Chapter 26

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"Tell us everything you know," Scara demanded. The morning sun was shining brightly, and everyone was sat in a circle as they tried to think of a solution to the current problem at hand.

"Don't look so serious My Lord! Give me a break..." Miko sighed, rolling her eyes. "I don't know that much. I was suspicious of the Queen for a long time. I grew up with her, so it was only natural for me to sense something was wrong. Eventually my suspicions were confirmed, which also resulted in me being exiled and sent to the village."

Heizou spoke up. "You said you told somebody before you left. Who are they? What are they doing right now? Have they been caught and if not why?"

Miko gritted her teeth and forced a smile. " I hate young men these days..." she cleared her throat. "I told a colleague, called Kirara. I have no idea what shes doing right now, but I did tell her to investigate further after my exile. I have no idea if they've been caught, so I can't answer the latter either."

"Is there a way you can get in contact with this...Kirara girl you speak of?" Ayato asked, to which Miko shook her head in response. "In that case, our first step would be try to get as much information about Kirara's current state right now. If she hasn't been caught, we must find a way to contact her."

Kazuha frowned. "How would we do that? There are knights guarding every inch of Inazuma at the moment," he said. Everyone turned to look at Kujou Sara, who returned the gesture with a sour expression.

"They don't know you've betrayed them right?" Gorou asked. Heizou rolled his eyes and said, "Of course they know! Sara insisted on going alone into the place where the 'criminals' are, then the next moment she was speeding of in a carriage with 10 'dead' people. Then she was never to be seen again, and the 'dead' bodies were never found either. Surely they aren't that stupid."

Kazuha nodded in agreement. "I can assure you of that. The Shoganate Army have people trained to use their intellect on a certain thing. For example, strategy or deduction." He turned to look at Heizou upon mentioning 'deduction', since it was what Heizou was forced to train working as a detective. "Some people will realise what has happened in just a few moments."

Kokomi flipped her hair behind her back, and walked to the center of the circle. "I suggest we figure out where Kirara is, then proceed to actually find her. That is our first priority. We need more allies."

"General, where is Sayu?" Thoma suddenly asked, turning his head to look at Kujou Sara. The Tengu, bowed her head. "Shes...been detained. I do know her whereabouts, but I don't know if she's...alive." She whispered the final words.

The Kamisato siblings and Thoma's eyes instantly bulged. Sayu was a girl that Ayato and Ayaka's parents found on the streets as a baby, and they took her in to train to become a spy working under the Yashiro Commission. When the previous head of the Yashiro Clan died, it was the siblings and the housekeeper that took care of her and raised her.

"In that case we need to rescue Sayu first, no? Then we will find Kirara. If possible, we'll gather more allies. We'll investigate the Queen along the way, and finally we will take action upon that...good plan?" Heizou said looking around, happy to see many agreeing with him. Scara looked slightly annoyed that his Mother would be last on the 'to do' list, but if he were to make the plan he would use the same strategy.

Scara spoke up. "Thats easier said than done. For example, how are you going to figure out where that Nekomata is?"

"Simple. Nekomata's resemble cats, so she probably has the stealth, speed and agility as a cat as well as sharp senses. Considering all that, we can assume she has not been captured yet. Yae Miko says Kirara is a colleague of hers, meaning she once worked or still is in the Narakumi Shrine since thats where Miko worked," he paused to take a breath before continuing.

"I'm sure the imposter Raiden Shogun isn't stupid, so she would immediately assume that people in the Shrine have been informed about Miko's suspicions. To avoid these accusations, Kirara must have resigned from the job. This tells us that Kirara is no longer working in the Shrine, and to be extra cautious she would have burned all records of her ever working there."

Everyone's eyes were on Heizou as he carefully deducted these results. "And how do you know she burned the records?" Scara raised an eyebrow.

"Kujou Sara is a workaholic, and has probably memorised everyone's records of by heart now. Considering she has no idea who Kirara is, tells us that the records of her have been burned." Heizou responded. Shinobu glanced at Heizou, and her eyes told everyone that she was frowning beneath her mask. "There's a problem with that. Fire is prohibited in the City of Inazuma. That means that these records couldn't have been burned, but rather thrown out," she said.

"If I were her, I wouldn't have risked simply throwing away my record. Instead I would burn it to ash. To put it simply, Kirara has a friend that she trusts to burn the records. If she can trust them, then it means we have an extra ally," Heizou said. "Since her records are gone, she would need a new record. That leads us to believe she has a new name, identity and home to avoid suspicion."

Ayato nodded, agreeing with that factor. "If Kirara can only trust one person, that would mean she has no choice but to live with that person," he mumbled. Heizou's eyes beamed. "Exactly!"

"So she is currently living with somebody else, and that somebody else is a potential ally. Except who is that person and where are they?" Kazuha asked. Heizou grinned and leaned forwards. "Can you guess~? Where is the only place where any source of fire is allowed?"

The white haired boy narrowed his ruby eyes, deep in thought. "Fire...fireworks? Wait-"

"THE NAGANOHARA FIREWORKS," Scara suddenly shouted, cutting Kazuha off. He quickly closed his mouth, face flushed from embarrassment. "Bingo!" Heizou exclaimed. "And who owns the Naganohara fireworks?"

"Naganohara Yoimiya."

Sorry its been over a week since I last published a chapter ;-;
Buttt now we got Yoimiya into this story! How exciting :D

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