Chapter 9 - Professors Know

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I closed my eyes and concentrated on transforming. I didn't know what to transform into.

Oh! I'll transform into my favorite animal! A wolf.

I started to concentrate, thinking about a wolf. Their feature, their habits, everything that I knew about them.

Soon enough, I felt myself changing. My teeth getting sharper, me getting shorter, my hands turning into paws, even my insides changing and forming into the inner lungs of the animal.

Once I opened my eyes I saw everyone. It seems that I didn't turn into the average height for a wolf. I was huge!

I looked at everyone as their jaws dropped and I stared in fright. I immediately turned back.

I fell to my bottom as I felt myself breathing heavily.

"I'm... I'm an Animagus!" I yelled utterly shocked. "No way!" Jane yelled jumping.

"This is the coolest thing ever!" I yell. I was so excited that I didn't even notice the teachers were stunned in disbelief.

"Wait. Can I turn into more than one?" I asked myself.

McGonagall snaps out of it from hearing my question. "That's impossible!" She states.

"I'm gonna try anyway!" I quickly replied.

"What should I turn into?" I questioned quietly. Jane replies with: "A lion!"

I snapped my finger and said: "Got it!" I closed my eyes and concentrated again. I felt myself changing! Once I opened my eyes, I was in the form of a lion.

"Do the roar! Do the roar!" Jane chants as she jumps up and down excitedly.

I did the loud mighty roar that a lion has. I transform back afterwords. Jane starts jumping up and down with excitement I couldn't help but chuckle at her actions.

"This is amazing! Isn't it?" I turned to the professors but they looked worried. This caused me to become worried as well.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked frightened. "No! It's just..." McGonagall couldn't finish.

"It's very strange. You seem very powerful..." Dumbledore defended.

"You can do spells with no wand and you are an Animagus. Anyone who is an Animagus can only turn into one animal. Was that your first time transforming?" McGonagall asks.

"Y-yeah." I reply. I can tell they were all shocked.

"Really?! Your first time?" McGonagall repeats shocked. I nodded.

"I don't know whether to be worried or excited." McGonagall stated.

I looked down. "Is it bad that I'm like this?" I quietly say. It was silent. I broke the silence by screaming,

"What else don't I know about myself?!" I cry in confusion. The professors looked at each other as I was grabbing my head from anger.

"I don't know myself anymore! What else can I do what I'm not aware of?! Who am I?!" I panicked, I started hyperventilating.

"Sierra, calm down." Dumbledore softly says. I started to slowly calm down. "Ok..." I whisper.

"You know Sierra, that spell you did in flying class, the only person I knew that can do it was Dumbledore. I still wonder how you know it." McGonagall said.

She's likely trying to change the subject to calm me down. "You mean Arresto Momentum?" I asked. She nods.

"That spell is very hard to learn. For a first year to be able to do it with ease. It's very interesting!" McGonagall compliments.

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