Chap 30!

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I woke up and dressed like this.

I woke up and dressed like this

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Mr. Jun-Seo asked me that he could pick me from my home but I refused. I told him I would meet him directly at the airport.

Throughout my way to airport he was on my mind. Has he eaten? Is he okay? Will he be alright without me? Ugghh these thoughts were driving me crazy.

"Ma'am we r here!", the taxi driver said.
I came back to my senses and after paying him I went towards the sitting area. I called Mr. Jun Seo to ask him where he was when he told me he was coming right UpTo me. I waited for him and then he stood next to me.
"Good morning Dr. Y/n!", he said smiling brightly.
"Good morning doctor." I said as I smiled back.
"Did u have breakfast?".
"Yes I had it, shall we go?", I said coz all I wanted was to get this trip over soon.
"Are u alright?", he asked me.
"Yes doctor I am.", I said and stood up.
I started to move forward. And he was following me.

We sat in the plane, luckily my seat wasn't beside him.
"I thought seat B1 and B2 would be next to each other, but it's in next row .", he said where as I was internally screaming due to excitement.
"It's okay Mr. Jun Seo.", I sat and he also went to his seat. After a while came a man and sat beside me.
"Excuse me, could u move a lil so that I can sit on my seat.", he asked me politely.
"Sure.", I said while smiling and moved aside.
"Thank you.", he said and sat.
His face was covered with mask and he was wearing a white hoodie. He removed his mask and took off the hoodie cap and then I recognized him.

 He removed his mask and took off the hoodie cap and then I recognized him

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"Nice to meet u again Dr. Y/n.", he said and brought forward his hand.
I shook my hand with him and greeted him back.
"We have met before right, in hospital. U came for ur brother's hand stitches.", I said and he nodded.
"Yes, but I saw u before we met in hospital. I guess u came to pick up ur parents from the airport when we bumped into eachother.", he said and I tried recalling that day when I remembered that the person whom I bumped and stared his back was him.
"Yes yes I remember it now. What a nice coincidence.", I said and smiled again.
"By the way my name is Jin.", he said.
"Nice to meet u Mr. Jin, I am Y/n.", I said and he smiled back.
"So Dr. Y/n...", he was saying but I intruptted him and said,
"Call me only Y/n, Mr. Jin."
"Oh okay, hehe. Then u also call me Jin only.", he replied.
"So Y/n, why r u going to Ilsan?"
"There is some seminar I have to attend. I came with my senior doctor."
"Oh I see, I am also going to a seminar but there I am a chief guest."
"What if it's the same seminar and we both end up meeting each other again?", I said and laughed.
"Well that will be fun then, if this happens and we came across eachother then we will be going to have a cup of coffee. I know a really good cafe here that my friend runs.", he said and I laughed.
"Sure, btw when is ur seminar?"
"It will be tomorrow."
"Ohhh well I guess then the coffee plan is cancelled."
"Why tho?"
"Well the seminar that I will be attending is today."
"Ohhh that's sad. Well I hope u enjoy ur trip here then."
"Same goes for u Jin.", I said and then we exchanged some more talk.

He told me he has a younger brother named Joon and he is his entire family. His parents has passed away and he is a business man. I told him about myself and we both became kinda good friends.

Then after nearly 3 hours we reached Ilsan.
"Well Jin, it was nice meeting u.", I said as I was about to leave.
"It was nice meeting u aswell Y/n, I mean Dr. Y/n. Hehe.", he said and we shook our hands and we left.

He was a nice guy. Ughhh but now I have to go to Jun Seo.

"Dr. Y/n, let's go to the hotel. We will be staying there.", he said and we sat in the car he called for us.
In about 30 minutes we reached there. After that we went to reception area and took our bedroom keys. Ofc we had separate ones. I would have killed my senior if he had decided to take one room.

Mine was 345 which reminded me of the time when I first got to know about Mr. Kim. This brought smile on my face and also made me sad.
'Did he have his breakfast?', I thought.
"I took room across eachother. Today u take rest Y/n and then in the evening we will go for shopping.", he said which confused me. I mean dude I am here to attend seminar with u not to spend honeymoon with u.
"Pardon me! Shopping? Why?", I asked as we were walking towards our rooms.
"What will u wear for tomorrow's event then?", he asked
"Wait is the seminar tomorrow?"
"But u told me it was today!"
"Ahh yeah... but I... also got to know it today in the morning, that seminar is tomorrow.", he said and I narrowed my eyes. Why do I feel he is lying.
"Mr. Jun Seo I have brought my clothes.", I said
"Oh no I can't let u wear anything ordinary. I am a well known doctor over here and as u will be with me I want u to look ur best.", he said and idky it made me wanna punch him but on a second thought I decided to not end up getting fired from hospital as this would result me in being away from Mr. Kim, so I said,
"Oh I see, well then I will be ready doctor.", I said while smiling forcefully and then entered my room.

"Fuck u bloody bastard.", I said as I entered my room and closed the door.
For some reason all of a sudden I am getting weird vibes from him.

Mr. Kim's Doctor! || BTS X READER X BLACKPINK ||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora