the empty space and, again, I felt out of place. Since the Invasion, shabbiness had become the norm. I'd forgotten what it was like to even look at paintings. And across the room, on infinitely stretching walls that met huge, panoramic glass windows, were large paintings in black and white.

That seemed to be a reoccurring theme.

I noted how minimalist the designs and furnishing around the house were, how his house seemed to carry on a vague air of... Detachment.

A straight-backed vampire met me at the landing of the staircase, then proceeded to show me to my room.

We walked on for a while before coming to a stop in front of a tall door. Outside, lightning forked the skies, dark clouds slowly rolling apart.

My attention drew to the lean, middle-aged when he spoke.

"This will be your room, for the time you're to be the Lord's guest." A perpetual sneer seemed to be etched at the corners of his lips.

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