The Hex Girls & The Witch's Ghost

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It was close to sunset when the mystery machine arrived at some town, looking for a place to eat. Daphne was using a hairbrush on Bunnicula to make his fur look nicer. Daphne: "Well Bunnicula, what do you think?, you must look pretty handsome for a little bunny in the mirror." said Daphne, before placing a mirror in front of Bunnicula, but there was no reflection of him. Daphne: "Oops, I forgot that vampires don't have reflections." Bunnicula: "Bunnicula can see fur with eyes, and Bunnicula like being brushed by mama." Daphne: "You see me as your mama?, even though you must be like hundreds of years old?, I mean vampires are immortal after all." Bunnicula: "In vampire years, Bunnicula be baby vampire." Daphne: "That explains why you're so cute." Scooby: "But not me?" Daphne: "Don't worry Scooby, you're cute in your own way." suddenly, Bunnicula's ears began to twitch, showing signs that he was hearing something, which sounded like someone singing not too far away. Bunnicula: "Hmm... who's singing?" Daphne: "I don't hear anything." Shaggy: "Like me neither." Velma: "Well rabbits have stronger hearing than we do." Scooby: "I hear it too." Fred: "What is it?" Scooby: "Music." Bunnicula: "Singing." Shaggy: "Zoinks!, look over there!, witches!" yelped Shaggy, as he points at some stage with a trio of teenage girls that looked more like vampires than witches, playing some rock instruments like a guitar, drums and a keyboard. Fred: "Wait a minute, I heard of them, those are the Hex girls." said Fred, who was indeed right, as they were the Hex girls, Thorn (voiced by Jennifer Hale), Dusk (voiced by Jane Wiedlin), and Luna (voiced by Kimberly Brooks), and their music was something a lot of people loved. As the gang continued to listen, Bunnicula could not take his eyes off of Thorn, who he thought was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, and his heart started to beat faster. Bunnicula: "Why Bunnicula feel strange?, Bunnicula could feel heart beating faster... and Bunnicula feel happy while looking at girl in the middle..." Shaggy: "Uh oh, like don't look now gang, but I think Bunnicula just got himself a crush on one of the Hex girls." Fred: "I can't blame him, Thorn has that effect on a lot of people." Daphne: "Well that effect better not be on you too." Fred: "What do you mean?" Daphne: "Oh nothing." suddenly, a ghost that looked like a witch appeared and tried to attack the Hex girls. But Bunnicula transformed into a bat and flew off to scare off the ghost by showing his fangs and hissed. Once the witch was gone, Bunnicula transformed back to his cute bunny form and sees that the Hex girls were standing in front of him. Thorn: "Thanks for saving us, but how did you do that?" Luna: "Yeah, I've never heard of a bat that can turn into a bunny before." Luna: "And a very cute one at that." this made Bunnicula's face to blush while rubbing the back of his head with his paw, before Scooby and the rest of the gang came up to the stage. Fred: "Are you okay?" Thorn: "Yeah we're fine, thanks to this little guy here." Daphne: "That's Bunnicula, I hope his uh... bat form didn't scare you." Dusk: "As if we would be scared of something this cute." Luna: "Besides, after having encounters with that witch's ghost, a bunny that can turn into a bat is not as scary." Shaggy: "W-w-witch's..." Scooby: "G-g-ghost?!" Thorn: "Yeah, oh by the way, my name is Thorn, and these two are Dusk and Luna." Fred: "I'm Fred, and this Daphne, Velma, Shaggy and Scooby Doo." Bunnicula: "And Bunnicula too!" Luna: "Did that bunny just talked?" Dusk: "Yeah, and so did the dog, cool." Fred: "Yeah, they're both unique in their own way." Thorn: "I can see that." Velma: "Could you tell us why this ghost tried to attack you?" Thorn: "Well, from what I learned, this ghost was once a witch that my ancestor defeated long ago, by sealing her inside a spell book." Shaggy: "Like she didn't look sealed up inside a book to me." Thorn: "Yeah, which means only one thing, someone has released her." Fred: "But who?, and why?" Dusk: "Beats me, but I know one thing, that ghost won't stop unless she's back inside her book..." Luna: "Or us being history." this made both Shaggy and Scooby to gulp before the dog jumped into his owner's arms while shaking in fear. Fred: "Well gang, it looks like we got a mystery in our hands." Velma: "Yes, and let's start by finding this spell book, for if we find it, we won't only be able to seal the ghost back, but also figuring out who released her in the first place." Daphne: "But where do we start looking?" that was when Bunnicula and Scooby started sniffing the ground and found some footprints. Bunnicula: "Footprints, Bunnicula found clue?" Scooby: "Uh huh!, a clue." Shaggy: "Hey those don't look like the kind that a ghost would make, or a witch for that matter." Velma: "And ghosts don't make footprints either, I think we found our first clue, whoever was here was most likely the one who used the spell book to unleash the ghost who just attacked the Hex girls." Daphne: "But who's footprints are these?" Fred: "I don't know, but maybe we'll find out by following them, see where they go." it was not long before they follow the tracks that go a house that belonged to a man named Ben Raven Croft. Thorn: "Wait a minute... I just remembered something." Fred: "What's that?" Thorn: "The Witch that my ancestor sealed away, her name was Sarah Raven Croft." Shaggy: "So the guy who lives here is the witch's decedent?" Fred: "Probably, and perhaps he found the book and using it to get his revenge." suddenly, a lightning bolt hit the ground in front of the group, and a man holding the spell book appeared. It was Ben Raven Croft (voiced by Tim Curry), and was indeed the man behind the attacks. Ben: "My, my, aren't you the cleaver ones, but it doesn't matter, with Sarah's book, I shall finally become the Warlock I was born to be, and get my revenge on the descendent of the one who made a fool out of my ancestor and family name." Velma: "You won't get away with it!" Ben: "Why?, because of you meddling kids?" Bunnicula: "And Bunny and dog." Ben: "Whatever, you won't last through this night once I unleash Sarah Raven Croft once more." said Ben, before summoning a spell that releases the ghost of Sarah Raven Croft from the book again and started to attack the gang and the Hex girls. Just when all hope seemed lost, Bunnicula turned into a bat and took the book away from Ben Raven Croft. Daphne: "Good job Bunnicula!" Velma: "Hurry!, give the book to Thorn!" called out Velma, as Bunnicula dropped the book into Thorn's hands. Velma: "Hurry Thorn, call out the spell to send Sarah back into the book." Thorn: "But I don't have actual magic!" Velma: "Your ancestor was able to to it, which means so can you." Thorn took a deep breath before calling out the spell, and soon the Witch's ghost was being pulled back into the book, but not before she took a hold of Ben's leg and pulled him down with her. Once the book was closed, a tree that got caught on fire during the witch's attack dropped a burning branch, and it landed it on top of the book, causing it to be burned out of existence. Velma: "Looks like that's the end of the Raven Croft family once and for all." Dusk: "And they would have gotten away with their revenge if you groovy kids didn't came along." Luna: "Along with Scooby." Thorn: "And cute little Bunnicula here." said Thorn, before picking up Bunnicula and kissing him on the cheek, which made his whole head turn red and have hearts for eyes. Scooby: "He, he, he, Scooby Dooby Doo!"

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