Chapter 10

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(Somebody's) POV

I watched the beautiful city from above, as I sat on the side of a cliff. "Hey! #######! Watcha doing?" He said, sitting down beside me.

"Just watching the city. This place is truly beautiful," I responded, smiling a bit beneath my mask. "Ehhh its not that amazing. But I guess comparing it to Inazuma, it is a lot better," he said.

"You've been inside the walls of the City in Inazuma?" I asked, slightly surprised. "Yep! Butttt I was arrested for a reason. The laws in that Nation is absolutely trash. Luckily I somehow sneaked on a cart and travelled here...somehow," he laughed, then paused. "Hold on, aren't you from Inazuma too? You look like you do."

"Goodness, you finally grew some braincells," I responded rolling my eyes. "But yes, I was." My heart felt heavy when I remembered my hometown. I wonder how they are doing.

"Boss! Boss! Boss!!!!" A shout could be heard from the distance. "Calm down! Catch your breath. What is it?" He said frowning, snatching the newspaper from the other's hands.

"The prince! He's back!" he gasped slightly then laughed. "Well isn't that a relief! What would Inazuma do without its prince!"

Except I felt my heart sink. My lungs felt weak, and I forgot to breath. The Prince is back. This means...


Third Person's POV

Gorou placed a gigantic piece of paper onto the table, and got out some pens and ink. Heizou had requested for him to draw part of the castle, so that he has an idea of where everything is. "Don't worry, I know the place like its the back of my hand. However, I'm afraid I do not know any secret chambers or whatnot."

The former general drew part of the castle in detail, making it easy to tell where everything was. "Where is Scara's room?" Heizou asked. "Its over there," Gorou said, pointing to a place in the drawing. "There is a door which leads into a wide corridor. Then at the end of it, there is another door which finally leads to his room."

"How many guards are guarding it? And if there is a window, what is outside?" Heizou questioned. It felt almost like an interview. "Around 4 guards outside the first door. And 2 outside the second. Underneath the balcony should be a row of bushes and trees. Nothing too interesting," Gorou responded.

Heizou nodded, as if deep in thought then sighed as he plopped himself on the wooden floor. "This is so annoying! How on earth am I actually supposed to smuggle a Prince out of the palace AND the city?" He whined. Gorou sighed, and sat next to the red haired boy.

"Say, why do you care about them so much?" The Former General asked. Heizou paused, thinking for a second. Truthfully, he has never thought about this question before. Why does he care for them so much? They've only known each other for around 2-3 months.

"They' friends? And my roommates," the red haired boy responded. Gorou smirked slightly, but tried to hide it. "Why are you smiling!? Did I say something wrong?" Heizou pouted. The dog eared boy laughed, dismissing the matter. "Its nothing, don't worry about it."

Heizou suddenly became serious, and bowed his head. "I guess they're more than friends. I don't know..." He admitted. "Enough about this! We need to come up with a secure plan to get them back don't we?"

Gorou nodded in response as he got up again. "I do rememeber somebody mention a passageway from the Palace to the Park. That way, we can sneak the Prince out. But-"

"No. Terrible idea. Our first priority should be Kazuha. He is a knight who is skilled in fighting. If we get him, then it will be easier to get Scara out too considering they were best friends once," Heizou felt another strange feeling of annoyance upon saying those words. "It is more likely for Kazuha to be tortured, and unlikely for Scara to be tortured since he is the Prince. And surely every mother would care for their sons right?"

Gorou narrowed his eyes. "Actually...I do know several entrances to the Prison."

"You do!?"

"I worked there, of course I do. Don't underestimate me."


Kazuha sat against the wall. A chain locked his hands against a frame in the wall, just long enough for the white haired boy to reach the tiny bed. The prison was dirty, and smelled disgusting.

Not to mention the terrible food consisting of either a piece of bread or a potato twice a day. Perhaps some rice if he was lucky. Kazuha sighed, wondering if this was the life that Heizou once had. The life without proper meals.

"Well hello there." Kazuha looked up to see another prisoner peaking through a small window in the wall between each cell. "Hello?" He responded.

The prisoner frowned for a moment as they stared at Kazuha. "Wait, aren't you Kaedahara? You know, the General that arrested me?" The white haired boy looked up to see a pair of beautiful ocean blue eyes, fading to a pale pink. Her hair was of a similar shade, except with more pink than blue.

"My name is Sangonomiya Kokomi. Former Priestess of Watatsumi Village," Kokomi introduced herself, even though Kazuha knew very well who she was. "How did you get arrested again?" Kazuha asked, out of both curiosity and guilt.

"In case you don't remember, I was arrested because my village was wealthier than the City," Kokomi responded in her usual calm and angelic voice. "However, that somehow triggered Her Majesty and arrested me."

Kazuha stayed silent. He thought about how stupid he was for doing what he did, and couldn't help but feel guilt rising in him. "I...assume you betrayed the Queen in some way?" Kokomi asked gently. The white haired boy nodded.

"I...was stupid at the time," he eventually confessed. Kokomi nodded in the other cell. It was quiet after that. Nobody spoke a word to each other throughout the rest of the evening.

"I'm...sorry," he whispered, but part of him knew that Kokomi was probably already asleep.

Kazuha suddenly thought about Heizou, and Scara. He begged that Heizou was safe, and he begged that Scara was hiding in the village with him. If only that were the case.

In case you don't know already,

Until I see you Again - a Kazuha x Heizou book I made - has been deleted

Written in the Stars - a Heizou x Scara x Kazuha (6reeze band AU) book I made - is going to be rewritten. All the past chapters have been deleted

I apologise if you liked these, but I promise I will rewrite Written in the Stars after I complete this fanfic.
Thats all <3

Spectator || HeiKazuScara || Genshin Impact Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ