Chapter 30

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TW: Tortore?
"P-pardon?" Scara's voice was tense and quiet as he cautiously spoke those words. It was barely audible, yet Heizou heard it loud and clear, and so he repeated the question. "You. You're a puppet are you not?"

Scara lifted his head to look at Heizou in the eye. The burgundy haired boy was indeed dead serious, and the gaze almost scared the Prince. His eye's widened immensely, and he quickly spoke up. "N-no! Why would I be a puppet? Are you out of your mind?"

"Don't hide it. I've known since the day we met," Heizou said. "We bumped into each other at night time by the river, so it would have been freezing considering it was early spring at the time. If a regular human breathed, smoke would be seen yet there was no smoke when you did which proved you never breathed in the first place. Thats only 5% of the evidence I have, so no need to explain yourself."

Scara suddenly jumped of the tree as if he was ready to flee, but Heizou stopped him. "W-wait! Don't go!" Scara looked petrified, and he struggled against the other's grip. "Let me go bastard!"

"Scara, stop moving!" Heizou yelled back. Upon realising there was no way to escape, Scara fell limp in Heizou's arms. "I promise I'm not leaking information at all! I promise I promise! I swear on the life of everyone in this camp that I am not leaking any information!" His voice was shaky, but loud and it surprised the burgundy haired boy how big of a deal this was.

"I know, I know you aren't. I know you're innocent. Now please calm're going to wake everyone up," Heizou shushed the boy, grasping onto his hand not allowing him to run. There was a few moments of silence, before Scara whispered in a hoarse voice. "You don't...hate me for this do you?"

"Like I said I've known since the very beginning. If I did hate you, I wouldn't have been friends with you in the first place!" Heizou said, smiling a little wanting to cheer up the dark haired boy. "I always knew you weren't human, and I always knew that you had a good heart, Scaramouche."

When Scara's full name escaped his lips, the latter felt as if he was in heaven. He looked up at Heizou, acknowledging his emerald eyes and perfect facial features, and that dashing smile that always put Scara in a daze. "Don't...tell anyone. Please," he said, and the burgundy haired boy agreed with a nod.

"I promise I won't tell anyone," Heizou responded. "We're leaving to find Kazuha tomorrow, so you better rest well." Scara nodded, and the two boys leaned against a tree. The Prince fell asleep rather fast, and it surprised Heizou when his head fell onto his shoulder.

A wave of warmth rushed through Heizou's veins. He didn't dare to move, what if Scara woke up? This beautiful moment would be ruined in an instant! But despite this his muscles tensed up, and his face unconsciously flushed bright red. Heizou stared at the dark haired boy, looking so peaceful in his slumber, and couldn't help but lean forwards to...

Heizou stopped himself immediately, and pulled back. A sudden pain shifted in his chest as if he had just been stabbed with a knife. He wasn't stupid to ignore his own feelings, but he wasn't stupid to ignore Scara and Kazuha's either. All the signs were placed before him, and nothing could be done to break such a chain of love. In reality, Heizou was just a spectator in their love story. And nothing could be done to change that. Nothing.


Kazuha woke up to a soldier kicking him harshly in the stomach. The boy coughed up a good amount of blood, before daring to meet the man in the eye. "Eat. Now."

A metal bowl was thrown across the ground. Rice and a bit of boiled chicken spilled out onto the ground, forcing the white haired boy to eat of the ground. He was used to it after all. He was used to being treated like dog. A slave. An animal. Nothing more than an animal...

How long has it been? Kazuha looked behind him to check the stone wall. Tally marks were printed all over the stone, made with a small bit of chalk he found lying on the ground. Slowly, he counted it. 5...10...15...20.......75...80..81..82...83.

And today marks the 84th day. Kazuha almost forgot how to speak. His throat was constantly sore, bruises and wounds covered his body meanwhile his vision seemed to get blurrier and blurrier each day. His exhaustion has led him to faint several times each week. However, he still had motivation to keep going in hopes of somebody coming to rescue him. He once vowed he will fight to protect the Young Lord until his very last breath, and he was going to keep that vow.

Until he saw a familiar face. He saw Heizou, walking through the prison. Chin lifted high, eyes beaming. "H-heizou?" Kazuha whispered. His entire body was suddenly washed with relief and happiness as he leapt forwards. "Heizou! Are you alright? What happe-"

Kazuha's words were cut short as he was pushed onto the ground. "Don't touch me, filthy rat," he snapped. The white haired boy felt his stomach flip and he held onto the cool, metal bars. "Heizou, have you gone mad? Is this...a disguise?"

He didn't respond, and walked past Kazuha to a different cell. It was Sayu's cell, a girl he was well acquainted with. Sometimes at night, the two would start talking. About their life, their origins, their family. Sayu was like the little sister he never had, and to hear her screams sent Kazuha into a rage.

He banged again as the bars as he screamed, "HEIZOU! Get your hands of her! S-stop hurting her, Heizou do you hear me!?!?" He began to kick the metal, crying and screaming like a madman desperate to get out and rescue the girl. Perhaps an hour had gone past when he collapsed onto the ground. Heizou had left, meanwhile nothing could be heard in Sayu's cell. All hope was lost. Heizou was a traitor, and that probably meant Scaramouche was dead. Sayu was most likely dead. And he wanted to be dead too.


Added a bit of fluffy-angst at the beginning followed by a bit of the real Kazuha! Its been so long since we last saw the real thing 😭
Also apologies for not many updates on Written in the Stars. This story is currently my first priority, and I will move onto that one when I complete this one (that one will have a lot more fluff, but less action. There will still be quite a bit of angst though)

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