Scooby Doo, Bunnicula & The Batman

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It was late at night when the Mystery Machine was on a road that leads to a certain city. Fred: "So Daphne, what can you tell us about your uncle?" Daphne: "Well he's not really my uncle, he's more of a friend of the family who was like an uncle to me when I was little." Velma: "What was his name?" Daphne: "Alfred Pennyworth, he works as the butler for Bruce Wayne." Shaggy: "Zoinks!, Bruce Wayne?!, as in the Bruce Wayne?!" Bunnicula: "Uh... Bunnicula not understand why Skinny dude thinks one called Bruce Wayne be big deal." Velma: "Bruce Wayne is like one of the richest people in the world, and he lives in Gotham city, which is also the city of the legendary Batman." Bunnicula: "Who?" Shaggy: "You never heard of him?" Fred: "Well he did probably spent a lot of years sleeping in his box before we found him." Daphne: "Batman is also known as the Dark Knight, who fights criminals, including the infamous villain known as... the Joker." Bunnicula: "Joker?" Daphne: "Yeah, also known as the clown prince of crime." Bunnicula: "A man dressed as a bat fights a clown?... weird." Fred: "Can't be any weirder then a mystery solving teenagers that have a talking dog and a vampire rabbit." Bunnicula: "Good point trapping guy." Fred: "Why do you keep calling me that?" Bunnicula: "Because you're a guy who does traps, why else?" Daphne: "He's not wrong about that." Shaggy: "Yup, just like the reason he calls me a skinny dude is because I am one." Scooby: "Yeah, he, he, he, he." suddenly, a vehicle drove up behind the Mystery Machine and zoomed passed it, leaving the gang with a surprised look on their faces. Fred: "Was that..." Daphne: "Yeah..." Velma: "The Bat mobile..." Shaggy: "Which means..." Scooby: "Uh huh..." The Gang: "The Batman!" Bunnicula: "Really?, where's Bat guy going?" Daphne: "Maybe he's after a criminal or something, he does that a lot." Shaggy: "No doubt about that, Gotham is like one of the toughest cities ever." Scooby: "Yeah... toughest..." it was not long before the gang finally got to Wayne manor, home of Bruce Wayne and his butler, Alfred Pennyworth. But once they got to the doors, they saw that something clawed it's way in some time ago. Daphne: "Jeepers!, it's like some monster was here!, Alfred?!, are you here?!" Fred: "Mr Pennyworth?!" Shaggy: "Zoinks, like there's no sign of him." Bunnicula: "Box!" Daphne: "What makes you think he's in a box?" Bunnicula: "No, box, over there." said Bunnicula, showing Daphne and the others a large crate. Shaggy: "What's with this crate?" Velma: "And what's in it?" suddenly, a shadow looms over the gang, who turned around and saw Batman (voiced by Kevin Conroy) himself. Batman: "What are you doing here?" demanded Batman, which made both Scooby and Bunnicula spooked up and jumped into Shaggy's arms. Fred: "We came here to visit Daphne's uncle figure, Mr Pennyworth, when we found the place like this and no sign of him." Daphne: "You have to trust us on this." Batman: "Trust does not come easy on my line of work." Shaggy: "But like, what are you doing here?" Bunnicula: "And why Bat guy look like one on painting over there?" asked Bunnicula, who was looking at a painting of Bruce Wayne and then Batman, who was puzzled. Batman: "I'm not sure what you mean." Bunnicula: "Well Bunnicula have X-ray vision and you look like guy on painting on picture." Shaggy: "Wait... like are you saying that Batman is... Bruce Wayne?!" this made the gang to gasp, while Batman AKA Bruce Wayne, was feeling uneasy. Velma: "You know... it actually makes sense, how else could Batman have access to such technology and money for his gadgets and all that." Batman: "So you know my secret... which is not good for me or you..." Fred: "Don't worry, your secret is safe with us." Daphne: "And you're like family to Alfred like he was to me, so you don't have to worry." Batman: "Alright, but I must ask you about the crate you brought here." Shaggy: "Like we thought it was yours." Batman: "Well it's not, any clues what's inside?" Fred: "Not really, but I know one way to find out." so with that, they opened the crate, and found much to their surprise, a harmless punching bag toy that looks like a clown. Scooby and Bunnicula decided to give it a try and then the toy went back up and bumped the duo. Scooby: "Oh a wise guy eh?" Bunnicula: "Take that!" said the animal duo, before giving the toy a good punch on the head, which broke off and a lot of money fell out. Shaggy: "Zoinks!, like what's with the money?" asked Shaggy, before Batman picks up one of the dollar bills and examines it. Batman: "Just as I thought, counterfeit money." Bunnicula: "Eh?" Velma: "Fake money." Bunnicula: "Why would punch toy have fake money?" Batman: "Most likely as a way to smuggle it without being discovered, and I'll bet whoever delivered this also kidnapped Alfred." Daphne: "But who?" Batman: "Hmm... judging by the claw marks on the walls, my best guess at the moment would be the Man-bat." Bunnicula: "Eh?, another bat guy?" Batman: "Not exactly, it's a man that can turn into a giant bat monster." Bunnicula: "Like werewolf but bat?" Batman: "That's one way to put it." this made Bunnicula to gulp, as creatures that were like werewolves were a natural enemy to vampires like himself. Daphne: "Oh right, I almost forgot that we didn't introduce ourselves, I'm Daphne, and there's Fred, Velma, Shaggy, Scooby and the bunny in my arms is Bunnicula." Batman: "Does he happen to be a vampire?" Daphne: "Jeepers, how did you..." Batman: "By the looks of his features, name and he's not being shown on the mirror over there." said Batman, pointing at a mirror that was showing the reflection of the gang, but not the rabbit. Fred: "Yeah, I guess it would be obvious, but don't worry, he's a friendly vampire, he only feeds on the juice of vegetables." that was when Bunnicula hopped to a window and takes a look around, before seeing the Bat mobile being taken by what looked like a giant bat monster with Alfred tired up next to it. Bunnicula: "Giant bat!, giant bat!" Daphne: "What do you mean?" Bunnicula: "Giant bat with tied up man in bat car!" Velma: "Jinkies!, it must have been the Man-bat and Mr Pennyworth!" Fred: "And it looks like he took the Bat Mobile too." Batman: "That might be a lucky break." Shaggy: "Huh?, like I don't get it." Scooby: "Me neither." Batman: "The Bat mobile has a tracking device on it, as a way to track down a criminal in case in case it gets stolen, and the computer in the Bat cave will tell me where to find him." Fred: "Wow, that's pretty good thinking, we should have that feature on the Mystery Machine." and so it was not long before they went into the Bat cave and looked into the computer, which showed the location of the Bat mobile, which was at the Gotham City Amusement Park in front of the Batman exhibit. Batman: "The perfect place to park it, no one would expect it to be the real thing there, they'll think it's part of the exhibit." so with that, the Scooby gang, and Batman, went into the Mystery Machine and went to the amusement park, before beginning their search for Alfred and the Man-bat. It was not long before Scooby, Shaggy and Bunnicula found the Bat mobile and decided to check out the interior. Shaggy: "Like wow, this is what I call a Groovy set of wheels." Scooby: "Yeah, groovy, he, he, he, he." Bunnicula: "Giant bat!, giant bat!" Scooby: "Huh?" Shaggy: "Giant bat... you mean the Man-bat?!" Bunnicula: "Uh huh!, up there!" yelled Bunnicula, as he points his paw up at what looked like a haunted house with the Man-bat looking down from a window. Shaggy: "B-B-Batman!" Scooby: "M-M-Man-Bat!" called out Shaggy and Scooby, as Batman and the rest of the gang came up to the Bat mobile and see the Man-bat backing away from the window at the haunted house. Daphne: "Do you think that's where we'll find Alfred?" Batman: "Let's hope so, cause the sooner I get Alfred back, the better." Fred: "Don't you mean we get Alfred back." Batman: "I'm sorry, but this is too dangerous for you kids, the Man-bat is a very dangerous criminal, this is a job for professionals." Shaggy: "I can go with that." Scooby: "Me too." Velma: "Are you sure that's a good idea?" Batman: "I had a lot of experience with criminals like this, I'll be fine." said Batman, before running into the mansion and began his search for Alfred and the Man-bat. As the Dark Knight continued his search, he finds a door and hears bat screeches from the other side, believing that it was noun other but the Man-bat. But once Batman breaks down the door, he finds himself falling into a pit full of punching clown bags like the one in his mansion. That was when Batman hears a sinister crazy laugh that sounded very familiar to him. Batman: "No... it can't be..." back with the gang, they were still waiting for Batman to come out, and were starting to get worried. Fred: "I think Batman might need our help." Daphne: "You're right Fred, he's been in there for too long." Shaggy: "But like the Man-bat's in there, and we're not crime-fighters like he is." Velma: "Maybe not, but we dealt with villains before, and besides, Mr Pennyworth is important to Daphne as much as he is to Batman." Fred: "She's right, let's go in gang." both Shaggy and Scooby gulped at this, before they along with the rest of the gang went into the haunted house to search for Batman and Alfred. It wasn't long before they find a room that had Mr Pennyworth (voiced by Efrem Zimbalist JR.), all tied up to a chair. Daphne: "Alfred!, thank goodness you're okay!" Alfred: "Daphne?, is that you?, my goodness you've sure blossomed last time I saw you, but what are you doing here?" Daphne: "Oh it's a long story." Bunnicula: "Big bat!, big bat!" yelled Bunnicula, as the Man-bat showed up and was about to attack, but not before the gang managed to free Alfred and were now on the run. They went to a hallway full of doors and they somehow end up coming out or into the other doors. Scooby and Bunnicula finds the door where Batman was trapped and soon the little vampire rabbit uses his bat form to try lifting Batman out of the pit. Just before the Man-bat could catch the gang, Batman went to fight it and soon the hero managed to beat it and had it all tied up. Shaggy: "Zoinks!, like you were so cool!" Scooby: "Yeah!, so cool!" Bunnicula: "Uh huh!, Bunnicula now sees why people love Bat guy!" Fred: "Well that takes care of the Man-bat." Batman: "Well here's the thing, I don't think this is the real Man-bat." Velma: "You mean a man in a mask?" Batman: "That's right, but not just any man..." said Batman, before pulling the Man-bat's mask off and showing the face of... Daphne: "Jeepers!, it's the Creeper!" yelped Daphne, as the face of a green face zombie from the gang's past was being shown. Batman then pulls the Creeper's mask off and now showing the face of... Daphne: "Alfred?!" Alfred: "Me?!" both Daphne and Alfred said, as the fake Alfred (voiced by Mark Hamill), laughed like a crazy man. Batman: "Okay... this is getting silly." Fake Alfred: "Oh you know it bat boy." said the fake Alfred, before Batman pulls the mask off and the villain turned out to be... the Gang: "The Joker!" indeed it was the Joker, the clown prince of crime himself. Joker: "Oh that's better, all those masks were so hot." Batman: "Joker, just as I figured when I heard that laugh of yours when I fell into that pit." Daphne: "And the clown punching bag is most likely his calling card." Alfred: "Yes, he wanted to use me to get Master Wayne's bank account to help him create the perfect counterfeit money that no one would be able to tell it's fake." Joker: "That's right, and I would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids and talking dog and bunny!... oh and uh, Batman of course." after taking the Joker to the police, the gang went back to Wayne manor and having dinner to celebrate Alfred's return and all that. Daphne: "It's so nice of you to invite us over to dinner." Alfred: "Well it's the least I can do for helping me and Master Wayne tonight, and keeping our secret safe." Velma: "Well we know it would be dangerous to let anyone know about Batman's true identity, besides we have a big secret of our own." Alfred: "Yes, it's not everyday you would meet a real vampire that happens to be a rabbit as well." suddenly, a large bat like shadow appears and the gang looks to see that it was really just Scooby wearing a cape while Bunnicula was on the dog's head. Scooby: "He, he, he, he!, Scooby Dooby Doo!"

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