Chapter 6 - Platform 9 3/4

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I was pushing a cart to a train station, where I will be heading to Hogwarts soon. "This is where I leave you. You'll be taking a train that will take you to Hogwarts. So you'll be okay." Snape assures.

I nod my head. "Yeah, don't worry, I'll be fine." I reply happily assuring him.

"I'll be seeing you at Hogwarts then. Goodbye and Happy Birthday." He says, then he walks away.

"Ready to go?" I asked Jane. Jane then yelled back saying: "Hell yeah!"

Before I pushed the cart I heard someone yell my name. "Sierra!"

I turned to see Harry! I yelled back calling Harry's name. He was also pushing a cart.

"Thank goodness I found you. I thought I was gonna be alone.." He said relieved, breathing heavily from pushing his cart.

It was full of stuff like mine, he had an owl and lots of luggage. I smiled back at him at his statement from earlier. I was thinking the same thing.

"Yeah, Hagrid said to go to Platform 9 3/4 -- but I don't think this station has one." Harry explains.

I then had a thought. "Then let's ask! We shouldn't be afraid too!" I replied. Harry agreed and we started walking.

We found a 9 platform and 10 platform, but no 9 3/4. Then we saw this family. It's a red head family.

Harry and I watched them from a distance. "This year is packed with muggles!" A lady said. Harry and I looked at each other.

"Muggles?" We whispered to each other: We followed them. They stopped at platforms 9 and 10.

"Go on Percy!" The lady demanded. We then saw one of the red headed children running into the wall!

Before Harry and I knew it, the kid, he just vanished! Harry, Jane, and I were shocked; eyes widened.

"Alright, Fred you're next!" The red head lady said.

"I'm not Fred! He's Fred!" said a red head twin.

"Honestly woman, you call yourself our mother!" The other red head twin replied.

"Oh.. I'm sorry George!" She apologized.

The red head twin then moved and before going, he said: "I'm only joking. I am Fred!" He then runs with a smile on his face as he runs into the wall with his twin not too far behind him.

Harry and I then went up to the lady. Harry being the first to say something.

"E-excuse me!" Harry stuttered. "Do you think.. you could show us.. how to." The lady finished for him.

"How to get through?" She finishes. We both nodded. "Oh, no problem, you two! It's Ron's first time at Hogwarts as well!" She then points at the red head kid that was our age who was next to us.

He nods. He then looks at me and he blushes. I decided to ignore that...

The red head lady then continued: "Now all you've got to do is run between the platforms 9 and 10." She explains.

She then whispered to us saying: "Give it a little run if nervous." Then the little red headed girl next to her said: "Good luck!"

We both nodded at her. Before running through the wall Harry and I looked at each other and nodded, we took a deep breath as we ran to the wall; we went through it!

As we stood still next to the wall, we just looked at each other in utter shock. We then slowly went to the other side and saw a train.

We looked at each other again with the biggest smile. "Wanna sit together?" Harry asked. "Yeah!" I replied. We both then put our stuff away and went inside the train.

The Daughter Of A Potion MasterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant