4- Am I going crazy?

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Kennedi was driving to pick up her birthday gift for Miyah's birthday. As soon as she arrived at the post office, she felt a sudden sense of urgency. When the feeling wore off, Kennedi just assumed that she had been out in the sun for too long and needed to rest.

Kennedi picked up her package and headed out of the door to leave. As Kennedi walked to her car, she saw a woman yelling at a young boy in the corner of her eye. It was obvious to her that the boy was in major trouble, but she minded her own business. That was until Kennedi saw the woman punch the little boy.

Before Kennedi could react, a vision ran straight through her head.....

A cop was trying to arrest her. Kennedi didn't know why and tried to reason with the cop, but he wouldn't listen. The young boy was right under her, and the woman was talking to a different cop in the distance, saying that Kennedi was the one who was beating up her little boy. Kennedi felt furious and before she could stand up for herself, she woke up.....

Kennedi woke up on the ground, and both the woman and the little boy were nowhere in sight.
Kennedi got up and started driving to Miyah's place, ready to tell her everything, when she saw the little boy and the woman were in her back seat through the rear view mirror. She looked back, but they weren't there. She hopped out of the car and called the only other people she felt safe around, Christian and Celeste.

"Did you get the gift for Miyah yet?" Christian asked almost immediately after the call started. "Of course I did. I'm at the post office right now. Could you pick me up? Celeste didn't answer and you were the only one that did." Kennedi said. "Yeah, sure. You ok? You sound like you've seen something wild." Christian says in a slightly funny tone, but to be honest, he was right. "I just need to talk to someone. I have my car here, but I can't drive. I think I'm hallucinating or something." Kennedi replied. Christian immediately became worried and concerned. "I'm on my way. Do you need some water? That was a dumb question, I'm getting you some water." Christian rambles before hanging up.

Christian arrives at the post office, speeding 8 miles over the speed limit. "Don't get a speeding ticket, you're too broke to pay and I'm not paying." Kennedi says in a jokingly manner, but Christian was completely serious. "Are you ok? Do you need anything else but a ride and some water?" Christian continues to overflow Kennedi with more questions, but Kennedi eventually stops him. "Christian, I'm fine. I promise. I was just.... Out of it. I had sworn that I saw this woman and this little boy....." Kennedi trails off, leaving Christian confused. "Nothing, forget it. It's all good. I'm perfectly fine." Kennedi states with a small smile. Christian didn't believe her at all, but he kept his mouth shut. 

Kennedi was silent the whole car ride, which was rare unless she was staring at Celeste or taking pictures of Miyah and Christian the whole time.

"Am I going crazy?" Kennedi questioned to herself over and over again.

And if you were wondering, yes, he did tell Celeste about all of this.

      😈562 words!😈

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