Scooby Doo & The Cat Mummy's Tomb

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It was a really hot day when the Scooby gang arrived in Egypt, and Bunnicula was very doing his best not to let any sunlight get into the box he was hiding in. Shaggy: "Like tell me again why are we in the middle of nowhere?" Fred: "First of all, we're in the middle of the desert of Egypt, and second, the reason we came is because Melbourne O'Reilly is here and he wants us to join us on his quest to find the treasure of CleoCatra." Scooby: "CleoCatra?" Daphne: "Don't you mean Cleopatra?" Velma: "Actually, CleoCatra was an Egyptian cat that Cleopatra used to have." Shaggy: "So there was a cat that was like a feline version of Cleopatra?" Velma: "That's right." it was not long before the Mystery Machine finally arrived in a city where they found Melbourne, but there was also a little girl with a cat and a mouse. The girl was named Robyn Starling (voiced by Anndi McAfee), the cat was Tom (voiced by Richard Kind), and the mouse are Jerry (voiced by Dana Hill). Melbourne: "G'day mates, it's great to see ya again." Fred: "The same would go for us seeing you." Daphne: "Who she?" Melbourne: "That's Robyn Starling, daughter of Daddy Starling." Velma: "The Starling billionaire who's also an explorer?" Robyn: "That's right, and these are my best friends, Tom & Jerry." Tom: "Hey." Jerry: "Hi." Daphne: "Wait a minute... Tom & Jerry... as in THE Tom & Jerry?, the famous cat and mouse duo?" Jerry: "Yup, that's us." Shaggy: "But like I thought you two don't talk." Tom: "Well our cartoons were more focused on the slapstick." Jerry: "And we decided to talk more after meeting Robyn and all that." Velma: "Hm... didn't think it's normal for someone to have the famous Tom & Jerry as actual house pets." Shaggy: "Well we don't exactly have normal pets ourselves as we have a talking dog and a vampire rabbit." Tom & Jerry: "Vampire?!" yelped the cat and mouse duo, which made Shaggy to cover his mouth as he realized what he just said in front of them. Shaggy: "Like... oops..." Scooby: "Yeah, oops." Melbourne: "Don't worry mates, Bunnicula is friendly, he only feeds on the juice of vegetables." that was when Chiquita came in with a bag full of food when she saw Scooby, who was happy to see her again as he and the chihuahua rubbed each others noses. Daphne: "I hope you don't mind us asking... what brings you here?" Robyn: "Well... the real reason we came here is to find my daddy, who was looking for the tomb of CleoCatra too, before he disappeared." Shaggy: "D-d-disappeared?" Robyn: "Yeah, the folks here believe it was the curse of CleoCatra." Melbourne: "Well I find it be nothing but a silly myth, finding Mr Starling is another reason I'm here to find the tomb, for it might give us a clue to find him." Daphne: "And that's where we come in, right?" Melbourne: "You got it, for you're the best detectives I know who can solve this mystery." Fred: "In that case, we got ourselves another mystery on our hands." said Fred, unaware that he and the others were being watched by a pair of figures hiding in the shadows. When evening came, the gang and the pets were getting ready for bed as they'll need the rest for their search of the tomb of CleoCatra and Robyn's father. Suddenly there was a loud noise coming from the hallways that was the work of Tom chasing Jerry. Back with the humans, Melbourne was telling the gang the legend of CleoCatra and another cat named Gidget. Turns out that a long time ago, the Egyptian cat gods gave Cleopatra a special collar that had magical powers. But her trusted cat, CleoCatra, was not happy that the collar was given to a human instead of her, so she planned to steal it and use it's powers to control the human race and rule Egypt forever. But her plan failed when another cat, who was once a human girl but got turned into a pink cat with psychic powers named Gidget, stopped her and helped the Egyptian queen get it back. Cleopatra was so mad about being betrayed by her most trusted cat, she used the collar to banish CleoCatra from the palace forever, and Gidget became the queen's new trusted cat, which was where the story ends. Shaggy: "Wow, sounds like Gidget was a great cat." Melbourne: "Yup, some say Gidget was a cat like no other." Fred: "Well I don't know about you, but we better get some sleep now." Velma: "Yeah, we got a big day tomorrow." so with that, both the pets and their owners went to bed to get a good night sleep. When morning came, the gang, along with Melbourne, Robyn and her pets were in the Mystery Machine as it travels through the desert, unaware that they were being followed by a pair of shadows that belonged to two people riding on some camels, and one of the camels had a second person on it, who was Daddy Starling all tied up and had dutch-tape covering his mouth. It was late afternoon when the gang saw a sandstorm coming their way and they had to wait it out inside the Mystery Machine until it passes. Once the storm was over, they saw what they were looking for, the tomb of CleoCatra itself. Once they got inside, Shaggy and Scooby accidentally went to a different path from the one the others went, and soon the duo were lost. Shaggy: "Oh man... like which way do we go?" Scooby: "I don't know." Shaggy: "Hey look, there's a square shaped rock with a menu on it." Scooby: "A menu?" Shaggy: "Yeah, a guy with a cup and some grapes, must be some kind of grape juice, that looks good." Scooby: "Yeah, grape juice." Shaggy: "Hey waiter?, are you around here?" Scooby: "Waiter?, where are you waiter?" Shaggy: "Maybe we're supposed to serve ourselves here." that was when they found an Egyptian coffin not too far away, and opened it before seeing a mummy in it. Scooby: "Yikes!" Shaggy: "No wonder the service is so bad, like the waiter just got back from the hospital." Scooby: "Yeah..." suddenly, the mummy moved and started to let out a roar that scared the duo. Shaggy: "Zoinks!, like that's no waiter, that's a mummy!" Scooby: "Not mine!" Shaggy: "She's not mine either, let's get out of here!" yelled Shaggy, as he and Scooby run for their lives, trying to get away from the mummy. That was when they heard meowing of a cat, and saw a cat that was pink and floating in midair, and it pointed the duo to a hallway that might be an escape route. Shaggy: "Like thanks little kitty." Scooby: "Yeah, thanks." the cat nodded, before the duo continued to run and soon found the rest of the gang. Fred: "Shaggy, Scooby, what happened?" Shaggy: "Like we had a run in with a mummy." Velma: "A mummy?" Scooby: "Yeah!, look!" called out Scooby, as the mummy was heading right for them. Melbourne: "Crikey!, this is just like those mummy movies I used to watch." Daphne: "Jeepers!, except this isn't a movie, it's for real!" Robyn: "Hey guys... where's Tom & Jerry?" asked Robyn, before hearing the cat and mouse duo screaming while running for their lives. Robyn: "Guys, this is not the time to chase each other!" Tom: "We not!" Jerry: "We're both being chased by that!" yelped Jerry, as another mummy appeared and it was chasing the duo like how the first one was chasing Shaggy and Scooby. Shaggy: "Zoinks!, like there's another one!" Fred: "Run for it!" called out Fred, as he and everyone else were being chased by the two mummies. Bunnicula decided to be brave and transformed into his bat form before making his eyes glow, which was when the two mummies floated up into the air and their own wrapping got tied up to each other, making them unable to move. Tom: "Now that's what I call a wrap." Fred: "Now let's see who they really are." said Fred, before unmasking the mummies and showing the faces of two people that Tom, Jerry and Robyn know too well. Robyn, Tom and Jerry: "Aunt Figg and Lickboot!" Daphne: "You know these two?" Tom: "Yeah, they were the people that kept Robyn as a prisoner in her own home." Jerry: "And only cared about her father's money." Velma: "They must be here for the collar of CleoCatra itself." said Velma, before Figg (voice by Charlotte Rae) and Lickboot (voiced by Tony Jay) spoke. Charlotte: "And we would have gotten away with it too..." Lickboot: "If it wasn't for you meddling kids and stupid pets!" Shaggy: "Like isn't that the collar over there?" asked Shaggy, as he sees the collar on top of some treasure, including a golden statue of a cat. Melbourne: "Well mates, it looks like you guys got this mystery all wrapped up." Robyn: "But what about my dad?" asked Robyn, before Bunnicula tries his hypnotic powers on Figg and Lickboot to tell him where Mr Starling was, and they told him in a hypnotized tone that he was just outside the tomb all tied up. Once the gang got out, it was nighttime, and they got Mr Starling untied and Robyn was happy to see her father again. Shaggy: "Like there's one thing I still don't get... who was that cat that lead us back to the gang...?" Scooby: "Gidget?" Shaggy: "Come on Scooby, Gidget lived a long time ago, the only way that would be possible is if she were a... a... ghost..." this made both Shaggy and Scooby to gulp nervously, before the ghost of Gidget appeared and Bunnicula decided to give her some pets before she gave Scooby a box of Scooby Snacks and disappeared. Daphne: "Was that..." Velma: "Gidget?" Melbourne: "Crikey... now there's something you don't see everyday." Shaggy: "I guess she really was a sweet cat." Scooby: "Yeah, he, he, he, Scooby Dooby Doo!" the scene then changes to total black before Gidget (voiced by Lisa Ortiz) came. Gidget: "Hey folks, in case you're wondering, no I'm not really a ghost, I was just playing a ghost role in this, now if you excuse me, I got a date with a fox boy of mine." said the pink cat, before she leaves the scene.

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