Search For The Blue Monkey

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It was a hot day when the Scooby gang were walking through the thick jungles of Africa, and Bunnicula was forced to hide inside Daphne's purse to avoid the sunlight. Shaggy: "Like tell me again why are we here in the middle of a jungle in Africa?" Fred: "We came here because Mr Daddy Starling has invited us to join his search of the Blue Monkey." Scooby: "Blue Monkey?" Shaggy: "Wow, I did heard about a big red dog from a book series, but a blue monkey?" that was when something popped out of the ground, which was a bunny and a duck, but not just any bunny and duck, it was noun other than Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck (both voiced by Mel Blanc), the stars of the Looney Tunes. Bugs: "Well here we are!" Daffy: "Hey this doesn't look like Hawaii." Bugs: "You're right, I knew we should have taken that left turn in Albuquerque." Daffy: "Oh don't start that again!" that was when Bugs noticed the gang before munching on a carrot." Bugs: "Eh... what's up doc?" Fred: "Wow!, it's Bugs Bunny!" Shaggy: "And isn't that Daffy Duck?" Daffy: "Noun other." Daphne: "What are you two doing here in Africa?" Bugs: "Africa?!, boy did we took a wrong turn." Daffy: "Great, now I'll never get to spend my vacation in Hawaii." Shaggy: "Hey like we had a vacation there once, though it did involve a giant Tiki spirit that was really an alien that was being mind controlled by an evil alien rodent." Bugs and Daffy: "Huh?" Velma: "It's a long story." suddenly, the group heard something that was coming from the bushes, before Robyn Starling, Tom & Jerry came to the scene. Daphne: "It's Robyn!" Shaggy: "And Tom & Jerry too!" Robyn: "Hi everyone, sorry if we're late." Fred: "No worries, we just got here." Shaggy: "Hey like where's your dad?" Robyn: "He's unable to make the trip, so I had to take his place." Velma: "What happened?" Robyn: "Ask these two, as one of their little chase scenes got my daddy a leg cast." said Robyn, who gave the cat and mouse duo a glare which made the pair to gulp nervously. Tom: "Sorry, we didn't mean to." Jerry: "It was an accident, so we had to come with her to make sure she's safe during the trip." Robyn: "And as a way for me to keep an eye on you two while a nurse watches over my dad." said Robyn, which made the duo to chuckle nervously, before seeing a certain rabbit and duck. Tom: "Hey look!, it's Bugs and Daffy!" Jerry: "You're right!, it is them." Bugs: "Well if it isn't our favorite cat and mouse duo." Robyn: "Wait, you guys know each other?" Bugs: "Of course, we both came from Warner Bros inc." Robyn: "Oh yeah, I guess that makes sense." Jerry: "Let me guess, you guys took the wrong turn again." Bugs: "Yeah, but what brings you here?" Tom: "We came here to find the Blue Monkey." Bugs: "Blue Monkey?" Shaggy: "Like we were wondering what that is too." Robyn: "Well the Blue Monkey is really a special diamond." Daffy: "Did you say... diamond?" said Daffy, with a greedy smile, dollar signs for eyes and the sound of a cash register was heard. Daffy: "Mind if I join the search?" Bugs: "Oh boy... don't look now folks, but it looks like Daffy's greed is on overdrive again." Daffy: "What are we waiting for?, we got a diamond to find!" said Daffy, before running off to who knows where, then coming back with a nervous chuckle. Daffy: "Um... which way is the diamond?" Robyn: "Well the map says the temple is up north from here." Daffy: "Then north we go!, whoo hoo!" sometime later, the group were traveling through the jungle, during the time, Tom and Daffy were experiencing the wild animals. For example, getting chased by an angry rhino, a pack of hungry crocodiles in the water, or some gorillas that beat up the duck and cat for stealing their food. At long last, the group found the temple where the Blue Monkey was located. Bugs: "Hey, where's Daffy?" Jerry: "And Tom?" asked Bugs and Jerry, before Daffy and Tom showed up while looking like they got the stuffing beaten out of them by the animals of the jungle. Daffy: "The jungle is not the best place for a duck... but it'll be worth it... once I get a hold on that beautiful diamond!" Robyn: "Is he always this greedy?" Bugs: "You have no idea." that was when the sun started to come down, which means it was safe enough for Bunnicula to come out. Bunnicula: "Ooh... big temple." Daphne: "Yeah, it sure is." suddenly, there was a loud roar and out came what looked like a big blue gorilla, getting ready to attack the group. Daffy: "Yikes!" Shaggy: "Zoinks!, like it's the Blue Monkey!" Velma: "First off, the Blue Monkey is a diamond, and second, that is an ape, not a monkey." Tom: "Does it even matter?!, that thing is gonna eat us!" yelped Tom, before he and Jerry were both being chased by the giant blue gorilla. It was not long before the duo were now trapped between the gorilla and a large pit hole. Robyn: "Tom!, Jerry!, look out!" Daphne: "Jeepers!, Bunnicula do something!" called out Daphne, before Bunnicula went to bat form and used his powers to make the giant gorilla float up before trapping it inside a large cage. Daffy: "Where did that cage come from?" Fred: "From me of course, I always make a trap to catch the monsters or ghosts." Bugs: "Can they even catch a certain hunter named Elmer Fudd?" suddenly, the ape started to order the group to get it out of the cage in the voice of a woman, one that Robyn knew all too well. Robyn: "That voice... could that be..." said Robyn with a nervous tone, before Scooby pulled the ape's head off, revealing that the ape was really... Tom & Jerry: "Aunt Figg and Lickboot!" shouted the cat and mouse, seeing that it was really Aunt Fig and Lickboot in a gorilla costume. Daphne: "Those creeps that were after the collar of CleoCatra in Egypt?" Aunt Figg: "Yes, and once we heard about your search of the Blue Monkey..." Lickboot: "We thought we could get a good buck from that diamond." Aunt Figg: "And we would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling kids!" Daffy: "That reminds me, where is the diamond?" asked Daffy, before Bunnicula came to the group with a small statue that looked like the head of a monkey with a large blue diamond on the head. Bugs: "Looks like a fellow rabbit found it." Shaggy: "Like wow, it's really a sight to behold." said Shaggy, as he picks it up to take a closer look at it. Suddenly, the diamond shoots a beam at Shaggy, turning him into a monkey. Scooby: "Shaggy?!" Daphne: "Jeepers!, Shaggy are you okay?" Shaggy: "Ooh, ooh, ah!, ah!" Tom: "Was that supposed to happen?" Robyn: "Whoa, I heard some stories that the diamond had special powers, but I didn't think it could do that." Jerry: "Is there a reverse switch to the turning into a monkey part?" Fred: "Maybe if the diamond shoots a beam on Shaggy again, it could change him back." Velma: "Only one way to find out." so they aimed the diamond at monkey Shaggy, before it shoots a second beam on him and soon Shaggy was human again. Shaggy: "Zoinks!, like that diamond made a monkey out of me!" yelped Shaggy, before Aunt Figg and Lickboot got out of the cage, and trying to steal the diamond, before Daffy got a hold of it too. Aunt Figg: "It's mine!" Daffy: "No!, my diamond!" as they continued to argue, the diamond shoots a beam at Daffy, turning him into what looked like a T-Rex. Velma: "I guess the diamond turns birds into dinosaurs as it can turn humans into monkeys." said Velma, before dino Daffy let out a mighty roar that scared Aunt Figg and Lickboot the heck out of them, forcing them to go back into their cage for safety. Bugs then took the diamond and aims it at Daffy before it shoots another beam that changed the dinosaur back to the classic screwball duck. Bugs: "Had fun with your little prehistoric experience?" Daffy: "You bet I did, now I want that diamond more than ever, with it nobody will try to beat me up again." said Daffy, before taking the diamond, only to lose it when he tripped on a tree root and the diamond fell into a pool of lava. Daffy: "Oh come on!" Bugs: "Yeah, saw that coming a mile away." Robyn: "Well... it's probably for the best, I don't think anyone should have a diamond that can turn people into monkeys." Jerry: "Or birds into dangerous dinosaurs." Tom: "That's for sure." Daffy spent a minute and a half crying over the loss of the diamond before Robyn placed her hand on the duck's shoulder. Robyn: "Would it make you feel better if I tell you that we were planning to have a vacation on Hawaii next week and you along with Bugs can come with us?" Daffy: "Yeah... it might." Robyn: "Then that's what we'll do once we get back home." Bugs: "Thanks kid, hope your old man won't mind." Robyn: "Don't worry, my dad will be happy to let you join us on our Hawaiian vacation." Daphne: "When you get there, say Aloha to Lilo and Stitch for us." Bunnicula: "And Angel and Belle too." Jerry: "Sure thing, and we'll try not to destroy anything there." Fred: "Just try not to end up someplace where rabbits and ducks are on the menu." Bugs: "I wouldn't worry as it's currently duck season." Daffy: "You're wrong!, it's rabbit season!" Bugs: "Duck season." Daffy: "Rabbit season!" Bugs: "Duck season." Daffy: "Rabbit season!" Shaggy: "Like this could take a while." Scooby: "Yeah, he, he, he, he, he, Scooby Dooby Doo!"

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