Chapter 43

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An outrageous storm was what awakened the burgundy haired boy this night. What he saw when he got up was like a ghost show: wind howling like a wolf and the branches of trees dancing and eerie dance. Heizou glanced at the rest of his friends, and found that none of them had been affected by all this noise and were still sleeping peacefully beneath the stone arch which they used as shelter.

However instead of going back to sleep, Heizou got up from the moss bed he used and headed to where the stream was. The flowing water and the sound of the rain against it calmed the boy down. He wanted his old life back. He wanted his simple life with Shinobu in their old village which was now destroyed. He wanted to visit the orphanage he grew up in. His heart sank upon realising that the children, people that he used to call his siblings, might be dead.

They died because of him. They died because he was ignorant. Heizou was suddenly reminded of his own past. How the name of the Shikanoin Clan collapsed due to him. The Shikanoin Clan was thrown away and forgotten because of him...or is that really what happened...?

Heizou didn't enjoy the amount of secrets and mysteries lie in this world. The memory of the diary still haunted him. He convinces himself that it was another person that happened to be called 'Heizou', however that simply isn't true.

At the time, a sudden memory entered his mind when he read the diary. The memory of him walking into the room, excited only to be met with emotions of horror and shock. But that memory faded as quickly as it came, and now he can't figure out why it was in his memories.

Heizou reminisced his old lie once more. The life where...Scara and Kazuha didn't exist. Part of Heizou felt as if the two of them were the best thing that has ever happened to him. The joy and happiness he felt when he lived with the two of them for those few months was surreal. It was something he has never felt before.

But another part of Heizou didn't want them to exist in his life. At first, he was attracted to Kazuha. The white haired boy was perfect: perfect face, perfect smile, perfect hair, perfect personality. Everything was perfect. Next he was attracted to Scara. The arrogance annoyed Heizou at first, but it was the attitude that he eventually fell in love with.

Heizou didn't mind dating both of them. And when he realised that Kazuha and Scara got along quite well he thought that the three of them dating was actually a possibility. But then he saw the signs...and to his dismay it didn't include him...


Kazuha needed answers. He has been pacing around the room for quite some time now, trying to come up with a conclusion.

Kujou Sara was correct - for once. Heizou is indeed not human, and even if he is he isn't an ordinary human. The diary proved that Heizou was killed by his own mother, and the reason why is because he saw something that he wasn't supposed to see. Because of the grief, his mother took her own life.

However, why didn't Heizou remember any of it? Why didn't he remember the day he was killed? If Heizou was killed, who revived him from the dead? Whoever it is, they didn't want to be remembered. And they didn't want Heizou to remember either. Was it his father? Did he manipulate Heizou's memories?

Kazuha recalled the information that he was given by Kujou Sara which included a detailed record of what Heizou claimed his past to be. He was forced to work in the Shoganate, where he saw horrifying torture methods being used on criminals. He didn't want to be a member of the Shogunate so he betrayed his clan in order to get out of the city and run away which lead to the downfall of the Shikanoin Clan.

But that didn't make sense, did it? What if he saw something else? What if he saw puppets being made and was silenced but somebody revived him from the dead and gave him a second chance. Whoever it was must also have a deep hatred for the Shogun.

Kazuha remembered details from when he was still in training. As a 14 year old boy, he remembered overhearing gossip from higher ups about the downfall of the Shikanoin Clan. How they were kicked out of the Shoganate Ranks because they committed unforgivable crimes like murder.

The white haired boy tugged at his own hair as the pieces fell in place. The reason the Shikanoin Clan was destroyed was because Heizou was killed by his mother. It was because his mother became a murderer.

So who is it that implanted fake memories into Heizou's head...?

Who do you all think it is? :)

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