2-Caught in a song.

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As Miyah and Kennedi are in their secret place in the green, beautiful forest, Kennedi sings. This is not new for Miyah, as Kennedi does sing obnoxiously every single day.

Kennedi has sung many songs, like: Sweater Weather, Cold War, Friends, Misery (yes, Kennedi was a hardcore NSB fan), Thank God You Stayed, If You Only Knew, Locksmith, Pardon My French, Bite Me, SOLO (she can sing other languages), Cindy Lou Who, and many other songs.

But today, Kennedi decides to sing her favorite song of all time. Heartbreak In Heaven. Miyah groans loudly and dramatically when she hears Kennedi sing the song for the fifth time, but lets her have her moment. Little did they know, someone was watching them.

"What if tomorrow God called my number?
Wait at the counter for my time to go
And in the morning, if I don't wake up
I'm gonna miss you the most of all
Will there be a party
Gold harps and Harleys
A toast just to welcome me home?
If you wanna see me, oh, it's so easy
Look in the clouds, I've been there all alone
Is there heartbreak in Heaven or healing in Hell?
I've got so many questions, only time will tell
Darling, we both know I am no angel
Bet you'd be laughin' if you heard the nеws
That I got my halo, a seat at the table
But, hеy, maybe God makes mistakes too
Is there heartbreak in Heaven or healing in Hell?
I've got so many questions, one day I'll see for myself
Is there heartbreak in Heaven?
Is there heartbreak in Heaven or healing in Hell?
I've got so many questions, one day I'll see for myself
What if tomorrow God called my number
There's not a thing that I'd wanna redo
I don't wanna cry, no, end on a high note
Hope you know my favorite angel is you"

When Kennedi finishes the song, both Miyah and Kennedi jolt up from their lying spots as they hear a clap. It was Celeste with Christian behind her. "Have you been there the whole time? How did you find this place? Did you fall into us on purpose that day because you're stalking us?!" Kennedi asked, rambling over her words with questions. Celeste laughed at the cute reaction to her surprising presence. " Yes, I followed you, and I am 99.9% sure that Christian is not a stalker" Celeste responded, making Christian pout. " What about the 0.1%?" Christian asked. "I had my doubts in the beginning. Sorry not sorry, Christian." Celeste said. We all chuckle.

As everyone leaves, Miyah fell. "Oh sh-"
Christian caught her before she could fall.
Suddenly, the earth below them started to shake a little as it got slightly hotter. Then it stopped. The teens decide to forget about it and walk off, unknowingly experiencing the first sign that their lives were gonna change.....

What do you guys/girls/preferred think about my book?

Is there any grammar mistakes? If so, tell me which paragraph and exactly where.

Should I put the songs that I make into the book?

Overall, do you have any thoughts on my book?

😈530 words!😈

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