Chap 32!

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I was getting ready in my room as we both would now be going to attend the seminar. It was already 5pm.

"Looking Good Y/n!", I said and took some selfies

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"Looking Good Y/n!", I said and took some selfies. Then sent them to eomma.
I opened the door just to witness that Mr. Jun Seo was standing in front of me and was about to knock.
His eyes landed on me and he kept on staring,
"Beautiful!", was the word that came out of his mouth only.
"Ahh thank u, shall we go.", I said as his stare was making me awkward.
"Ahh yeah sure!", he said and we drove off to the venue.

We entered the place and it was beautiful.

We entered the place and it was beautiful

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I was walking with Mr. Jun Seo when I bumped into someone.

 Jun Seo when I bumped into someone

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"I...Jin?", I said as I saw him.
"Y/n, dont refer him by his name. He is our chief guest here.", Dr said and bowed, so I also bowed.
"Y/n glad to see u here!", he said and then looked at me. He turned towards Dr. and said,
"It's okay, she is my friend. She can refer me by my name.", Jin said and winked at me where as I laughed.
"Pardon me I didnt know u both were friends.", doctor said.
"Now u know Mr. Jun Seo.", I said and giggled.
"U r looking beautiful today, Y/n!", Jin said.
I giggled and complimented him back saying,
"U r also looking extremely handsome Jin.", and he laughed. Okay the way we were communicating literally showed we were old friends.
Then an old man showed up and he hugged both, doctor and Jin.
"I will meet u later Y/n.", Jin said and left with him.
"Y/n, u never told u were friends with Mr. Kim Seokjin!", he said and I felt this name to be familiar.
"Yeah...I didn't even know we were friends.", I said but the last part was low enough for him not to hear.

We both took our seat and then the event began.
"Ladies and gentlemen,
Good evening, and welcome to this dynamic interdisciplinary seminar at the intersection of medicine and business. It's truly inspiring to see such a diverse audience gathered here today, representing the finest minds in both healthcare and business sectors.
As we embark on this journey together, we recognize the vital synergy between these two fields. Today's discussions will not only delve into the latest medical advancements but also explore innovative business strategies that drive healthcare forward...", that man whom we met a few minutes ago said.

The event was going on and it truly was an inspiring and informative.Reflecting on a seminar that intertwined medicine and business, it appeared as an intriguing avenue for collaboration and innovation. Bringing together professionals from these diverse fields allowed for the exchange of insights and exploration of new approaches to healthcare delivery. Integrating business principles into medicine potentially enhanced operational efficiency and patient care, while strategic partnerships opened up exciting opportunities for growth and mutual benefit. It seemed that such an event had the potential to drive transformative change and advance both healthcare outcomes and business objectives simultaneously.

Then the man said,
"Now I would like to invite Mr. Kim Seokjin to come on the stage and present his ideas regarding our today's event!", he said and Jin went on the stage. Everyone gave a huge round of applause.

"Ladies and gentlemen,
As a business professional, it's truly an honor to be invited to this esteemed seminar at the intersection of medicine and business. I've always believed that the most impactful advancements happen at the crossroads of different disciplines, and today's gathering exemplifies that belief.
In my experience, I've seen firsthand the power of collaboration between medicine and business. Whether it's implementing innovative technologies to streamline healthcare operations or developing strategic partnerships to improve patient outcomes, the potential for synergy between these fields is immense.
What excites me most about this seminar is the opportunity it presents to explore new horizons. By leveraging business principles such as market analysis, strategic planning, and customer-centric approaches, we can unlock untapped potential within the healthcare industry, driving both innovation and efficiency.
I look forward to engaging in thought-provoking discussions, learning from the expertise of medical professionals, and exploring how we can work together to shape the future of healthcare delivery. Together, I believe we can make a meaningful impact on both the health and well-being of individuals and the success of businesses in this vital sector.
Moreover, as a contribution I would like to announce that by taking the first step of collaborating I would be investing in the development of a hospital in Ilsan. Providing best medical professionals and latest technologies in affordable expenses so that even the one who can't afford can get the best treatment in highly secured environment.
I want to build this hospital in the memory of my deceased brother.
'TaeMed Health Center', on the name of my brother Kim Taehyung.", he said and my jaw dropped.

He is Mr. Kim's brother! All of a sudden my world stopped and my brain started spinning. The dot were connecting all the way up in my mind. He thinks his brother is dead.

"....once again I would thank u all for inviting me here and giving me an opportunity to become a part of this great work.", he said and everyone clapped. He went and sat next to some executives.
I need to talk to him asap.

The event came to an end and Jin came to me.
"I need to talk to u about something really important.", I said as worriedness and shock was dripping from my face clearly.
"Y/n is everything alright?", he asked being worried.

We both came to the side.
"Yes now tell me.", Jin said. I was about to open my mouth when I heard sounds of gunshots.
"WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING HERE!", Jin screamed and quickly held my hand and we ran. We came to the front and saw the hall was attack by some men.
This shocked the hell out of me. What the hell is happening today.
We were about to exist when a man stood in front of us, wearing a black mask. He said,
"Seokjin, goodbye!", he said and shot bullets on his chest. Then he ran away. Jin fell in my arms.
"Jinnnn, jinnnnn.", I yelled.
"Somebody call the ambulance!", I screamed at the top of my lungs.

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