chapter 29 reunion (p1/2)

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The following morning...

Yes sir I'll send him right away ,meeting time ?

"11:30 please send him in time ."

"Okay I will but if you have tell me little earlier it would be better sir , he did not eat his breakfast yet so .

"Sorry Nan but don't worry he can eat after meeting. Metting won't take long . He just have to meet with the our new business partner and listen about the deal so he can learn from it as much as he can i thought ."

"sir you are right it's been a 1 month he started to go to office now it's his time to handle some big projects of the company too. I'll let him know & send him in time you don't have to worry a think about him sir . "

Mac's father giggle hearing . Then said "not sir call me dad from now on Nan .it's about time for you to make it habit to call me dad is not it . "

Nan stunned to speak a part of his heart felt happy & comfort of familly love he never get . That's making him emotional for a second. "

"Hellow , Hellooow Nan did you hear me ."

"O , I ...yes sir ."

"Again call me dad just like Mac "

Mac's father said with scolding tone making Nan cry & laugh at the same time .

"Yes Dad ."

"Yes keep this in your mind. "
By the way Mac told me yesterday you asked his hand for marriage and wish to get married to him soon ."

I know , more like I made him to say that Nan think in his mind .

"Yes Dad I did but Mac is not ready yet so we are going to wait . "

"Ah I see but we can held a engagement party for you two what do you think let's cheak a good date for you two to get engaged."

"Yes but Mac won't like it maybe and I don't want to upset him " Nan said pitiful tone like helpless as he care about Mac Opanion but in reality he just wants to use Mac's father agaist Mac to fulfilled his own wish & it worked cause hearing Nan tone

Mac's father asked " why would he be upset I don't understand ! Are not you two in love ? Or is there anything else I don't know about " Mac's father asked cause the more he is seeing Mac denying to get married the more he is getting suspicious cause of Win's warning . Expect of that Mac's father actually think Nan is a suitable partner for his lazy brat son . Not only that he see Nan as his own son who is
responsable and ready to do anything for him . He is grateful for Nan helps because of that he get to rest more and his worries for his son future totally erased after Nan has appeared in their life . He is like an angel who come to their life to fixed their problems. One the top of that Mac's father feels empathy & proud for Nan cause of how he take care of himself and his Mac even though he is a orphan . He must have been hard time while growing up that's what Mac's father think so he wants to be father figure to Nan and give him the family love he never got .

"He is still young so I think he feels we should get to know eachother more before going to take serious decision in life like marriage . "

"Oh " Mac's father response calmly.

But Nan again change his tone into sad pitiful said hopelessly"But I am afried dad ."

"Why is that " Mac's dad asked with confusion .

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