Chapter 2 - The Letter

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I woke up, seeing the beauty of the outside. I stretched my back as I accidentally woke up Jane. "Oh, I'm sorry, Jane... did I wake you?"

She rubs her eyes with her cat paws and smiles. "No."

"Alright then.." I look at the outside. I then looked at my bag. I decided to check something I've been wanting to check for the last 12 or 24 hours.

I opened my bag and took out the envelope that I found. "I wonder why she gave me this.." I then opened it and found a letter, I opened up the folded letter and looked at it, my eyes widened as I read it out loud.

"Hello Sierra,

If you're reading this, this means you are finally out of the house. I've contacted your father and begged him to take you in. After a long while of begging he finally agreed, he's taking you in. Here's his address. After having you for the past 10 years you now look just him and most likely will be just like him... and like my filthy brother. Go to him. Go to your father. Good luck.


I looked at it with eyes widened as Jane did too. "Are you gonna go to your Dad?" Jane asks.

I look at her. "It might be better than being out here. We might not last out here for a long time. It's better to live in a house, than to be outside and starve to death." I stated.

"Yeah..." She agrees as her cat ears went down. I put everything I needed in my bag. I put my bag around my shoulder. "Alright let's go." We started to walk out the cave. I looked around one more time in case I would never see the beautiful outdoors again.

We started to walk. It took about 16 minutes to get to the little city. I saw a police station. I thought: should I ask for directions? It's now or never.

"Alright, let's ask the police to help us, I have no idea where this address is. Now Jane, don't talk! I know it's just a hunch, but it's likely not normal at all for a cat to talk." I explain.

Jane nodded. Since Jane was still pretty small I put her in my bag as her head is sticking out. I walked in nervously.

I looked around inside the station and what catches my attention first are lots of little rewards and photos of police officers, some alive and some likely deceased.

I walked up to the front desk, the lady in front saw me. "Hello." She greets. "Hello.." I reply, finding myself to be nervous.

"Do you need something, sweetie?" She asked politely. I nodded. I had to think of a lie and fast! I know I'm gonna hate that sooner or later...

"Yeah, I came back from summer camp and the bus left me near around here. My mom told me I'll be going to my father's house this time, but they're divorced and I don't know where he lives, so could you possibly tell me where this address is?" I explain as I showed her the address. She nodded and took the map.

"So we are right here and the address is right here." She said as she shows me the direction to go. "Okay." I said as I looked at the map. She then looked at me weird, this caused me to freeze as I felt myself become stiff.

"Um, I'm sorry to ask but, why don't you have shoes? And why are your clothes ripped? " She asks pointing at my bare feet and torn up clothes.

"Oh! Well, you see.. as I came here I went through a forest. My clothes got ripped and my shoes got destroyed so I had to leave them behind. I need to get home soon." I explained.

Her expression changed from suspicion to sympathy. "Alright then, I hope you get to your Fathers safely." She says as she gave me the map and went back to her work. "Thank you!" I said happily but also did Jane.

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