13 || Cons Of Surrendering To Naps

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Six minutes

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Six minutes.

Five minutes.

Four minutes–

The bell rings; Skylar and I get up immediately and run down. Correction, Sky runs down while I try to walk fast. It's been five days since I injured my foot, but it still hurts occasionally, so being careful is the key.

We arrive just in time as the door opens to reveal Blaine and my father, carrying two black suitcases.

"You're here!" I throw my arms around his waist and rest my head on his broad chest. I did not know he would come today, but Mom hinted at it when waking me up.

Dad puts an arm around me, too, gazing warmly at me, "Serafina!" he says with a beam before his eyebrows scrunch together, "And what's this I heard about your allergic reaction?"

Shooting Blaine a glare, who simply shrugs, I turn back to him, "That was nothing. Plus, the paramedics arrived." I tell him, "And Blaine was right by my side,"

Dad regards him with a knowing look, his handsome face yet unmarred by aging as he claps Blaine on the shoulder, "Just like old times, huh?"

"You got that right," Blaine nods and I narrow my eyes, smoothing down the wrap dress I'm wearing. Just what 'old times' are they referring to? Goodness knows.

"Move people, I've got to meet him as well!" Skylar barrels through excitedly then, and her ponytail whips Blaine across the face. Whoops, I stifle a laugh when he touches his nose gingerly.

I look around, where's Mom? Josie walks out of the kitchen; she takes off her apron and hangs it on a hook before going to meet Dad, too. "Frank! How was your flight?"

Hmm, mom probably wasn't with her then. I'm about to go upstairs myself when mom comes down, a small smile on her lips. Sky, who was gushing about Iceland with Dad immediately steps to the side with a giggle.

"Christine," He says, holding out his arms. Mom returns his embrace, but...something's weird. I frown, she looks as though she'd rather be somewhere else than here.

Glancing at me, she clears her throat, "As you're here today, dear, we're having a mini celebration." She says, "Barbeque for lunch, and tacos for the night!"

Dad leans close to Skylar and me with a straight face, saying, "This is between the four of us but that's what I'm here for the food."

Sky grins, but my eyes are on Blaine for absolutely no reason. His face softens, "That's what he would say." he says quietly and the smile fades off my face.

Dad nods sadly, "I was thinking the same thing, son." He admits, "And–"

"Alright, alright let us not add sadness to this joyous time!" Josie says aloud, making me jump. Blaine clenches his jaw, his eyes returning to their solemn selves. I'd feel the same way, honestly. "The guests will be here any minute now,"

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