chapter nine

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The first thing Hayden did when she got up in the morning was look for Lot.

She was very worried about her, especially knowing Lottie. She was the sweetest girl ever, never mean to anybody and nobody disliked her. But she was also really lonely, she didn't have many real friends or people she could count on, just Hayden. 

That was why they were best friends. They were so different yet had so many things in common. Lottie was a little shy and usually had a hard time trusting people, and so did Hayden, but they developed a healthy relationship during the years and now were able to rely on each other.

Since the crash, they haven't really had the chance to spend much time together, once Hayden was out looking for food along with Natalie for the most part of the day. Of course she would constantly check on Lottie, and Lottie did the same for her, but they avoided talking about personal stuff, it was mostly just cheat chatting. Not that they were the type of people that would talk about feelings anyways. 

Hayden avoided feelings, and the only person she would very rarely open up to was Lottie, but their present situation was just too hard to even acknowledge, so talking about it was not an option. She would just pretend like nothing that serious was happening. Maybe that wasn't the best way of coping, but it was keeping her from completely losing her mind.

She found no sign of Lottie as she stood there on the porch looking around.

"Have you guys seen Lottie?" Hayden asked the girls there.

"That crazy bitch? She went to get some berries with Van and Mari." Natalie answered.

"Hey, watch what you say about her." Hayden gave her a warning.

She sat there, eating some breakfast, waiting for Lottie to come back, but it was taking so long.

"Duty calls." Nat called Hayden, letting her know it was time to go hunting.

"Just five more minutes." She really wanted to wait for her friend.

"You can see her later." Natalie shoved the gun in her chest. "Now, let's go."

Knowing it was no use to protest since she wasn't in the mood for an argument, she simply got to her feet and went for another day of hunting with Natalie.

Nat could've let Hayden wait for Lottie and meet her up later, it's not like she wasn't able to hunt by herself, but deep down she wanted the girl to be there. 

That was something that has been on her mind lately. Why did she wanted to be around Hayden, even if it was to fight with her? Natalie didn't quiet understand this strange feeling she's been having anytime she was near the Atkins girl and she avoided thinking too much about it.

"Okay, can we take a break? I swear it is like a marathon." Hayden caught her attention as she stopped to catch her breath.

"Um, sure." Nat agreed, leaning on a tree.

They sat in silence for a while, just resting, while Nat studied Hayden. The girl seemed very agitated, like she had a million thoughts running through her head . 

"Are you alright?"

"Huh?" Hayden was snapped out of her thoughts.

"You seem off."

"I'm fine."

"I know you're lying. If you were fine you'd be arguing with me or saying stupid stuff." Natalie had a point.

Silence was the only response she got from the girl.

"Look, I know it can be hard sometimes-"

"I said I'm fine." Hayden interrupted her while getting up.

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