chapter 24 Backfire

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Dew left his house quickly to pick up his bff he is suspicious from the time when he last time saw his bff going with a person he had been telling him that actually a friend.
But as he can remember he never saw that person in hia life , Dew thought, moreover even he is a friend then why Mac don't introduce to him then why he is secretive about all of this , as his most closest friend should not he also have little authority on him to knew who is he been with who is this new friends he made that making him so busy, he have no time to even call him back . But now suddenly his bff suddenly asking for his help desperately made him worried sick , What kind of trouble Mac gotten himself into .

The worries in his mind rolling in the deep as he following the address given by Mac . It's feel familiar , so he wanted to reached the destination quickly can but he can't because it's already night so he is driving slowly , he don't wanna get lost trying to be rushing things . Is not is says going

Suddenly Dew got startled as a huge sound of thunder ⚡& its flashes reflect on his eye's

Dew cursed being annoyed in his mind "fuck It's already night & now their is another problem coming .

After 1: 30 hour later he reached the place by that time rain has started to raining already lightly.

But still Dew get down from the car to understand where he actually has come . He walked little bit the direction where looks like a huge gate is showing in road light . "Why it's look familiar, oo yes is not that the same place I once come while following Mac . He went inside with a man and when I did some background cheak on ower of this house , i did not get that much details just only that there has a car racing stadium and woner of this stadium is someone name Nan . But os not it Mac's new friend house then what big trouble he gotten himself into here or what I guess is it true !"
he immediately return to his car to call Mac to letting him know he has arrived and ask permission to enter but Mac strongly denied .

So he cut the call agreeing to wait in the car as Mac had said to him , he wanted to ask what is going no but held back since it will take just a while when Mac will come out and then he asked him peacefully .

Mac waiting in the room to sneak out from the house in the right time. His heart is beating rapidly with anxiety whenever he is thinking what if he got caught but then again encouraging himself not to think negatively or it will just break his confidence.

2 hours later....
Time to time I am observing the hall room from upstairs while waiting for Nan return . when he will come upstairs to sleep that will be the right time for me to run away. And my clothes I can't take them but I tried to find my documents but it's not here , well I am not surprised about that matter as I already guess Nan could have hide it somewhere else before my knowing .So I have to left my documents behind for now , I'll find a way to get it later . But now the worry is it's been 2 hours Nan still did not come to his room once why ! I don't understand, he is already done from stadium work I thought moreover hearing the sound of raindrop i guess it's raining outside so stadium would not have open right now , did he go back again to stadium for other works . Whatever it's better if he is not here I get out from the room and again observing the area if someone is here or not stared come downstairs. I again looked around to see and sneak out from the front door even though I feared I might would have into someone but surprisingly no one is present here but it's still not 12 pm if i remember correctly even 1pm 1 or 2 subordinate's still would be . Maybe because of rain everyone is resting , well lucky for me . I just have to step out and run without looking behind until I got touch into Dew .

Mac's pov end ..
Encouraging his own self Mac let out a sigh & run outside in the heavy rain . the darkness of night with heavy rain making the environment gloomy with pin drop silence only rain drop sound only can be hearable.
Even Mac's running sound is not much more hearable comparing pitpat sound of rain .

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