Scooby Doo & The TMNT, Part 2

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Somewhere in New York city, there was a building that has a lab, which belonged to a man named Baxter Stockman (voiced by Phil LaMarr), and he was secretly working for Kraang (voiced by Gilbert Gottfried), an evil alien from another dimension. Baxter: "So... it seems the drone has discovered the test subjects of the mutagen years ago." Kraang: "Who cares about that?, I need to open a portal to Dimension X in order to bring my Technodrome here, otherwise our dream to rule the planet won't happen." Baxter: "I know, but from what the drone showed us, these turtles will be a problem... unless we have mutants of our own." Kraang: "Yes, but in order to do that, we need someone who will help us with that." Baxter: "I believe the one called Shredder could help us." at the time when Shredder got to his secret hideout in New York, Karai came to him and has some news. Karai: "Sensei, were you expecting company?" Shredder: "No, what do you mean?" Karai: "Well... I'm not sure how to explain it, I think it'll be easier if I show them to you." said Karai, before showing the Shredder the guests, Baxter Stockman and what looked like a big brain with a face that was inside the stomach of a large robot. Shredder: "Who are you... and what are you?" Baxter: "I'm Baxter Stockman, a brilliant scientist." Kraang: "And I am Kraang, supreme warlord of Dimension X, and I like to make a deal with you." Shredder: "A deal?" Kraang: "Yes, if you help me collect the parts I need to complete a device to open up a portal to my dimension, I will give you the key to destroy your enemies." Shredder: "I already destroyed Hamato Yoshi, my greatest foe with my own hands." Kraang: "Actually, he's still alive." Shredder: "What?!, that's impossible!, the virus has no cure!" Baxter Stockman: "Normally that would be true, but thanks to the mutagen in the turtles' bloodstream, the virus is no longer a threat to them." Shredder: "How do you know this?" Baxter: "I sent a few drones around the city, and one of them witnessed your rival being cured." Shredder: "Hmm... what exactly do you have that I can use to destroy my rival and his turtles?" Kraang: "I'm glad you asked, this purple ooze here is the key, all you need are some test subjects." said Kraang, as he gives Shredder a canister that had glowing purple ooze inside. Shredder: "I already have an idea on who the test subject should be..." said the Shredder with an evil chuckle as he looks at the purple ooze. Elsewhere in the city, it was night time when the gang, the turtles, including April and Master Splinter, were on the search of the Shredder, when a pair of thugs, Bebop (voiced by JB Smoove) and Rocksteady (voiced by Fred Tatasciore), showed up. Bebop: "Looky here Rocky, we hit the jackpot tonight." Rocksteady: "Yeah, they must have some good wallets for us to take." Velma: "In case you have not noticed, you're completely outnumbered." Bebop: "Yeah, so?" Fred: "The chances of you able to beat all of us is very unlikely." Rocksteady: "Hey we might not be the smartest, but when it comes to muscle, we're number one!" Bebop: "Yeah, you tell them Rock!" suddenly, a group of Foot ninjas appeared, along with the Shredder, who was holding some sort of gun that was full of darts that had the purple ooze inside. Shaggy: "Zoinks!, like it's the Shredder guy!" Scooby: "Shredder?!" Master Splinter: "I'll deal with him, you handle the others." Shredder: "Believe me, they're the least of your worries." said Shredder, before firing the gun and the darts were aiming for Splinter, who managed to dodge them and the darts hit Bebop and Rocksteady instead. Bebop: "Yow!, that stings!, not in a good way!" suddenly, the two thugs started to change from being human to what looked like a pair of large mutant animals. While Bebop turned into a mutant warthog, Rocksteady turned into a mutant rhino. The sight of the thugs' transformation left the others speechless, unaware that a drone was watching the scene and Baxter Stockman was amazed. Baxter: "Amazing... inside every human, there's a dormant gene that ties them to their animal ancestors... it's as if the purple ooze has... returned them to their rightful place in the animal kingdom..." back at the streets, Bebop and Rocksteady were amazed by their new forms. Bebop: "Whoa Rock!, you're a rhino!" Rocksteady: "Yeah, and you're a... I don't know what you are." Bebop: "I think I'm a little piggy." Velma: "Actually you're a warthog." Bebop: "Aren't those pigs too?" Velma: "Kind of." Rocksteady: "This is awesome!, not only are we bigger, but I feel like I'm a whole lot stronger now!" Bebop: "Me too!, I feel like I could lift a truck without breaking a sweat!" Rocksteady: "Thanks for the awesome power up Mr uh..." Shredder: "Call me... Shredder, and if you want to thank me, then join me in the Foot clan and destroy those turtles for me." Bebop: "With pleasure, we were gonna beat em' up anyway." Shaggy: "Zoinks!, like don't look now, but I think we're in big trouble!" Scooby: "Yeah, me too!" Bunnicula: "Uh huh!, Bunnicula three!" yelped Bunnicula, before the turtles went to battle the two new mutants while Shredder was aiming the purple ooze gun at April. Before the dart could hit her however, Splinter pushed her out of the way before it hits him instead. It was not long before Splinter started to mutate into what looked like a giant rat man. Shredder: "How fitting... you always been a rat to me, and just like a rat, you ran right into my trap." said the Shredder, before April ran to her now mutated sensei. April: "Splinter!, are you okay?!" Splinter: "I... I think so... but it looks like I have become a mutant like my sons." April: "But that does not mean I don't see you as a father figure anymore, you taught me that you can't judge a book by a cover... or in this case, a person by his mutant appearance." Splinter: "It seems that I have taught you well." April: "Well you are a great teacher." Shredder: "He'll soon be a dead teacher once I finish him off!" shouted the Shredder, before charging at Splinter, who got back on his feet and used his tail to wrap up the Shredder's foot and throw him away into a dumpster. Master Splinter: "It seems there are advantages of being a mutant." Leonardo: "But right now, we need to get out of here!" Michelangelo: "Let's vanish ninja style!" yelled Michelangelo, before throwing a small egg that exploded smoke that covered the group. Once the smoke cleared away, the turtles and their human allies were nowhere to be found. Bebop: "Whoa... where did they go?" Rocksteady: "I don't know, but I got a feeling that some of them were ninjas." this made some of the Foot Ninjas to face palm themselves before the Shredder walks up to them. Shredder: "You dummies let them escape!" Bebop: "Sorry boss, but we never dealt with real ninjas before." Rocksteady: "Yeah, we never went to ninja school." Shredder: "Well you're in luck, as I happen to be a ninja, and the Foot Clan will teach you the ways on how to fight like one." Bebop: "Awesome!" sometime later, Shredder sends Bebop and Rocksteady to find the missing parts that Kraang needs for his device and it took some time, but they managed to collect them. Back in the sewers, Donatello was researching the purple ooze that mutated Splinter. Donatello: "It seems this purple ooze has the ability to turn humans into mutated animals." Raphael: "We kind of figured that out the moment we saw it turned those two thugs and Splinter into a warthog, a rhino and a rat!" Michelangelo: "Guess this means we're not the only mutants around anymore." April: "This has me worried, if Shredder has a kind of ooze that can turn people into mutants, then he could use it to create a whole army of mutants." Shaggy: "Like he could turn New York into an evil mutant zoo!" Scooby: "Yeah... an evil mutant zoo." Fred: "Then we need to get that ooze away from him before that happens." Velma: "What bothers me is that how did he get his hands on that ooze in the first place?" Daphne: "Yeah, it doesn't seemed to be the kind you would find in a store." suddenly, the whole place started to shake, and everyone went out to see what looked like a giant flying golf ball with a giant eyeball on top, floating above the city. Shaggy: "Zoinks!, like what is that?!" Donatello: "Not sure, but I got a feeling that it's not good for us..." turns out that the giant flying golf ball was in fact the Technodrome, and Kraang was watching the city below him, with an evil smile on his face. Kraang: "At long last... I can finally rule both Dimension X and this planet!, and it's all thanks to the Shredder and Baxter Stockman." meanwhile, Bebop and Rocksteady were getting ready to attack the turtles and their human allies, when a man with a hockey stick came and sends a hockey puck flying right into the rhino mutant's mouth. April: "It's Casey Johns!" Daphne: "You know him?" April: "Yeah, he's my boyfriend." that was when Casey Johns (voiced by Marc Thompson), came up to the group. Casey: "Hey guys, what's with the mutant pig and rhino?" April: "It's a long story." Fred: "He knows about the turtles?" April: "Yeah, he was the only human besides me who know about them and Splinter until you guys came." Casey: "Hey, aren't you the famous teenage detectives with the talking dog?" Scooby: "Famous?, us?" Shaggy: "Like I guess we are." Rocksteady: "You're about to be history when I get my horns on you!" shouted Rocksteady, as he begins charging towards the group. They managed to dodge and the rhino mutant ended up getting his horn stuck in a brick wall. Bebop: "Even if you could beat us, you won't be able to stop Kraang from his giant golf ball he calls the Technodrome to take over the planet like how he rules Dimension X." Velma: "Thanks for telling us what that thing is." Bebop: "You're welcome... wait I mean... oh man..." Rocksteady: "Why did you tell them that?!" yelled Rocksteady, who finally managed to free his horn from the brick wall and was standing in front of his warthog partner. Bebop: "Sorry, it just slipped." Velma: "I'm willing to bet this Kraang person was the one who gave Shredder that purple ooze." Fred: "And I'll bet he's inside that Technodrome as well." Leonardo: "Then my brothers and I will go up there and deal with him." April: "Are you sure you don't need help?" Raphael: "We'll be fine, you guys deal with those ninjas in the meantime." Casey: "Fine with me, I could use some action right now." Michelangelo: "But how are we gonna get up there?" Donatello: "I got an idea, does anyone have a vehicle I can use to add a flight feature?" Fred: "Well I do, but can you really make the Mystery Machine fly?" Donatello: "Only one way to find out." a few moments later, Donatello gave the Mystery Machine a feature that when pushing a new button, it gets the wings of a plane and turbo thrusters to allow it to go really fast. Fred: "Wow!, I can't believe you manage to give the Mystery Machine such an awesome feature in such a short time!" Donatello: "Yeah, me too." Raphael: "Will it work?" Leonardo: "We'll find out as soon as we take off." Fred: "But you better bring it back in one piece, or Shredder or this Kraang will be the least of your worries." Michelangelo: "Don't worry, we'll bring it back." said Michelangelo, before he and his brothers went into the Mystery Machine, and flew off right into the Technodrome and come face to face with the robotic body of Kraang. Donatello: "That must be Kraang." Raphael: "It's just some robot." Michelangelo: "I was kind of expecting Kraang to look much worse." Leonardo: "And what would that look like?" Michelangelo: "I don't know, maybe a scary clown with green hair, or a giant ugly egg with a huge mustache or maybe..." suddenly, Kraang himself popped out of his robotic body, which scared the turtles by the sight of him. Michelangelo: "Yikes!, it's a giant slimy brain!, with an ugly face!" Kraang: "You turtles won't stop me from taking over this dimension!" Leonardo: "We'll see about that, show us what you got." Kraang: "Oh I'll show you what I got alright!" shouted Kraang, before he went to battle the turtles, who soon learned that the talking brain was a lot tougher than they first thought. Raphael: "Man... for a talking brain in a robot's stomach, he's pretty tough." Leonardo: "Yeah, but so are we." so the battle continued, until Michelangelo saw a big button and decided to push it. Kraang: "You fool!, the button sets the Technodrome back to Dimension X!" Leonardo: "Nice of you for telling us that, but it looks like Mikey beat us to it." said Leonardo, before he and the other turtles ran back to the Mystery Machine and flew off before the Technodrome, along with Kraang, went back to Dimension X, but not before Kraang shouted 'I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for those turtles and them meddling kids!'. back at the city below, the ninjas of the Foot clan were running away from the scary sight of Bunnicula in his bat form, before they got caught in some traps that Fred made. Fred: "Nice work Bunnicula, these ninjas won't cause trouble now." Bunnicula: "Uh huh, Bunnicula happy to help." that was when the vampire heard Shaggy and Scooby screaming as they were being chased by Bebop and Rocksteady. So Bunnicula used his powers to make the two mutants to float up into the air until they fell into a large cage that Fred made, which was like the one holding the ninjas, but a much bigger and stronger version. Daphne: "Are you two okay?" Shaggy: "Yeah, thanks to our little bunny friend." Scooby: "Yeah..." that was when the Mystery Machine came down and the turtles came out. Leonardo: "As you can see, we took care of Kraang and his Technodrome." Fred: "How?" Michelangelo: "Simple, teamwork and..." TMNT: "Turtle power!" Master Splinter: "Well done my sons." Donatello: "Where's Shredder?" Master Splinter: "I'm afraid that he got away, but I doubt that we've seen the last of him." Casey: "Or that pig and rhino duo... they're gone too." said Casey, as he points at the now broken cage that used to hold Bebop and Rocksteady. Velma: "Should have known that our cage wouldn't hold two super powered mutants." Leonardo: "They might have have gotten away, but we'll be ready for them the next time they make a move." Michelangelo: "Until then, let's have a pizza party!" Shaggy: "Like I'm with you on that one!" Scooby: "Yeah, he, he, he, he, Scooby Dooby Doo!"

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