To be alone with you

Start from the beginning

"You could have stayed home."

"And let your friends win their stupid little bet? Fuck that! Let's go." You jerked your bag back on your back and began heading up the path. Minho chuckled, grabbed his stuff, and began to follow you.

With your head down, you began to trudge on. You were struggling, but your determination was fierce. You were going to prove your worth if it was the last thing you did. On and on the two of you went.

"We have another five minutes, I think," Minho announced.

You let out a soft sigh of relief and slowed your brisk pace. The two of you had been trudging along in silence for a while. You couldn't believe you were actually starting to enjoy it, but only a little.

The crunching of the twigs beneath your feet. The soft smell of pine lingered in the air. Pine cones scattered around the area near your feet, along with pine needles. Occasionally, you'd kick one or two of the pine cones from your way.

You reached up with the back of your arm and rubbed off sweat from your forehead. Exhaustion was an understatement for you. You hadn't done much and yet you were exhausted.

The sudden brown flash of fur darting across the path in front of you caused you to scream. You jerked backwards and slammed into Minho's chest. He reached out and steadied you via the handle on your backpack.

Your heart was thudding in your chest as you glanced over between the trees that the thing disappeared between. "What the fuck was that?"

"All that over a small harmless chipmunk?"

"Oh my god!" Your hand slammed into your chest and clutched your heart. "I nearly had a fucking heart attack, holy shit."

He laughed and jerked an arm over your shoulders. "Come on, we finally made it. You can go be miserable in the middle of this empty space."

He led you towards a large spot in the forest. The mossy area was shaded beneath towering trees. You glanced around to survey the area and let out a soft sigh. You slung off the backpack and let it drop to the ground.

"So this is our home for the next three days?"

"Yep. Better get used to it."

"And what am I supposed to do?"

He gestured to the tree behind you. "Entertain yourself. Go ahead and climb a tree, unless you think you can grasp some patience and help me put up the tent."

"Put up the tent?" You echoed with furrowed eyebrows.

"Did I stutter? Did you think that we were just going to sleep beneath the stars? With the wild animals?" He scoffed and shook his head. "The tent has to be pitched."

"I can't believe you didn't buy one of those pop-up tents."

"And I can't believe you haven't stopped complaining since we got here."

You huffed, spun around, and headed towards a tree. Minho watched you with eyes full of amusement. He couldn't help it, this pouting bratty thing you had going on, it was wildly entertaining for him.

"Where are you going?"

"To climb a tree, so I can watch you put up the stupid tent!" You shot back.

You huffed and began to climb the first tree you saw. Branches curled out in multiple different directions. You placed your foot on an opening, used your arms, and jerked yourself up with a huff.

You placed one foot up, grabbed a branch, and climbed higher. Higher and higher you went until you found a nice spot. You were about ten feet off the ground and Minho rolled his eyes.

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