chapter twenty seven

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After the almost unanimous decision of having to get food no matter what, regardless if sacrificing someone was the solution, Hayden found herself in the attic, lost in her own mind, preparing for whatever it was to come.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" A voice snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Please, tell me I'm not the only one who thinks this is total madness." She didn't take her eyes off the window.

"I know it seems crazy, but-"

"There's no 'but', Nat. I can't do it." She faced Natalie "There has to be another way."

"The winter won't be over so soon." Nat said, watching the snow falling outside.

"This isn't right." She shook her head.

"Look, I'm with you on this one okay, but we don't have a choice." Nat grabbed the girl's hand, hoping to give her some comfort.

"No." Hayden violently shook her head, trying her best not to cry.

"It's necessary. We need to eat."

"I won't." She continued to deny.

"Hayden, if you don't, you'll die." Natalie told her, looking deep into her eyes while holding both of her hands.

"Why do we have to participate?" She didn't want to give in "Why don't we just refuse to be a part of it?"

"No, Hayden, I think something bad will happen to you if you neglect them." Natalie immediately disagreed.

"What? How?"

"I think they'll go for you."

The fact that what Natalie suggested was likely possible, made the girl's eyes wide, she wouldn't pretend not to be afraid anymore.

"Hey, hey, it's okay." Having noticed the scared look on her face, Natalie pulled her for a hug "I won't let anything bad happen to you."

"Don't make promises you can't keep." Hayden said almost in a whisper, holding on tight to Nat.

"We're gonna be fine." Nat said, grabbing the girl's face and giving her a passionate kiss.

"We are about to start." Taissa appeared on the ladder, interrupting their moment.

Natalie gave a quick nod, letting her know they would be down right away, and took Hayden's hand to guide her downstairs.

In the middle of the room they were all gathered around a circle with some random objects representing gifts for the wilderness placed in the centre.

Hayden let go of Nat's hand, taking a place between Javi and Gen as Natalie stood by Taissa. Everyone remained silent while Lottie lit a candle in the middle of the circle and then grabbed an old deck of cards.

"So, this is how this is gonna work." Lottie announced "Whoever picks this card is the chosen one." Raising the first card on the deck, a queen of hearts, and making sure everyone could see it before putting it back.

The spacious room now seemed suffocating with everyone barely breathing while Lottie took a step forward, kicking off the ritual. The first one to pick a card was Misty. She immediately released a deep breath and showed her card to everyone. An eight of diamonds. She was safe.

Akilah was fast, quickly pulling a seven of spades and returning it just as swiftly, trying to keep any emotions from showing. The next one was Van, who picked a jack of hearts, earning a relieved look from Taissa as she exposed her card.

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