chapter twenty six

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Things weren't getting any easier for the group stranded in the wilderness, quite the opposite, things were getting more difficult and the people becoming more demanding.

Hayden found it very challenging to be around everyone, especially Shauna. She was seven months pregnant by now and acting like a pregnant woman. They were on a stage of extreme coexistence, while being extremely hungry at the same time, and that combination was something that got on her nerves.

To be with Natalie was the only thing that made her excited. She loved spending time with the girl, and not even to make out, she loved that of course, but Hayden sensed that they were developing a pretty good relationship. She was learning how to talk and it wasn't bad at all, she actually enjoyed enrolling in deep conversations with Nat.

However, she also liked the silly little chats they had, nothing too deep, mostly just talking bullshit or telling each other embarrassing things.

Those moments were capable of making her forget about the hunger or the cold. Those were the moments she looked forward to in her day. She just loved being around Natalie.

"Ok, ok, hear me out..." Nat created suspense in the air as they walked through the snow "There was this one time when I got arrested for stealing cheap liquor from 7-Eleven."

"Oh my god." Hayden let out a laugh, finding funny how that was something the girl would totally do "If it was cheap, why did you have to steal it?"

"Oh Atkins, don't you know me?" She smirked "Do it for the thrill of it all."

"Ok but, how did you get away?"

"Well I didn't... I kinda got arrested and Van was the one to save me. Well, technically it was her mom."

"And you dragged Van into your shit? You are awful." Hayden playfully shoved her arm, still laughing.

"Yeah, it was awesome." She looked proud of herself "I bet you weren't expecting that."

"Please, that's the most Natalie Scartoccio thing I've ever heard." Hayden scoffed "But you wanna know something you'd never expect...?"

"Try me." Nat noticed the grin on the girl's face.

"I almost let Lottie finger me once."

"You what?" Natalie had to stop on her tracks to make sure she heard what she thought she heard.

"Well..." Hayden stopped too, facing the girl as she tried to explain "We were kissing and when I realized she was kind of on top of me-"

"You kissed Lottie!?" That kept becoming more and more surprising.

"She was actually my first kiss." Hayden admitted "And I never told anyone that. To be honest, I never even talked to Lottie about it."

"Wow..." Nat was now laughing "I was not expecting that at all."

"Told you..."

"So you're the girl she kissed. How did I never think of that?" She remembered Lottie saying something about kissing a girl once but never telling anyone who it was.

"It was just one kiss." Hayden shrugged "A very drunken one."

"But, um, have you ever, you know..." Hayden could feel a moment of hesitation before Natalie finished "done it with anyone before?"

"No. You were my first time." The words came out shyly, making Natalie smile at her, thinking it was adorable.

The thing is that Hayden always thought of sex as something worthy waiting for, that it should be special, not rushed. And that was exactly how she felt about her first time. It was great. It felt right. Natalie felt right for her.

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