Chapter 42

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"Who told you I was alive?"

Miko's words were cold...empty...and chilling to the bone. Scara stood there, silenced by her words. His breathing seemed to be heavy and quick, and his head hurt. "E-excuse me?"

The Kitsune slipped out of the rope she was bonded to for so long as if she wasn't tied up at all. "How did you get out!?" the Prince yelled, automatically taking several steps backwards. His eyes darted left and right, trying to find something he could grasp onto and eventually came across a wooden pole which he aimed at Yae Miko. "How did you get out!? Who are you? Why are you..."

It didn't make sense. Nothing made sense anymore. Scara recalled the documents he found in that box. It said Yae Miko. It definitely said Yae Miko. Is she also a puppet? When was she created? Did she tell a lie as well? What in this world isn't a lie anymore...?

"My lord, don't look so startled," Miko said, slowly walking towards the dark haired boy. "Don't be afraid...I promise I'm still the same person."

"How did you get out!?" Scara yelled again, hands trembling as he held the wooden pole. Miko stopped in her tracks and sighed. " can be so stupid sometimes."

She paused for a moment, then continued to speak. "Your life, My Lord, is a chamber of secrets. A corridor of memories that need to be unlocked one by one. Finally, you have unlocked the entrance to that corridor. Now you just have to walk through it."


Heizou wasn't stupid. The moment he woke up he was met with a vast number of concerned, scared and worried faces. Kujou Sara had brought his unconscious body back to where Kokomi and the others were camping, and they seemed to have exchanged information before he had woke up. Now he knew nothing, and it annoyed him to the bone.

"Can somebody explain to me what had happened?" He sighed. The last thing he remembered was reading that diary and seeing those horrifying hallucinations. It still scared him, but he pushed those thoughts away.

"You fainted and I brought you back. Simple as that," Sara said bluntly, then she looked up. "I ain't lying."

Heizou felt his blood boil. The Tengu was purposely trying to trigger him by stating the obvious. He knew she knows something, yet nobody was informing him.

"How's Kazuha?" He asked.

"He's with Sayu in the prison," Sara responded.

"But it's dangerous," the burgundy haired boy muttered.

"You're dangerous."


Everyone turned to look at Kujou Sara as she said those words. "You heard nothing," she paused then continued. "There's nothing dangerous about the prison. I've worked there for years, Kazuha's worked there for years and even you've worked there for some time. No need to be worried."

"Goodness you're still thinking about Kazuha? Why don't you think about yourself for once," Shinobu groaned. "Every single day its Kazuha this Kazuha that...or Scara this Scara that. You have an obsession and trust me it needs to be fixed."

Heizou was a little baffled at her words, but at the same time he was immediately silenced. He hated the name Kazuha and Scara used in the same sentence. And not even his amazing intuition could deduct the reason why. "Is he okay or not. Thats all I need to know."

"I already told you he's in the prison with Sayu," Sara said.

"That doesn't answer my question! I want to know if he's okay? Not his location," Heizou snapped. He was a little surprised at his own bluntness. Perhaps he was affected by the diary more than he thought. After all...theres plenty of people living in Inazuma with the same name as him. It could have been anyone...

"Physically, he's fine." The Tengu responded. Heizou glared at her and said, "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Mentally...I don't think he's alright."


Kazuha lay on the cold stone floor of his prison cell. Sayu fell asleep a while ago, and hasn't woken up since. All that was in his mind was the conversation he had with Sara and Sayu a couple hours ago. Heizou...a ghost? Those don't even exist right? But at the same time he never thought puppets were real either until recently. At this point anything is possible.

Curious as he was, Kazuha got out the key to his own cell and opened the door. He simply couldn't wait anymore and he needed the truth. Something terrible happened several years ago, and he desperately needed to know.

Kazuha carefully grabbed a lantern from the side of a wall, and used it to light up the corridors to this prison. When he worked here as a General, he was forbidden from entering the deepest parts of the prison. But now he had complete freedom to roam around these areas which made it the perfect opportunity to explore.

After a while of walking, Kazuha came across a door. Peeking inside, he realised that this was the room that Kujou Sara had described: the room where the first puppets were created. However there was nothing more to explore, so he left the room and continued on.

Kazuha eventually arrived at another door. This door was more of a gate, made of dark wood with golden handles. On the floor next to the gate was a big golden lock that seemed to have fallen off the handle. It seems as if the last person to enter the room in front of him had forgotten to lock it as they left.

Pulling on the handle, Kazuha entered the door to be greeted a chilling atmosphere. It was as if something was manipulating his breathing and emotions, and he could immediately feel his fingers beginning to tremble.

On the floor, was a painting of what seemed to be a ritual circle in a suspicious red liquid. There were a number of tables surrounding this ritual circle, with piles and piles of books and paper. Cautiously, Kazuha reached for one of the books and flipped through it only to be taken aback by the contents within. After reaching for another one, he realised that all these books and papers were of the same genre: "How to revive a human being from the dead"

I just turned a book thats supposed to be about romance into a book about adventure and now horror 😭
I hope you don't mind all the action...but I promise that romance is still a key part of this fanfic

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