Chapter 1

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Bit of context about this AU:
Heizou lives in a small village outside the city of Inazuma
Scara is the wealthiest and is the Prince of Inazuma. His mother, Raiden Ei, is the Queen
Kazuha is a knight that serves Scara

Third Persons POV

"Thank you so much young man. This means the world for me and my family," the woman said. "Don't worry about it, you have mouths to feed," Heizou chuckled. She took her daughter away along with the food Heizou had offered her. There was a huge shortage in the village recently. Coal, water, materials and mainly food have been running low. In fact, several women have died from starvation just so their children can eat.

"You should really stop giving away food. We're going to starve," Heizou turned around to see Shinobu - his childhood friend - leaning against the wall. "They have more mouths to feed. We only have ourselves," Heizou replied, walking over to his green haired friend and helped her carry back the fire wood they had collected.

The two of them grew up together in an orphanage. It was a cozy place: nice beds, warm food, clean water. But you were required to leave at the age of 15. When Heizou was forced to leave, Shinobu had insisted on coming with him despite her being 14 at the time. "You're too careless to be on your own," she had said. Ever since then, the two of them had lived together in a small house in the village.

The village wasn't always so poor. It used to thrive with merchants and tradesmen from different towns. However, ever since the Queen of Inazuma cut the village off from the rest of the City, it was left to fend on its own. The people of the village were not allowed inside the City Walls, or even the field surrounding it. And so the citizens grew to hate the Royal Family and the wealthy people that lived happily in the City while they had to starve. Who could blame them?

Once they got back, Heizou went to collect some water in the stream while Shinobu went to prepare a small meal - boiled potatoes and a slice of bread (most likely stale). Sometimes if they were lucky, they would share some fish or a rabbit even.

The stream wasn't far away from their house. Ever since the well started to dry up, almost everyone came to the river to get water. Occasionally Heizou would come across people bathing in there. It was allowed of course...but it certainly wasn't a pretty sight. Every single time that happen, Heizou would remind himself humans can live for up to 2 days without water.

Today however, it was empty. All the fisherman must have gone back home to their families considering it was pretty late now. Heizou bowed down, collecting the water in a bucket when he felt a force come from behind. Before long, he found himself in the depth of the water sinking further and further and further. In a state of panic, Heizou began to try and grasp onto anything, but water was a liquid.

Suddenly he felt strong arms lock around his waist as he was pulled back up onto shore. "Hey, you good? Hello can you hear me? You're not dead are you!?" A voice could be heard. Heizou blinked and opened his eyes to find a boy, around his age looking at him with concern. The boy had short dark hair, and mesmerising blue eyes. Heizou was caught in a daze at the boy's looks. "I'll throw you back in if you don't talk."

At once Heizou rolled away from the dark haired boy's grasp and sat down on the grass - still soaking wet. "S-sorry.." Heizou stammered. "Hey..wait. Why am I saying sorry!? Aren't you the one who pushed me in-?"

The boy shrugged. "Ye ye, sorry I guess. That was by accident. I was in a rush and-" he stopped midway through his sentence. Then he immediately pulled his hood up and raced away. "Hey! W-wait!" Heizou yelled, getting up and sprinting towards the mysterious boy.

Heizou chased him across the field. When they got back inside town, the boy was pinned on the ground by non other than Kuki Shinobu. "What on earth is this dirty village girl doing!?" He snapped. "Who are you calling dirty!? The only dirty rat here is you!" Heizou snapped back, dragging the boy up from the ground by his cloak.

"Heizou, did you run into a thief or something?" Shinobu asked, inspecting the boy. After a bit of investigation, Shinobu froze. "What is it?" Heizou asked, slightly concerned seeing the look in her eyes. " your name?" She whispered. The boy smirked.

"Scaramouche, Prince of Inazuma. Pleasure to meet you."

This was supposed to be a story line in the HeiKazuScara Oneshots book I have, but I like the idea I had and wanted to make it as a proper story
Kazuha will appear a little later in the story so apologies to the Kazuha fans ;-;

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