Chapter 29

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"Kazuha? You mean...the General of the Shoganate Army?" Gorou asked. Sayu nodded in response, and said, "Yes thats right. I'm not sure why they would capture their own General, but-"

"What the fuck!? What the actual fuck!!" Scara suddenly blurted out. "What do you mean Kazuha's currently in prison!?!? He's right here!!" He pointed directly at Kazuha. A chill ran down everyone's spine as they looked at the white haired boy. He was unmoving, but his pupils shrank and all of a sudden it seemed like he was devoid of colour. "You don't think I'm a puppet do you?!" He yelled out.

"Sayu...what did the Kazuha from the City look like? The one thats in prison..." Heizou asked. Sayu voice was no more than a whisper as she said, "I wasn't able to get a proper look...but I'm certain he looks exactly like this one! But he had w-wounds and bruises all over him."

"The Queen wouldn't hurt an ally surely? This means that the one in the City is the real Kazuha. And we've already confirmed somebody is leaking information so-" Heizou began, but was cut off as Sara pounced forwards and struck the boy to the ground, narrowly dodging a blow. It seems 'Kazuha' had unknowingly unsheathed his sword, and attempted to injure the burgundy haired boy.

"Get. Away." Ayato threatened, unsheathing his weapon as well. In fact, everyone was now alert. 'Kazuha' furrowed his eyebrows as he observed the people in front of him. Gripping his sword tightly in his hands, he leapt backwards and rather than attacking he fled the scene. Itto and Gorou were about to give chase, but Ayato stopped them. "Don't. It will only split us up and give the Shoganate an advantage."

Scara was obviously traumatised, and eventually his legs couldn't hold his weight as he collapsed onto the ground. "D-does that mean...this entire time Kazuha was f-fake?"

"No. Not...entirely. The switch happened amongst the chaos during the escape of Inazuma City. Ever since fled Inazuma, and ever since we've been in the old forest Kazuha was a fake..." Heizou responded, his voice shaky. Both seemed devastated, however they also seemed relieved to know that this friendship wasn't entirely false.

"Enough of this. If Kazuha is still in the prison, then our first priority should be him. The Fake-Kazuha is already on the move meaning we need to get to the City as soon as possible," Kokomi said. Ayato nodded in agreement, and said, "Yes thats right. We set off tomorrow. For now, rest well and eat well."


Heizou listened to the soft sound of the water as he sat on the branch of a small tree. It was a place 'Kazuha' used to sit, and the burgundy haired boy couldn't help but feel warmth knowing that fact. Yet it also scared him knowing that the sweet, loving boy he was so close to was a fake the entire time. Most of the time at least.

The thought lead on to a memory. That night when he was sitting by the campfire, and 'Kazuha' walking up to him. Heizou felt the ponytail Kazuha did that night, and recalled the word 'Tomo'. "What is...Tomo?" Heizou wondered aloud.

"It's not what is Tomo it's who is Tomo. Tomo's a person, it's a name," Scara's voice sounded from below the tree. The Prince climbed up, and sat on the opposite branch where Heizou was sat. "And to answer your question. Tomo was an old friend of Kazuha's."

"An old friend? How come he's never mentioned this to me..." the burgundy haired boy mumbled.

"It's a sensitive topic. Tomo...he died. To be perfectly honest he died because he lost to a battle before the throne. And the 'Queen' killed him because of that," Scara explained. "Thats why we became's because my 'mother' killed his best friend. But when we learned that it was my Fake-Mother that killed Tomo, I felt relieved to know our friendship would be fixed again. But I never expected that the Kazuha who knows the truth is also a fake." He spat those final words.

"How does the Fake-Kazuha know so much about Tomo then? I suppose the 'Queen' killed him, but she couldn't have known everything about Tomo," Heizou narrowed his eyes, as he thought about it. "Does that mean there were camera's hidden around the palace?"

Scara held his breath upon hearing Heizou's deductions, and his body became tense. "Don't hide it anymore Scaramouche. You're a puppet too, are you not?"

Man, I just love cliff hangers. This chapter's a little short but the previous one was long so that makes up for it!
I feel like I'm writing an entire anime rather than a fanfiction ;-;

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