Chapter 17

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The next day came with a heavy wave of clarity that had my face growing hot. What was I thinking? But even the realization I was in the wrong for ignoring his boundaries did not erase the sting of hurt his harsh words had brought.

I got up and searched around for my toiletries. The dingy hotel was the only lodging that'd been available when we arrived Sussex. We presently occupied the less than glamorous spare rooms, the ever present smell of liquor mingled with spice was strong in my nose. The hotel had a restaurant downstairs. On landing, I had gone there to get something to eat, Sebastian hovering nearby.

I had ignored him throughout, not making any effort to bring up small talk. And he? Hadn't seemed to care either way. Just lowered himself into the chair opposite me and waited till I was done, his face a mask of stiff boredom. People had shot us looks, quickly looking away when Sebastian's dark gaze centered on them.

Now I hurried through shower, towelling myself off as I exited the bathroom.

My hair in a towel, I looked down at the blue dress I'd had in mind to wear to Abberdin. Apparently I'd miscalculated. We couldn't make it yesterday, and would instead be going there today. I put it on again today? My nose scrunched up.

Feeling regret swell in my chest, I went through the task of putting together a new outfit again. I'd run out of dresses so I had to make do with my usual. Jeans and a Tee. How underwhelming.

A knock at the door sounded and my chest tightened reflexively. A sigh. I needed to calm the hell down.

I opened the door to meet Sebastian. His eyes took a perfunctory look down my body, sizing up my clothes. He met my eyes finally. His tone was expressionless. "Good morning, Eleanor."

To answer or not to answer? I gave a stiff nod.

His tone grew condescending. "Still sulking, I see."

A flush crept up my neck, anger and embarrassment rolling in one.

He saved me the chance of a reply--or of making a fool of myself--by dropping the news. "They're here."

A lump lodged in my throat instantly. 'They' meaning the warriors from Abberdin that were going to usher me into the kingdom. Forgetting my earlier anger, I gave an unsteady nod. "Okay. Be down in a minute."

He left and I went back to getting ready, passing a comb through my hair and grabbing my travel bag, the only thing I had to my name.

Traipsing downstairs, I hesitated when I heard voices, low, rumbling and almost as deep as Sebastian's. I made it to the landing and two large males came into view. My breath hitched.

They were beautiful. Their faces seemed to be crafted out of chisel, blond hair reaching past their wide shoulders. The suits they wore stretched across their chest and I couldn't help noticing they wore it with the awkward grace of someone unused to the attire.

I wondered what they usually wore. I wondered about their culture. Our culture.

Sebastian turned around at that moment. Whatever he saw in my gaze caused something dark to simmer in his gaze. If I was paying any attention, I would have thought it was jealousy.

He cut my perusal short with a curt, "Eleanor. These are men from your kingdom here to take us through the portal."

"Hi," I said, not knowing what to do with my hands. "Nice to meet you."

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