Chap 6!

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Later in morning I went to cafeteria and made a tray for this man, so that he can have breakfast. Jungkook told me that even today he didn't eat breakfast and his condition is getting worse as he is unable to get medicine and the waste of his body isn't realeasing aswell which can lead to several intestinal diseases.

I put a bowl of freshly made vegetable porriage, along with a glass of orange juice and rice pudding for the dessert. I hope I succeed in feeding him.
I went upstairs to 4th floor. God this area sends chills down my spine. I entered the room and he was awake coz I saw his head turning towards me by the dim light falling on his face.
"Gosh this surely is a shithole.", I said while pretending I am angry and annoyed.
I put the tray on his side table and went to open the window and curtains. The light stricked his eyes causing him to shut them quickly.
"What the hell are you doing here again?", he asked angrily.
"As if I wanted to?", I said sarcasticly.
"Then why are you here?", he asked
"Well due to some reason Jungkook was unable to come so I was assigned the duty to feed u. Ughh why the hell I even agreed. The room smells awful.", I said and sat beside him. He looked weaker than morning. Poor guy.
"I don't want to eat, you can leave.", he said and turned his face on the otherside.
"Good you solved my problem. Bye bye.", I said and went towards the door to leave. The shock on his face was hilarious.
I stopped on my tracks and then said,
"But wait, what will I tell Jungkook that I was unable to complete this simple task. He will be so disappointed in me.", I said and faced him. He smirked coz he knew I have to beg him to eat but I already preplanned this whole thing so I went beside his bed and sat on the stool saying,
"I will eat it, I didn't have breakfast in the morning. And nobody comes in this room so no one will get to know whether u ate or not.", I said while smirking back.
"Wait so you will lie that u fed me. How pathetic of a doctor you are!", he said disgustingly.
"Well Mr. Kim pathetic patients need pathetic doctors. Now if you will shut your mouth I will eat as I am starving and the food has been freshly cooked. Ummm the aroma is driving me crazy.", I said and took the first bite of porridge. No doubt it was delicious but I was not here to feed myself.
I took the first bite and exaggerated it alot. I could easily hear sounds from his stomach. He turned his face to the other side so he thought I was eating when the reality was I just took first bite and then played my role. After 5 mins he looked at me and then at my tray so I took another bite.
"Gosh I feel bad for u Mr. Kim that u r unable to eat this. Oh my God. It's so good.", I said and he licked his lips.
He stayed silent for a few minutes then shouted,
"Haha who will believe you?"
"Dr. Jungkook will."
"U think so?", I smirked.
"Yesssss mission successful. Haha. Y/n, girl u r awesome. Now before he changes his mind feed him.", I said to myself .
"Do I really have to?", I said while showing that I am annoyed
"YES!", he demanded.
So I made him sat on the bed and I won't lie I wanted to puke.
"When was the last time you washed urself?", I asked as I put first bite in his mouth.
"No doubt!", I said while putting another bite. I engaged him in a talk so I could feed him the whole meal.
"U really are ugly Mr.", I said and he frowned.
"I mean no offence but when I see other doctors over here, even the patients they look like humans. Where as u look like a beast!"
"The beauty that I hold makes everyone's fade.", he said confidently.
"I doubt that Mr. Kim!",
"You haven't seen me in my full potential yet, when u will then u will regret treating me like this."
"I again doubt that."
"Could u just stop using the word 'doubt' again and again it's annoying me."
"And what if I don't, what can you do?"
"I will punch on your face."
"For that u must be able to move your hands which you can't so the joke is on you.", I said as I finally made him finish the bowl of porriage. My god he was so much hungry.
"I don't wanna eat anymore.", he said as he got sad. Maybe I went a lil far .
"Oh thank you so much, so this means I can drink the orange juice and eat the rice pudding?", I said excitedly and when he saw that excitement on my face he quickly changed his statement.
" I never said I won't eat dessert or drink the juice. I just said I don't wanna eat porridge."
I side eyed him and he smirked. Good Mr. Kim I like that you are eating. So I made him drink the juice and eat the pudding.
"Finally the torture is over...", I said as I got up from my stool, "...U r annoying and pathetic person."
"Well , pathetic doctors need pathetic patients.", he said and smirked again.
"Ughh.", I said and cleaned his lips and this disgusting man burped on me. It was horrible.
"Ewwww you r so disgusting.", I said and he laughed so much. I felt this was the first time he laughed from his heart.
"I loved that Dr. P.", he said between his laughter.
"Dr. P?"
"Yes Dr. Pathetic.", he said and laughed more.
"Oh my god, give me patience to bear this man. I won't come to ur room again to feed u. U r horrible man. Dr. Jungkook will come and give you medicine now. I won't. Wait I am calling him.", I said and fake called to him. Of course I was the one who would give him medicines but I did a lil drama.
"...wait no... Jungkook listen... Already I fed him with difficulty... No wait...hello... hello... Aishhhhh why god why? Why do u want me to suffer with this man?", I said as I declined my fake call and looked up and the ceiling being all dramatic.
Mr. Kim laughed even more then said,
"Your biggest mistake was entering in this room yesterday. Now bear me coz I will make your life living hell.",
"Shut that dirty mouth of yours.", I said annoyingly, went to him and gave him medicine. Then made him lay straight on the bed.
"Go to sleep!", I said and then went towards the door to leave.
"Listen!", he said in a demanding voice.
"Take care Dr. P, we will meet soon." , then he giggled and I made a (-_-) face and left the room.

Finally he ate after 4 whole days.

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