Chapter 47

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Kazuha and Scara's arms were wrapped around Heizou as he shivered in their embrace. His eyes were wide and his cheeks were wet from the tears that flowed down his face, but thankfully he has stopped crying. In all honesty, he wasn't even sure why he was crying. What was there to cry about? He paused, taking a moment of silence to think about it. Oh yeah, maybe cause his entire life is a lie, he doesn't even know who he is anymore and he was dead inside. Literally dead.

It was honestly quite pathetic, even for Heizou, and he was rather surprised when he didn't hear Scara's voice insulting him in any way possible.

It felt like hours must have passed when Heizou opened and adjusted his eyes to the darkness. Now that he has calmed down, he took a proper moment to observe his surroundings of the room. Piles of books and papers were spread all over the tables and the floor, and in the centre was a large creepy red ritual circle.

"Are you okay now?" a gentle voice mumbled. The burgundy haired boy finally looked at Kazuha in the eye and nodded, thankful for his and Scara's comfort. "Perhaps I can fill you in on some things."

"How long have you known about this place, Kazuha?" Scara asked, helping Heizou get up.

"Not that long. I stumbled across this room a couple days ago, and curiosity got the better of me. I spent an entire night here, reading the documents and books in detail. In didn't take long to figure out who the mysterious owner of this room was trying to resurrect..." Kazuha paused, glancing at Heizou. "But I never figured out who this mysterious person is, until today."

Heizou seemed confused. "What do you mean?"

"Kujou Sara and I...talked. She told me everything that has happened throughout the last month. You met up with Kirara, however Sara didn't see her. Only you did, and considering Kirara died years ago it raised all of our suspicions. Then Sara told us about the diary which confirmed the suspicions we had," Kazuha explained. "But Sara also said that the key Kirara gave you was originally from Miko. Then we saw Miko with the exact same key. How did the same key appear in two places, and how did Miko give Kirara the key if she died?"

Heizou thought for a moment. "If Miko also died?"

"Exactly. Miko didn't get exiled, she got executed. However Scara found a document about the creation of a 'Puppet Yae Miko'. Before she died she must have made a puppet version of herself to fulfil some kind of wish while her ghost, the real Miko, helped. Thats how the key was able to be able to travel between different places at the same time, because a ghost was transferring it here and there."

"What wish is she trying to fulfil?" Scara questioned, his curiosity peaked as well.

"The return of Her Majesty the Queen of course," Kazuha said, noticing how the Prince stiffened.

"But my mother told everyone not to find her," he argued.

Kazuha sighed and said, "Maybe she told you that because she knows wherever she is, she is safe. Or maybe she told you that because she knew it would be impossible."

Both Heizou and Scara were confused, clearly not understanding what Kazuha is trying to say.

"Your mother did not want to be found, because her disappearance was planned. Maybe she was trying to hide from something, maybe something was out to get her. However she disappeared on purpose with the intention to return," Kazuha paused. "And Yae Miko helped the Queen in her disappearance, and based on Miko's actions, now she is currently trying to help the Queen return from hiding away."

"And where do you think my mother could possibly hide? And the big question is why did he get revived!?" Scara muttered glancing at Heizou. The burgundy haired boy frowned, as he dramatically placed his hand on his heart acting as if he was hurt. But truthfully, part of it did hurt. He knew Scara meant it as a joke...but still.

Kazuha seemed hesitant to continue. "I'm not completely sure...but I have a theory." He stopped, and glanced at the two boys standing in front of him curiously. "Well...Heizou was the only outsider that discovered the creation of puppets. Miko must have pitied him due to such a tragic and unfair she gave him another chance."

Pausing, the white haired boy walked over to a desk and brought out a book. Flipping through a few chapters, he halted and began to read from one of the pages. "Life force energy, known by various names such as chi, prana or qi is the vital energy that sustains all living beings. In order to revive a person, one must acquire the living soul of another to extract into the deceased body."

Heizou's blood ran cold, as a wave of dizziness and nausea swept over him. His fingers began trembling, and he felt his own breath quickening.

"You're saying...that my mother's soul..." Scara whispered, his own horror and shock taking over as he slowly turned his head to look at his burgundy haired friend. "Is in..."

Before any of them could process the new information, the gate way to the suspicious room was suddenly bust open. A group of soldiers marched in, most of them holding sharp spears while the ones at the front had shields. They separated into two rows, and everyone's worst fear strode through the middle.

Her long, dark purple hair flowed behind her. Her violet eyes seemed to glow in the darkness of the room. A beautiful sword was tied around her waist, meanwhile the armour that cushioned her shoulders shone under the dim light of the lanterns.

"Found you."

Hope you enjoyed this chapter :)
I am going to try to update quicker but I am getting a bit busy these days so I hope you can bear with me ;-;

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