Chapter 32

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Kazuha stared through the tiny slit through the stone in his cell. It was the only form of entertainment he had these few days, even if it was just a few stalks of grass and some bushes swaying in the wind. Sometimes however, an actual human would be seen walking past. Usually just guards having useless conversations, sometimes little girls coming to pick flowers.

The only food Kazuha was served is stale bread and potatoes. If he's lucky he'll get treated to week old rice and chicken. There was a tiny tap in his cell to drink from, but spiders often crawled out and the water often made him sick. He only drank it when there was no other choice.

As he used his fingers to tidy up his dirty and messy hair, footsteps could be heard outside. Glancing through the bars, a pair of black boots slowly stomped its way towards him. Once again, a flash of burgundy could be seen and an instant wave of anger surged through Kazuha's veins.

"Why are you always the one bringing me food?" Kazuha muttered under his breath. Heizou looked at him for a second then a smirk appeared on his face. "Because why not? Do you not like to see me?" He taunted. The boy opened the small hatch and threw some food in. "Eat up. You have a long day ahead of you tomorrow."

Kazuha frowned as he looked at the green orbs. "Whats happening tomorrow?" he asked. Heizou shrugged and said, "Its a show and tell of course. We're gonna tie you to a post and announce it to all of Inazuma. Don't worry about it. Worst that can happen is that you get humiliated for life."

Those were his final words before closing the hatch and walking away again. Kazuha was suddenly reminded of the day of the 'execution'. It was a blur, but he recalled how a group of Yashiro Samurai came charging in to stop it. Heizou's face could be seen through the crowd. His concerned eyes as he shouted Kazuha's name. How could he betray them so quickly...?

Kazuha didn't see Scara that day, but the mere thought of him sent shivers down the white haired boy's spine. Where is he now? Is he safe? Did the traitor kill him? Surely even the Raiden Shogun could not kill her own son...right?

Kazuha pushed the thoughts to the back of his mind and he focused on the current situation, even though there was nothing he could do to prevent the worst from happening.


Blood. Flashes of red was all that could be seen on the rubble, mixed with the scent of ash. The village that used to be thriving with life has now been destroyed and demolished. The very same village Heizou grew up in, the very same village Shinobu grew up in. The people they used to know have been killed. The people that cared for them have been killed. Everyone has been killed. Only the stench of their blood remains.

"What happened...?" Scara whispered. He stared at the rubble on the wagon in utter shock. Even the loud Arataki Numero Itto was cut silent. Heizou and Shinobu looked like they were about to jump off, but Miko and Ayato caught them in time.

"Don't go. There's a high chance this is a trap. And there might still be guards swarming around this area," Miko explained. The boy and girl looked at the Kitsune like she was out of her mind, and were about to protest but Ayato cut them off. "There's nothing to look for anyway. Everything here has been demolished," he said. It obviously only made things worse, so he continued with, "Whats more important? A village burned to ash or your friend?"

Neither of them answered such a question, but both retreated back into the wooden wagon. Both Heizou and Shinobu knew that the elder spoke the truth and so they gave up on trying. Scara however, looked a little more sympathetic despite his cold attitude. "When we rescue Kazuha, and if we succeed in our mission we can come back okay?" He said.

Heizou sighed, going back to his old self again. "Sure, I suppose. If we don't die that is." Scara smiled a little, and closed his eyes as if he was about to fall asleep. "Are you tired?" The burgundy haired boy asked. The Prince nodded in response, gently resting his head on the other's shoulder.

"There isn't time to rest now. Look ahead," Ayaka said. She shook the two boys before pointing into the distance. "We're less than a mile away from Inazuma City."

This is quiet a short chapter
Honestly I'm finding it difficult to add love in this fanfiction. I feel like I'm writing an entire anime 😭
Although this fanfic has at least 10 chapters before it's finished, I was thinking the next one could be based on games like Minecraft - (Written in the Stars will get its turn I promise 😅)
Tell me what you think <3

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