Going Betty With The Hex Girls

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It was night time when the Scooby gang were camping in the middle of the woods, and Shaggy, Scooby and Bunnicula were off to get some wood for their campfire. Shaggy: "Hey look, there's a pair of branches on that bush over there, let's go get them." Scooby: "Okay." once Scooby tried to pull the wood, they turned out to be the antlers of an angry deer, which forced the trio to run off to a different direction. Shaggy: "Wow, like that's the first time I ever saw a horse that grew wood out of it's head." suddenly, the trio heard a laugh. Bunnicula: "What be laughing about?" Shaggy: "Like that wasn't me." Scooby: "Not me either." the trio then took a peek at a bush behind them and see that the laugh was from the Joker himself, who had the Hex girls all tied up and he was taking them somewhere." Joker: "I promise you ladies, this song I wrote for you will be a real laugh." Thorn: "As if we would want to play a song that was made by one of the most dangerous criminals of Gotham." Joker: "I had a feeling you would say that, so I decided to play it for you once we get to my office, ah, ha, ha, ha, ha!" this made Scooby, Shaggy and Bunnicula scared and worried. Shaggy: "Zoinks!, it's the Joker!" Scooby: "And the Hex girls!" Bunnicula: "They're in trouble!" Shaggy: "Like let's get out of here and warn the gang before that crazy clown sees us." so they ran off back to their camp and told the gang about what they saw. Fred: "You saw the Joker?" Daphne: "And the Hex girls as his prisoners?" Scooby: "Yeah, yeah!" Velma: "But what would the Joker be doing here?, and what would he want with the Hex girls?" Shaggy: "He said something about wanting them to play a song he wrote for them, maybe he's a fan of theirs." Fred: "Somehow I highly doubt it." suddenly, a shadow appeared behind the gang and it soon reveled to be Batman himself. Shaggy: "Zoinks!, like it's Batman!" Velma: "That figures, if the Joker's involved, so would the Dark Knight himself." Batman: "So you know the Joker is here." Daphne: "Yeah, we just learned from Shaggy, Scooby and Bunnicula here that he has the Hex girls." Fred: "And they said that he wants them to play a song he wrote." Velma: "A plot that involves kidnapping a music band just to make them play a song he wrote doesn't make a lot of sense." Batman: "While most criminals have a logical motive, with the Joker, his plans only make sense to his insane mind alone." Bunnicula: "Please save Thorn Mr Bat guy!, Thorn must be saved!" Daphne: "Bunnicula has a crush on the leader of the Hex girls." Batman: "I see... well don't worry, I'll do what I can." Fred: "You mean we'll do everything we can, as we're gonna help." Batman: "That's a nice offer, but Joker is very dangerous." Daphne: "Don't forget that we dealt with him before, and the Hex girls are our friends, so we have to do something." Batman: "Well... I suppose so, just don't get too close to Joker, there's no telling what he might do." Shaggy: "Like I'm more worried about the Hex girls, as they're the ones that clown has." Scooby: "Yeah..." said Scooby with a whimper. Meanwhile, the Joker was with the Hex girls inside what looked like a cave. Joker: "Now ladies, if you want to go free, all you have to do is play this song I made in your next concert." Thorn: "And why would you want us to do that?" Joker: "Well let's say it's a song that will make everyone want me to be their master, and give me all the money I want." Dusk: "And if we refuse?" Joker: "Well, let's just say you'll be on the menu for my pets, Harley?" asked Joker, as a woman with a jester outfit appeared with a pair of hyenas. The woman was Harley Quinn (voiced by Tara Strong), who was the Joker's girlfriend. Harley: "My cute hyenas are hungry, and they don't like to wait for their meal, Right Mr J?" Joker: "You got it right, and unless you girls don't mind being on the menu... play my song!" Luna: "You won't get away with this!" Joker: "Oh really?, who's gonna stop me?, Bat boy?" Harley: "Uh... Mr J?, I think we got a problem." said Harley, as she was looking at a monitor that was showing an image of Batman and the Scooby gang heading to the secret hideout. Joker: "Oh great... it's those meddling kids again!" Harley: "And Batman is with them." Joker: "Well it's a good thing for us that we set up some traps in our hideout, and I'm sure that they're a real scream, ah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!" meanwhile, the Scooby gang and Batman were just outside of the cave where the Joker was hiding, and Shaggy and Scooby were a bit nervous of the darkness inside. Shaggy: "Like are you sure they're in there?" Batman: "It's where the tracks end, so there's a chance they're inside." Fred: "Then what are we waiting for?, let's go inside." so the gang and Batman went inside and began their search for the Hex girls, and the Joker. Suddenly, a shadowy figure pulled a lever and that's when a giant bat came down and started to attack the gang. Shaggy, Scooby and Bunnicula went into a tunnel while the others went to a different one, trying to get away from the giant bat. Just before the giant bat could swoop down again, Batman throws a boomerang that breaks the giant bat into a pile of junk. Batman: "Just as I figured, a robotic bat that the Joker set up to scare off intruders." Velma: "Well it won't scare off anyone now." Daphne: "I wonder where Bunnicula, Shaggy and Scooby went?" Fred: "I saw them head off to that tunnel, we better find them before the Joker does." Batman: "Just be careful, there's a chance that there could be more traps in this cave." meanwhile, Bunnicula, Shaggy and Scooby were in front of what looked like a lake inside the cave and there was a row boat too. Shaggy: "Hey look, like there's a row boat here." Scooby: "Yeah, row boat." Bunnicula: "What row boat be doing in cave?" Shaggy: "Like maybe it's the Joker's, he might be using it to travel through the waters in this cave." Scooby: "Yikes!" yelped Scooby, as there was a white bed sheet hanging from the ceiling with the face of the ghost and a tape recorder inside that was making a wailing sound. Shaggy: "Zoinks!, a ghost!, like let's get out of here!" yelped Shaggy, as he, Scooby and Bunnicula jumped into the row boat and started rowing away from the ghost. Bunnicula: "Where Skinny dude rowing to?" Shaggy: "I have no idea, but at least we got away from that ghost." Scooby: "Yikes!, but not from this one!" yelped Scooby, as there was a fountain with a green light under the water to make it look like a ghost. Shaggy: "Zoinks!, like it's another ghost!, and we're heading right for it!" Scooby: "Row the other way!, row the other way!" Shaggy: "I'm trying!" the row boat turned around and it soon came back to the ground and Shaggy rowed the boat right towards a door, before crashing though and into the room where the Hex girls were in. Thorn: "Look!, it's Bunnicula!" Dusk: "Along with Shaggy and Scooby!" Thorn: "Boy are we glad to see you." Shaggy: "Look guys!, it's the Hex girls!" Scooby: "Yuppie!" Bunnicula: "Thorn!, bad clown didn't hurt you, did he?" Thorn: "We're fine, but we better get out of here before that clown and his girlfriend come back." Scooby: "Girlfriend?" Shaggy: "Like who would want to be that clown's girlfriend?" that was when Harley and her hyenas showed up. Harley: "Why me of course, and I don't like some meddling kids trying to ruin Mr J's plans." Scooby: "Yikes!" Shaggy: "Double Yikes!, let's get out of here!" yelped Shaggy, as he along with Scooby, Bunnicula and the Hex girls began running for their lives trying to escape from Harley and her hyenas. Suddenly, Bunnicula transformed into his bat form and made his eyes to glow, before Harley and her hyenas started to float and a rope wrapped them up and was tied up too, making the villains unable to go anywhere. Thorn: "Well that takes care of them." Shaggy: "Yeah, but like the Joker is still loose." Dusk: "Then we better get moving." that was when Batman and the rest of the Scooby gang showed up. Daphne: "There you guys are." Shaggy: "Boy are we glad to see you." Fred: "And you found the Hex girls." Thorn: "Yeah, and thanks to Bunnicula, we caught Harley Quinn and her hyenas." Batman: "Which means the only criminal left is Joker." Dusk: "Whoa... it's Batman." Luna: "He sure is a sight to behold." suddenly, the group heard the Joker's crazy laugh, before the clown prince of crime himself showed up. Joker: "You might have gotten the Hex girls back, but you won't stop me from using my musical number to control the minds of millions." Velma: "I get it, you needed the Hex girls to play this song so no one would expect it to control them." Joker: "Ooh, you're a smart cookie, too bad you made your last deduction." Batman: "Not on my watch." Joker: "Well bat boy, I believe you'll be perfect to test out my music." said Joker, before pushing a button on a remote in his hands, and music from some speakers around the cave started to play some weird music that was giving Batman and everyone else the feeling of dizziness. Bunnicula then flew up and took a bite on Joker's remote, which caused the music to stop, allowing Batman to punch Joker in the face, and putting cuffs on him. Thorn: "Oh man... that song was terrible." Dusk: "No fooling." Luna: "Yeah." Batman: "Well that music won't be going to the public now." Joker: "Oh... I would have gotten away with it, if it weren't for you meddling kids and talking pets!, and you too Batman!" some time later, after the police took the Joker and Harley away, the Scooby gang and Batman were both invited to a concert by the Hex girls, as a way to thank them. Thorn: "I like to thank the Scooby gang and Batman for not only saving us, but also the world of music too." said Thorn, who was looking at the Scooby gang and Batman in the audience. Batman: "As much as I'm not into stuff like this... the Hex girls are not bad at all." Bunnicula: "Yeah, they're the best!" Scooby: "Yeah, he, he, he, he, Scooby Dooby Doo!"

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