6- Washed of your loneliness.

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It's been a month since Miyah's birthday and school is out. Miyah,Celeste,Kennedi, and Christian were at Kennedi's house while her aunt was away at work.

"So let me get this straight, your mother was sent to jail when you were...." Christian trails off, forgetting everything that was explained. "-11." Kennedi finishes. "Right. She was sent to jail because she killed your dad, and you were orphaned?" Christian asked, obviously not paying attention to what Kennedi said a minute ago.

"I'll just explain it again. I was 11 when my mom was arrested for killing my dad. I stayed with my aunt, but I kept sneaking out to visit my mom at night. One night, I got ratted out by some dumb officer and I got caught sneaking in some food for my mom. I was banned from seeing her in the start because they didn't trust her around me, but then they banned me from seeing her when I get older because they're afraid that I might sneak in something again." Kennedi explained.

"Why is this happening now? If it has something to do with your mom, what does it have to do with us?" Celeste asked, referring to her and Christian. "I don't know, but we're all going to have to stay together if they're all watching us and know where Christian lives." Kennedi said.

"Wait. If H.E.L.L. knows where Christian lives, do they know where the rest of us live?" Miyah asked. "I'm gonna take a guess and say that they probably do. I know it's kinda late to say this, but my aunt said that she's coming home soon. She doesn't like people over." Kennedi said. As soon as Kennedi said that, the downstairs door opened. "I'm home! Corbin? Doll? Where are y'all?" Kennedi's aunt said from downstairs. "Who's Corbin and Doll?" Celeste asked. "Corbin is Kennedi's cousin, and Doll is just a special name for Kennedi." Miyah explained. "I'm coming, mom!" The group heard Corbin say from his room. Corbin's footsteps were heard in front of Kennedi's door. "Dolly, mom wants us! Hurry up!" Corbin shouts from behind the door. "Ok, Corbin! Go away, I heard her!" Kennedi shouts back. "But, mom said-" "I KNOW WHAT YOUR MOM SAID, SHUT UP AND GO AWAY! I WILL BE DOWNSTAIRS WHEN IM READY!!" Kennedi shouts loudly, cutting Corbin off. Corbin huffs and walks away from the door.

Celeste, Miyah, and Christian sat silently, waiting for Kennedi to turn back to them. Kennedi soon enough turns back to them and says, "I have to go downstairs, you need to leave out the window." Kennedi mutters before walking out of the room. The three are left sitting on Kennedi's floor, confused about why they can't meet Kennedi's family.

Miyah, Celeste, and Christian leave out of the window one by one in order....

Back with Kennedi:

Kennedi headed downstairs to see her aunt, Amaya and her cousin, Corbin. "Hey, Amaya. What do you need me for?" Kennedi asked. "I haven't seen you all week. If you're not at school, you're at the park. If you're not at the park, you're at some girl's house. If you're not at some girl's house, you're off somewhere. My point is, no matter where you are, you never text me or call me to make sure you're okay. I just want to spend time with you and my child." Amaya explains. Kennedi looks down, feeling guilty that she can't tell her aunt why she hasn't been home recently. "I'm sorry." Kennedi said. "I know you are. You always are. But when are you going to stop saying you're sorry and actually stop doing the same dumb things that you promise not to do?" Amaya asked rhetorically. Kennedi nodded and sat silently at the dinner table with Corbin.

Back with Celeste, Christian and Miyah:

Christian and Miyah are walking beside each other, Celeste walking ahead.

"So.... School is out, and the graduation ceremony is in a week. Are you nervous?" Christian asked. "No, I'm just ready to finally spend time with y'all without having to spend 8 hours in the middle of the day before being free." Miyah said. Christian nodded. "Don't you think it's kinda dumb that we have to wait a month after school ends to have our graduation ceremony?" Christian asked. Miyah smiled. "You're asking too many questions. And yes, I do think it's dumb." Miyah answered. Christian nodded again.

"Uh... guys? Are you seeing this?" The two heard Celeste ask. They ran up to Celeste and saw water surrounding her hands like a glove. "What's happening?" Miyah questioned. "I don't know!" Celeste shouts, panicking. "Celeste, calm down! Take a breath!" Christian suggests. Celeste listens and takes a breath, and the water drops from her hands.

The three look at each other.
"Are we telling Kennedi about this?" Miyah asked. The other two nodded quickly. "Good, 'cause I was gonna tell her anyway." Miyah said, causing the three to chuckle softly.

😈832 words!😈

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