Chapter 23 - Cursed

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It's a casual day in Hogwarts. Yes, this school is full of magic, but during a rain storm everything seems different. It's dark and cold outside and it's the same way inside.

Inside gets pretty cold. Everyone in Hogwarts is hanging out in the Great Hall. "Why are we letting everyone stay up after hours, but only if they stay in the Great Hall?" McGonagall asks Dumbledore quietly, she doesn't want the kids to hear their conversation.

"There have been rumors of something out there, something dangerous, it's an unknown creature. There was a search party, but they also went missing. Missing kids, missing people... someone has told me to keep the kids together at night. In case of anything." Dumbledore explained.

"What could be out there?" Professor Sprout asked.

"Nobody knows. The only thing they know is that it's a very dangerous creature or thing or.. someone." Dumbledore explained. "Let's just make sure the kids are kept calm and we will just tell them we're having gatherings and sleeping in the Great Hall for a thanksgiving reason."

Which was working. All the kids are delusional about it. Thanksgiving is coming! So they all believed it since Dumbledore thinks of everyone in Hogwarts as family.

"It's fun; everyone here during a storm." Ron admits.

"Yeah. It's nice." Hermione agreed as she drank hot chocolate.

"Yeah.. it's dark, cold, a scary vibe, isn't it?" Sierra said trying to scare everyone.

"What are you on?" Devin questions.

Sierra has a malevolent smile. "Oh nothing. I was just thinking that the vibe of this reminds me of this story and a certain someone that I know of who comes out and does some horrible things in this weather." Everyone looks at each other.

"What's the story?" Harry asks.

"More like: who is this someone you know of?" Draco consults.

"La Llorona." Everyone was confused.

"Who?" Asked mostly by everyone.

"Wait. You guys have never heard of her? Let alone the story of La Llorona?" Sierra asked.

Everyone shook their head no. "How do you even pronounce that? You had an accent as you said it!" Ron stated, Sierra replied. "That's because it's a Spanish, Hispanic folklore."

Severus replies back: "Sierra, you're not even any of those cultures?"

Sierra nods. "Well... eso es lo que él dijo!"

Severus made a face. "That's what he said?"

"Shit.. look, anyways! I know I'm not those cultures, but it's a very very scary and true story! Because my siblings and I have seen her and my brother Nathan got attacked!"

Everyone didn't believe her. "Well, if I do ever find my siblings then they'll prove it to you! I didn't get hurt, but the only person that did was Nathan. He has a huge scar on his face now because of it!" Sierra explained.

"Wait, I remember when we were looking through pictures and we all saw that your brother Nathan had a scar! You even said that it happened from a tragic incident." Harry remembers.

"Yeah, the incident was that he got attacked by La Llorona!" Sierra replies.

"How old were you when it happened?" Harry asks.

"About... 4 or 5? It happened before my siblings disappeared. It still haunts me to this day." Sierra retorts.

"What's the story?" Ron consults. "Well.. I'll tell you the story of her. Then I'll tell the story of how my siblings and I met her." Everyone was now intrigued.

The Daughter Of A Potion MasterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora