Chapter 21 - Family Tree? Fights For Rights!

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It was a normal day at Hogwarts. With Sierra and her friends, they were all hanging out together at the common room. "Okay okay! Pick another one!" Sierra said as she gives Ron her hat that's filled with cut up paper.

Ron picks a random paper. Ron shows Harry, Ron then whispers something to Seamus and they both go up and act it. Sierra and all the Gryffindors are playing a game called: React and Act!

Sierra and the others wrote situations on a piece of paper, put it in Sierras hat and whoever goes next, chooses a paper and has to act it out. Ron and Harry are pretending to be lost in a forest. Ron speaking first. "Harry, this hunting trip is taking forever!"

"I know! No more water, food and we're lost in the middle of a forest!" Harry says, pretending to sound exhausted.

Ron then holds his stomach. "Harry.. I don't feel so good..." Ron pretends to faint.

Harry pretends to freak out as everyone giggles thinking what could happen. Harry pretends to call the police. "Hello?" Harry asks frantically.

Seamus pretend to be the police. "This is 911, what's your emergency?"

"I think my friend is dead!"

"Okay, well, you're gonna have to make sure that he is dead!"


Harry then pretends to take out a knife and repeatedly started 'stabbing' Ron. Everyone started laughing hysterically.

As some turned red from laughing so hard and some even crying. Soon after everyone settled down. Harry stops and says to the "cop" who is still on the line. "Okay now what?"

Everyone laughs again. "That was good!" Sierra comments happily.

"Thanks." Ron replies as he got up. "What was the scenario?" Jane asked.

"You and your friend are hunters. Soon you both lose food, water, and your friend is not feeling good, they faint you think they're dead then you call the police only for a misunderstanding about what the police meant by saying 'making sure they're actually dead' statement." Ron explained making everyone laugh.

"Okay okay! Another one!" Hermione says. Before they could continue, Professor McGonagall comes in.

"Sierra. I know you're busy but could you come with me? It's important! And yes, Jane you too." She explained.

Sierra shrugged. "Sure! I'll see you guys later!" Everyone agreed as they all waved bye to her and Jane. Sierra empties her hat and takes it.

While walking, Sierra puts her hat on and asks McGonagall: "What did you need me for?"

McGonagall looks at Sierra almost distraught. "I.. you'll see.." She retorted sadly.

Sierra was very confused. "I have a weird feeling about this.." Jane whispers to Sierra. Sierra agreed.

Once they got in Dumbledore's room. Severus, Dumbledore, and all the other professors were already there. "What's happening?" Sierra asks confused.

"Sierra.. we have some bad news.." McGonagall answers.

"What happened? Did something happen to Courage or Curious?" Sierra worriedly asks.

"No it's... worse than that." Severus replied. Sierra raised an eyebrow.

"What's worse than losing my own family?" Sierra questioned.

"Your Mother is taking custody of you.." Severus finally said.

Sierras eyes widened. "What? Did I hear you right? My... my Mom wants me back?" Sierra asked distraught herself.

McGonagall replies upset: "Yes, sadly.."

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