Chaper 18

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Kazuha clenched his fist. For the past two days, he had been wandering in the forest in hopes of finding the friend Heizou so desperately wanted to see. Kazuha wasn't sure who it was, but he did know that his friend was part of the Shoganate Army. He wondered how Heizou became friends with a member of the Knights in the first place.

At first, Kazuha was reluctant. He didn't want to make everyone upset with his fake 'death' and he certainly didn't want to cause trouble for the Former Prince. Yet the white haired boy had first hand experience what it would be like to never reunite with somebody you once cared for, which is the main reason he agreed to this in the first place.

The sudden emptiness and fear that took over Kazuha told him that whoever he was looking for had arrived. He looked up, slightly intimidated by the tall, powerful appearance. But all that disappeared when he saw the familiar face of a certain Tengu.

Kujou Sara eventually locked eyes with the white haired boy, and for once she showed a sign of pure confusion. It happened so suddenly, that Kazuha wasn't sure it even happened. The quick sign was soon replaced by a repelling wave of disgust, though it showed from both sides.

"What are you doing here!?" Kazuha half snapped half gasped. But the General looked just as surprised and dazed as he was. She grabbed her bow and a few arrows, and leapt onto Kazuha. Usually, he would have either dodged or attacked back. But due to the injuries that had just healed and the fact that he was unarmed, left him vulnerable. He was - quite brutally - tackled to the floor with an arrow ready to be shot into his throat.

Kazuha yelped in pain as Sara's sharp heals jabbed into a recovering wound, and he writhed in the Tengu's grasp. "Don't. Move. Or else I'll shoot." She muttered. "Now tell me, what are you doing here?"

"Why should I tell you?" Kazuha said, his voice deadly calm. "If you don't tell me, I'm taking you back as prisoner," Sara responded.

Kazuha cocked his head against the soil. "And if I do tell you? Am I still going back with you as prisoner?" He said. The General stayed silent, but her glare became more intense. "I'll take that as a yes."

Kujou Sara growled, as she kicked Kazuha in the stomach earning a painful whine. "Brat. You're coming with me." Kazuha attempted to get up but was then thrusted back onto the dirt. "G-get off me you bastard..." he groaned.

Sara grabbed Kazuha by the wrist, and was ready to wrap handcuffs around him when he spoke. "I'll tell you why I'm here. And strangely enough I bet its the same reason why you're here too."

The Tengu tilted her head as mock curiosity. "Go on. I would love to hear it."


Miko had told everyone else Heizou's strategy. Despite it making sense, the risk was high which ended up in Heizou being yelled at for at least an hour. When the Fox Lady revealed the name of Heizou's old friend, he got screamed at even more.

But all that did was make Heizou more confused. "I'm telling you! Kujou Sara will understand!" Heizou had tried to protest. However, nobody wanted to tell him what a terrible person the Tengu had become.

The silhouette of many figures could be seen through the thickets of the forest up ahead, and the fact that the two figures was Kazuha returning with what seemed to be the General. This left everyone in a daze.

"So this is where these idiots have been hiding..."

Heizou locked eyes with Sara, the two maintaining eye contact in utter silence. Everyone else was silent too, probably from surprise at the General's sudden appearance.

Heizou found many significant changes about Sara. Her long hair was cut short, she seemed to have grown a lot taller meanwhile the past joy in her eyes seemed to be replaced with an odd sense of constant anger. But for the first time, that anger was gone. It was replaced by something he would describe as relief and warmth. And that was it.

Heizou leapt up and pounced onto the Tengu, hugging her just like any old friends would do. "Heizou...?" Sara whispered slightly as she was thrown onto the grass. "You're actually here...!" Heizou cried.

Kazuha shrank back, walking away to stand next to Gorou who looked just as bewildered as he did. The three of them had been working together as Generals of the Shoganate Army for years, but despite this it was the first time any of them had seen Kujou Sara actually show any emotion.

"...Do you ever wonder if she was a good person before she became General?" Kazuha mumbled. Gorou growled, and turned his head away in absolute disgust. But he didn't deny it. Everyone was thinking the exact same after all.

Kazuha felt a hand nudge his arm, and he turned around to see Scara clinging onto it. "You don't know how relieved I was when Heizou said you were alive..." he whispered, burying his face into Kazuha's clothes. "Don't do that, your face will get dirty," Kazuha said as he tucked some stray hair behind Scara's ear. The Former Prince sighed as colour dusted his cheeks.

After everyone gained their composure, Heizou gleefully introduced everyone to his old friend. Much to his dismay, nobody seemed satisfied. It seemed like everyone, apart from Heizou, knows the terrible things this Tengu did.

"Heizou. I am completely willing to trust your judgement...but are you sure this is the right person?" Ayato mumbled, glaring at Sara with his deadly blue eyes. "I can't believe you invited her of all people," Scara snapped. Many more disdainful protests circled the forest, leaving Heizou overwhelmed with uncertainty.

Finally, Kokomi stepped forwards. "Heizou, let us introduce you to her instead. You clearly don't know her well enough," she said. Usually Heizou would argue, yet his misunderstanding created this entire mess. Kokomi continued. "This woman, who you call your old friend. Is the General of the Shoganate Army. Tortured at least 150 criminals. Watched at least 200 get executed. And killed the children of over 400 criminals."

But Kokomi wasn't done. "This woman, who you call your friend, burned down my entire village and either killed or arrested every soul living in it. This woman, was trying to hunt down Gorou and Kazuha for 'betraying the Queen'. This woman, was the one who led the search for the Prince. This woman, is the bloodthirsty guard dog of the Almighty Queen."

Kokomi looked at Heizou's glassy eyes. "This woman, is your old friend."

Do you think Kujou Sara will have a change of heart? Do you think her ideals has a meaning behind them? Do you think she has a secret only she knows about the Raiden Shogun? What will it be :D

I might start re-writing Written in the Stars so please check it out and check if I do! If I do, it will be a slow progress because this story is currently my first priority. Okay thats all <3

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