Chapter 33

437 15 37

TW: Torture, blood

Kazuha was currently tied to a wooden pole, ready to be announced to the entirety of Inazuma City. Many of the guards were carrying leather whips and buckles, which were ought to be used on him. All the boy wore was a thin white tunic which wouldn't be in his favour when the torture begins.

As much as he was trying to stay calm, his breathing was gradually becoming more and more unstable. As a Former General, Kazuha has obviously been injured and heavily wounded countless times. What's the difference?

The sun's rays soon blinded his eyes, making it rather difficult to observe his surroundings. After just a little while, the scent of smoke filled Kazuha's lungs. The smoke was from a small torch that was tied onto the pole. Although it doesn't look dangerous, it could potentially burn the entire thing. He continuously coughed but was eventually shut up when something kicked him in the head. Upon close inspection, it was the ever so annoying burgundy haired idiot.

"...what are you doing here" Kazuha spat. Heizou shrugged, a small evil grin spread across his face. "It was my idea after all. Of course I get first row tickets," he said, laughing a bit before continuing. "Anyways. Be quiet. Her Majesty will soon be here. You do not have the authority to speak in front of such Royalty."

The white haired boy glared at the other boy, but there was nothing he could possibly do in such a terrible situation. "Tell me, Heizou. Have you always been allies with the Shoganate?"

Heizou returned the deadly gaze, responding with, "And why should I tell you?" After a brief pause he continued to speak. "Like I said. You do not have the authority to speak in front of Nobles. So shut up."

Kazuha frowned as he inspected the burgundy haired boy. Everything about him was the same, from his hair to his eyes to his voice yet something was different. Something told him that this Shikanoin Heizou was not the Shikanoin Heizou he once knew, though there was no evidence to support such a theory.

Eventually, the arena was beginning to fill with people. Some people just happened to walk by and got curious, while others seemed to have been waiting for this moment for days. Heck, even one family brought popcorn with them!

"What is wrong with these people..." Kazuha mumbled, his ruby eyes widening. He grew up in this City, and trained to become a Knight ever since he could remember. Yet he never recalled the citizens to be filled with rage and cruelty. No. He always saw them as kind people. Have they been brainwashed?

There wasn't time to ponder upon such strange questions, and he allowed his eyes to navigate the crowd. Part of him wondered if the Yashiro Clan was here to save him again. But the other part of him knew it will never happen.

Kazuha searched the Knights that were watching, wanting to find a familiar face. He heard rumours that General Gorou resigned from the job, so the person he was looking for was none other than Kujou Sara. But she was nowhere to be seen. Strange, where had she gone?

An announcement then took place, including a speech calling Kazuha a traitor to Inazuma and the rest of human society. Afterwards, a group of masked people came into the arena with all sorts of rather terrifying tools. Attempting to hide his fear, Kazuha bit his lip hard as he tried not to imagine what those metal tools are going to do to his body.

Eventually everything was set. However just before the torture was about to begin...


"Be quiet!" Scara whisper-shouted to the boy behind him.

"S-sorry. I've never been inside the city before and it honestly looks amazing!" Heizou exclaimed, earning another hit from the dark haired boy in front. "Ok I'll shut up..."

When they arrived inside the City, everyone split off into pairs so if they get caught it wouldn't reveal everyone else. Although they took different paths, their destination was all the same. They were all heading towards the centre of the City, which is a big arena with market stalls selling goods.

Luckily for them, a few members of the Yashiro Clan gave them a change of clothing so that they look professional rather than some random villager wearing a dirty tunic. Ever since that day, Yashiro Clan members went into hiding. They rebelled against the Queen so guards would be hunting them down. Not only that, but their leader had also disappeared. Hiding was the only chance of survival.

Heizou had to hide his excitement as they headed towards the City Centre, as the two boys already earned several weird glances and suspicious glares from the Shoganate Knights. "How far away is it?" He eventually asked, getting tired of walking so long.

Scara rolled his eyes, replying with, "Just a few more minutes. You can handle it."

When they arrived at their destination, a gigantic crowd surrounded the arena. "Strange. Usually it isn't so full of people," Scara commented as he scanned the mob of citizens. Both boys were desperately trying to find the others, not wanting to be alone if things get messy.

"Scara, look. I see Gorou and Kokomi over there," Heizou pointed towards the far end. "It's not just them. The Kamisato Siblings, Sayu and Thoma, Itto and Shinobu. I think we're the last ones to arrive." The burgundy haired boy along with the Prince walked there as they reunited with the rest of the group.

"Why the long face?" Heizou asked as he observed everyone's look of distress. He looked in towards the direction the others were looking at. There in the centre of the arena was none other than Kazuha, tied to a pole, covered in blood.

PLAYABLE CLOUD RETAINERRR!! She looks so beautiful 😭

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