chapter 21 victory

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Cheak out my other story Trapped

(I accept your challenge)

As Mac appeared at the stadium everyone started to gossip .

(gossip...."why is he here , ugg I can't stand him , is he here to again make trouble for us & boss ")

Nan walked over to Mac with a surprise look while Mac is also coming towards him too .

"What are you doing here " Nan asked .
"What do mean , what I am doing here , move "saying this Mac walked near Morris "s team , pushing Nan at side a little .

"Who is he uncle" the girl whisper in Morris ear .

He did not get time to reply her as Mac called out Morris . "Are you the desperate loser who is here to challenge in the early morning ." With mocking tone .

Morris and his people's turned to look at Mac with a angry look .
"Hey bastard ,what did you call our boss mind your words while talking to our boss ."

"Ahh look like Subordinate's also got influence from his boss , loser boss and his loser subordinate's is becoming deaf , can't you hear what what I said , now do I have to repeat my self again . "
Wei and other subordinate's of Nan started to Laugh loudly

Morris and his people's clenched their fist in anger ."

"You Bastard , how dare you saying this Morris people's tried to come forward seeing this some of Nan's subordinate's including Wei come forward thinking they are trying to started a fight .

So Morris order his subordinates to Stop understanding the situation.

"Ah stop it we not are here to fight boys , but uncle they are just defending you the girl whisper , it's not the right time Fah dont interfere please right now then again looked at Mac fixing his expressions like he did not mind what he said to him " look like we are meet at a wrong foot , so if you don't mind little boy may I know who are you , and what's your relation with Nan cause it doesn't look like you are one of Subordinates of his .

Mac going to answer but at the same time Nan who is silent this entire time come near Mac , wrapped his hand around him and said " it's none of your businesses , who is he ,wait here , until I come back for race if that's what you want . "
"Nan , what are saying how will you race with your injured hand " Mac responded hearing this .
"you don't have to involved in the matter which are not related to you, go home , I'll come back after solving this trouble."
Saying this he hold his hand to make him leave fearing if Morris got his prove that he is someone close to him he could have hurt Mac to have his way .

"Nan wait " Mac tried to remove Nan's hand from his own but failed .

But as Nan started to dragged him , Morris suddenly called out "why in so hurry Nan who is he! let us introduce too,are you going to hang us just like that without introducing him, are not you are being too rude towards your castomar .

Nan looked back at Morris with a strict look while still holding Mac , he saw Morris have a sly smirk on his face so Nan replied with a stream tone "That's right you are just a customer so when you know your place then don't act like we are close or something that I have to let you know what's my relation with anyone you come here to bet then just do your thing don't try to do any useless things , get it ."

" Ahh Nan don't be angry , we both have same profession so I am just trying to make a good bond between two ower of neighbours stadium I hope you also think like that too , I don't have any other intention, " Morris said with smirk making Nan clenching his teeth to suppress his anger .

(ON EDIT)love syndrome (Nan & Mac ) fanfiction Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora