1-Falling for you.

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Miyah and Kennedi were walking to their class together, play fighting together (as usual) and bumped into someone (again, as usual). Usually, the person that the two troublemakers bumped into would cuss them out and walk away, but this one just got up and apologized. "I'm s-so sorry! It was t-truly an accident! I was just rushing-" the stuttering boy was cut off by the two girls laughing. "Stop being so loud. You're fine, it's our fault. I'm Miyah Johnson and that's....." Miyah trails off as she looks at the boy. The boy had oak brown eyes, a brunette curly afro, and tan skin. Kennedi looks at Miyah with a knowing expression on her face, causing Miyah to death glare at Kennedi.

Miyah and Kennedi always had these looks that they gave each other. They gave each other "the look" so many times that they could understand what the other person is thinking almost immediately. These two girls were like two peas in a pod, people thought that they were twins in the beginning of the year, but they instantly realized the difference between the girls.

"Durham, Kennedi Durham. We are so sorry for sliding into you. You don't have to be a stutterbug, you're not at fault in our hearts." Kennedi says, attempting at comforting the boy and succeeding. "Yeah, sorry about that. My name is Christian Bowen." Christian says, speaking more confidently than the last sentence he spoke. "Nice name, Bowen" Kennedi said, making the boy tilt his head slightly. "That's my last name-" the boy was yet again cut off. "We know. Kennedi calls everyone but me by their last name, get used to it." Miyah says, the boy nodding in the response. The bell rang, catching the three off guard. "The bell!" All three of the teens shout in unison before running off to, coincidentally, the same exact classroom.

𝙰𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚌𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚜:

Everyone but Christian, Kennedi and Miyah left the classroom to go home, since it was the last period of the day. The three have been laughing and joking together since the beginning of class. The moment gets crumbled when Christian gets a phone call. "Yes?" Christian says, sounding awfully annoyed. The person on the other end responded and then hung up the phone. "I forgot that my bestie is picking me up today." Christian said, slightly disappointed. "You have friends, Bowen? No offense, but I never would have that you had friends." Kennedi says, surprised. Christian chuckles before replying. "Actually, Celeste is my only friend." Christian says. "Oh." Was all that Miyah had to say. "Could you come with me? I would love for us to all meet and become friends." Christian comments. Miyah and Kennedi looked at each other with excitement before nodding aggressively.

When the three got to the random person, Kennedi stopped dead in her tracks. The random person was a girl. A girl with fair skin, blue eyes and light blonde hair. "Hi, I'm Miyah Johnson!And you are?" Miyah asked, ignoring the questionable act of her best friend. "I'm Celestia Carpenter, but you can call me Celeste. And you?" Celeste asked the very consumed girl behind Miyah. "You're really pretty." Was all that the lovestruck girl had to say. Celeste blushed, as she has only heard this compliment from Christian or a family member. "Thank you, you're very.... Eye catching, in the best way possible." Celeste told Kennedi. Miyah and Christian have been watching the two girls for a minute now, noticing the dynamic between the pair. The boy and girl look at each other with a look that says, "Is this our new ship?!" and immediately nodded aggressively at the same time.

😈𝟼𝟶𝟾 𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜!😈

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