Chapter 6

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Quickening through the windy streets, I found myself wishing I hadn't worn something so short--and relatively warmer.

My apartment wasn't far from Char's, so I could count on making it there soon on foot. The wind blew in my direction once again, whipping my hair into my face. With a scowl, I roughly secured it behind my ear, continuing down the quiet trail and over to an alley.

The lights seemed to go off with each building I walked past, indicating the people in there were retiring for the night. I suddenly felt alone.

The heels of my pumps smacked against the hard concrete in quick successions, producing eerily loud clicking noises. Pinpricks of gooseflesh rose up my arms as the night air grew chilly.

I tried to mute out my thoughts as I turned into the rear of another apartment complex. A highschool was up ahead. If I could just cut across it, I'll be home in no time.

I hoped mum was asleep, w--

Something sounded behind me.

Spinning around, my eyes flew across the narrow space. I noticed a dumpster had been overturned. Once I saw a black cat step out from it, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Its yellow eyes shining brightly, it meowed at me and I took that as my cue to turn back around.

And once I did, I saw it.

At the end of the alley stood a shadow. Still, frozen, and staring right back at me.

I blinked and it was gone, but a new presence slowly took camp in the pit of my stomach. Fear.

Feeling faint, I quickly dug into my clutch and retrieved my phone, then I checked the time.


Blood rushed to my ears and I made a snap decision. Heart racing, I reached down with trembling fingers and took off my shoes. Straightening, I gripped them tighter, and then made a run for it.

A burst of noise went off around me. Terror heightened my senses, making me painfully aware of the tiniest sounds, the closing of a door, the flick of a switch, the hoot of an owl. They all merged together to form a horrifying din.

My breaths tore out of me in frantic puffs as I pounded down the street. The open avenue beyond the alley teased me, the highschool across it beckoning me.

Just as I got to the open road, I felt something whizz over my head. It landed before my feet, prompting me to a sharp halt. I looked down, and felt my heart stop.

The black cat that'd stepped out of the trashcan.

But now it was dead, a bloody hole gaping in its chest. I could only guess what had been taken out.

Was this a mimic of what was going to be done to me?

Chills zipped down my spine and slowly, I backed away from the dead cat, unable to take my eyes off it.

The rouges... They were playing with me, like a cat would with a mouse.

Right before it ate it.

Standing in the middle of the empty road, I lifted a trembling hand to my necklace, feeling an unexplainable urge to cry. I steeled myself. In the past, I'd always taken comfort in crying, opting to breakdown rather than face what was breaking me, w--

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