Scooby Doo & The TMNT, Part 1

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It was late at night when the Mystery Machine arrives in the city of New York, and Shaggy and Scooby seemed to be excited. Shaggy: "Oh boy, Like I can't wait to try out the pizza here." Scooby: "Me too!" Bunnicula: "Pizza that good here?" Shaggy: "Are you kidding?, if there's one food that you'll love in New York, it's the pizza." Fred: "Can't you two ever think of anything besides food?" Shaggy: "Like can you blame me and Scooby here?, with all the ghosts and monsters chasing us, we work up a real appetite." that was when the gang saw a young woman with orange hair in front of the Mystery Machine, causing them stop just in the nick of time. The woman was April O'Neil (voiced by Veronica Taylor), and she had the look on her face that someone or something was after her. Fred: "Are you alright?" April: "Yeah, but not for long if they get me!" Daphne: "They who?" suddenly, a big group of what looked like Ninjas appeared and they were pointing their sharp swords or ninja stars at the gang and April. Shaggy: "Zoinks!, it's a group of ninjas!" Scooby: "Ninjas?!" Velma: "What are ninjas doing here in New York?" suddenly, a shadowy figure threw a ninja star at some of the lamp posts and the area went dark. While the gang couldn't see what was happening, they did hear the sounds of the ninjas fighting someone. Fred: "What's going on?" Daphne: "Is someone fighting the ninjas?" Velma: "Sounds like it, but who?" as soon as the lights came back on, and all the ninjas were knocked out cold. That was when April sees someone entering the sewers through a sewer cover lid, and decided to follow. Shaggy: "Like where is she going?" Fred: "I don't know, but I got a feeling that we got a real mystery on our hands." said Fred, before he and the rest of the gang followed April into the sewers. They continued their walk through the sewers until they found themselves surrounded by what looked like giant humanoid like turtles with different colored head bands. The leader in blue was Leonardo (voiced by Sam Clark), the second in red was Raphael (voiced by Gregg Abby), the third in purple was Donatello (voiced by Rob Paulsen), and the last one in orange was Michelangelo (voiced by Greg Cipes), and together they were known as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, or TMNT for short. Shaggy: "Zoinks!, sewer monsters!" Donatello: "Actually, we're turtles, not sewer monsters." Leonardo: "Not the time, Donnie." that was when Bunnicula found himself in the hands of Michelangelo, who finds him cute. Michelangelo: "Aww, look at this cute little bunny." Daphne: "That's Bunnicula." Michelangelo: "Really?, sounds like the name of Dracula from one of those old movies we found down here." Raphael: "Who cares what the bunny's name is?, these people had the nerve to invade our home." Fred: "We wanted to figure out who those ninjas that just attacked were, and why were that after that girl." Michelangelo: "You mean April?" Daphne: "You know her?" Michelangelo: "Yeah, she was our owner before we got mutated." Shaggy: "Did you say, m-m-mutated?" that was when a man with a cane came to the scene. The man was Hamato Yoshi (voiced by Hoon Lee), or Master Splinter due to how well he can chop wood with a single karate chop. Master Splinter: "What is going on here?" Leonardo: "Master!, I can explain!" that was when April showed up next to Splinter. April: "It was my fault, they were with me when the ninjas attacked, I should have known they might follow me." Master Splinter: "Well... what's done is done I guess." Shaggy: "You're not scared of them?" Master Splinter: "After raising them as my own sons all these years, no." Daphne: "Raising them?" Master Splinter: "I suppose we owe you an explanation, but you must not tell anyone about it, for it might put you and us in danger." Shaggy: "Like no problem there, as if anyone would believe this." Master Splinter: "Fair enough, anyway, the story begins long ago, when April was just a little girl..." said Splinter as he tells the gang the story about how the turtles became what they are today. Turns out they used to be normal baby turtles that April had when she was a little girl. Her father used to work for a company to create some kind of green ooze called Mutagen, designed to cure any disease and even heal fatal injuries. Then one day, a terrible fire happened that took the lives of many, including April's father. As for April, she along with the turtles escaped into the sewers and that was when Master Splinter found them. When he learned that April had no family to take care of her or anywhere else to go, Splinter decided to take her and the turtles under his wing. As time went on, both April and Splinter learned that the baby turtles were used as test subjects for the Mutagen as it started to mutate them into what they are today, and Splinter decided to train them along with April in the arts of Ninjitzu. And that's when the story ends, and the gang were amazed. Daphne: "Wow... that's an amazing story." Shaggy: "I'll say, it sounds like something from a superhero/ ninja comic book." Scooby: "Yeah." Michelangelo: "Whoa!, your dog can talk?!, is he a mutant too?" Fred: "No really, but he's not a normal dog either." April: "I can see that, and I take it that Bunnicula is no normal bunny either, right?" Daphne: "Well... you could say that." that was when the turtles saw Bunnicula using his fangs to drain the juice out of a tomato, which really spooked them. Michelangelo: "Yikes!, that bunny sucked the juice out of that tomato like a vampire!" Raphael: "Um... I'm guessing that's how he got his name?" Daphne: "Yeah, but don't worry, he only feeds on the juice of vegetables or fruit." Donatello: "Makes sense, rabbits like him are vegetarians, though I never thought a vampire could be real, let alone a rabbit kind." Velma: "Says the talking mutant turtle." Donatello: "Fair enough." Fred: "There's one thing I don't get... what's a Ninjitzu master doing living in the sewers in the first place?" Master Splinter: "I'm afraid that is another story." Daphne: "Would it have to do with those ninjas that the turtles fought?" Leonardo: "The only clue we have is that they have a symbol of a red foot on their masks." Master Splinter: "The Foot Clan..." Shaggy: "I'm guessing they're bad news..." Master Splinter: "Yes... mostly because of who's in charge of the clan now... Oruku Saki... or better known as... the Shredder." Leonardo: "The Shredder?" April: "Splinter, who's the Shredder?" Master Splinter: "Well April, since you know how you and the turtles got here, I suppose it's time to tell you how I got here..." said Splinter, before telling them how he ended up in the sewers long ago. Turns out that he used to be a member of the Foot clan in the days of his youth in Japan, and his biggest rival was Oruku Saki, who wanted not just full control of the clan, but the whole world itself. He knew that as long as Hamato Yoshi was around, he can't take control, so he set up a plan on framing his rival on a crime that was about attempting to kill his sensei, which got Hamato Yoshi banished from the clan and Japan. So the exiled ninja moved to the sewers of New York, which was when he met April and the turtles. Daphne: "Jeepers... this rival of yours sounds like a really bad person." Master Splinter: "Indeed he is, and I believe he is making his move on taking control of the planet if he has sent his ninjas here in New York." Leonardo: "Well we already took care of them." Master Splinter: "Perhaps, but I have a feeling that this is only the beginning." meanwhile in Japan, Oruku Saki, now known as the Shredder (voiced by Kevin Micheal Richardson), just got a report from the ninjas in New York that they just got attacked by an unknown foe. Although the recording of the event was dark, the Shredder could see the movements of the attackers. That was when Karai (voiced by Karen Neill), Shredder's second in command comes up to him and sees the recording. Kari: "What is it?" Shredder: "It seems that New York has it's own set of ninjas." Karai: "Do you want me to deal with them?" Shredder: "No, for some reason, I feel like I should do it... their fighting style... it seems familiar somehow..." sometime later, Shaggy, Scooby and Michelangelo were having a food eating contest that involves pizza, and everyone else were amazed on how much they could eat. Donatello: "Wow, how could someone so thin could eat that much without getting fat?" Fred: "Well with all the ghosts or monsters chasing him and Scooby, they would lose a lot weight." Raphael: "Yeah, though most of them are just some guys wearing Halloween costumes." Daphne: "Though there were a few mysteries that involves real ghosts or monsters." Shaggy: "Yeah, like that witch's ghost or some real aliens." Fred: "Yeah, like Sonic the Hedgehog or those experiments living in Hawaii." Michelangelo: "Man, you guys are lucky to travel to many places, while we have to stay down here until it's dark and nobody's around." Daphne: "That's understandable, not everyone can handle the sight of talking mutant turtles." that was when they heard some kind of alarm and Donatello went to look at a monitor that showed an image of the Shredder with his ninjas coming closer to the streets where the entrance of the sewers were. Donatello: "Something tells me that he's the leader of the ninjas we beat earlier." Master Splinter: "It's him... the Shredder..." Shaggy: "Zoinks!, like you mean the bad ninja guy?!" Master Splinter: "Yes, and if he's here, then we're all in danger." April: "We can take him." Master Splinter: "No, you can't, Oruku Saki is not only a very powerful ninja, he is a ninja without honor." Leonardo: "Then what can we do?" Master Splinter: "You do nothing, I will face him alone." Raphael: "What?!, sensei you can't be serious!" Master Splinter: "I am, you don't know him like I do, and I'm the only one with enough experience to hold him off long enough for you to escape." April: "But we can't leave you behind, you're like a father to us since I lost mine!" Master Splinter: "I know, and it was a real honor for me, but now it's time for you to move on." suddenly, a big explosion burst through a wall and the Shredder came though, shocked to see his old rival and the turtles. Shredder: "You... I should have known you had something to do with the ninjas that attacked my own, though I was not expecting your students to be... green." Michelangelo: "Well green is a normal color for a turtle." Master Splinter: "Leave them out of this Oruku Saki, this is between you and me." Shredder: "Any student of yours is an enemy to the Foot Clan, and I shall finish what I started years ago." said the Shredder, before he and Splinter went to battle, and it was intense as they were both ninja masters and all that. Suddenly, Shredder took out a spray can that unleashed some kind of red gas that hit Splinter's face. Leonardo went to try helping his sensei when the Shredder used the can on the turtle. That was when Bunnicula transformed into his bat form and took the can away from the Shredder, and dropping it into the hands of Donatello. Shredder: "It won't matter if you have the can, there is no cure for the virus that was in it, in other words, Hamato Yoshi and this turtle are history." said the Shredder, before letting out an evil laugh and ran off with the rest of his ninjas. A few moments later, Donatello took Splinter and Leonardo to the medic room, and learned that the virus the Shredder exposed them to was indeed fatal. But that was when Leonardo got up and he looked like he was not sick at all for some reason. Shaggy: "Hey Leo, how come you're not sick like Splinter?" Leo: "I don't know, I felt sick for a moment, but then I felt not as sick and then now I'm all better." Donatello: "Of course!, the Mutagen inside our bloodstream!, it was designed to cure any diseases and heal even fatal injuries, which means the four of us are immune to the virus!" Raphael: "That's great for us, but what about Master Splinter?!, he's gonna die if we don't do something quick!" Donatello: "Don't worry, for if the Mutagen can protect us from the virus, then maybe we could use it to cure sensei." Michelangelo: "How?" Donatello: "We could try collect a small sample of the mutagen from our bloodstream and transfer it into Sensei." hearing that made Bunnicula get a sick look on his face and started to run into the restroom before the sound of the poor bunny throwing up was heard. Raphael: "A vampire that gets sick just by hearing the word blood?, lame." Shaggy: "Like I'm no fan of the word myself." Scooby: "Me neither." Raphael: "I'll do it, since everyone else here is too chicken." said Raphael, before Donatello takes out a needle and Raphael let out a loud girlish scream when the needle got to his arm. Michelangelo: "Dude, even I wouldn't scream like that, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!" laughed the youngest of the turtles, before Raphael began chasing him around the place while Donatello collects the Mutagen from the blood sample and injects it into Splinter. A few minutes later, Master Splinter begins to wake up and felt much better like he was never sick to begin with. Fred: "Alright!, it worked!" Master Splinter: "Where is Shredder?" Shaggy: "Like he ran off after he sprayed some virus on you." Master Splinter: "Then there's no time to lose, we must find him and stop him." Raphael: "Yeah, time to make shred head pay for hurting you." Master Splinter: "This is not about vengeance, it's about restoring honor to the ninja." Shaggy: "But like where do we find him?" Fred: "He must still be in the city somewhere." said Fred, unaware that he and the others were being watched by some kind of drone, before it left the sewers and returning to it's master.

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