A flicker of hope (1)

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In these next drabbles you're dating a member of skz and they comfort you after an unfortunate incident with your older sibling. Even though it says older sibling, you can imagine this with a younger sibling too. Everything I post about all eight members, they'll always be posted in order of the ages starting with Chan and ending with I.N. 

Trigger warning: physical assault

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You knew things weren't going to work out in your favor when you revisited your family's house for the holidays. It was supposed to be a time of joy and a time filled with laughter and cheer. However, when you continued the trek back to the apartment you shared with your boyfriend, you were blinking back tears.

You tried your best, really you did. You ignored your older brother's insults throughout dinner. You tried not to let him dampen the light-hearted mood, but as the insults grew worse overnight, it became more and more difficult to ignore them.

His teeth gnashed and he spat venom your way. You shouldn't have been surprised because this wasn't the first time it happened. Whenever you headed back home to celebrate the holidays, you silently pleaded for it to be different, but it never was.

This year was different because you had a boyfriend. When Chan invited you to celebrate the holidays back in Australia with his family, you accepted the invitation; but when it came to your family, you didn't bother asking him. Chan was protective and you knew any insult your older brother would throw your way would backfire. You weren't great at confrontation and the last thing you wanted was for the holidays to escalate into a full blown fight.

So you didn't bother asking Chan and you knew it bothered him slightly. When you put on nice clothes to head home, you told Chan your family could be a little much. He laughed at your words and you forced yourself to smile in response, but that smile never reached your eyes.

Everything had been going great until the end of dinner. You began helping your mother put away leftovers and she left to go to the bathroom. Your brother waltzed in after she left and began asking you about your boyfriend. There was no way you were going to tell him who you were dating.

It began to escalate and when you tried to ignore him, he reached out and gripped your wrist. Sharp nails dug into your delicate skin. His teeth gritted and his dark eyes narrowed.

"I bet you're making that boyfriend of yours up. Have you seen yourself? Who could ever love you?"

You tried to pull away, but his nails dug in tighter. He continued to spew quiet insults while your father watched a football game in the living room. He only stopped when your mother reappeared out of the bathroom. Annoyed that he was interrupted, he rolled his eyes and disappeared back into the living room.

Your mother paid no mind to your brother's antics and you went back to helping her put leftovers away. It didn't take you long for you to bid a farewell to your mother and your father before you hurried back home.

The chilly air nipped at your skin along the way. The spot where your brother grabbed you began to pulse as a bruise formed. You gently massaged your wrist trying to ignore your brother's words, but they haunted you. Self doubt began to seep into your soul.

Hastily, you fumbled to place the key into the door lock. Your hands shook as you gripped the knob after unlocking the door and turning it. With a loud creak, the squeaky hinges squealed, sounding off your presence to your boyfriend.

You shut the door behind you and relocked it. Your eyes darted around the area, but Chan was nowhere in sight. You kept your guard up not wanting to speak to him right now. You wanted to go to the bathroom and attempt to pull yourself together before greeting him.

You were half-way there before Chan found you. His sparkling eyes met yours. A dimpled smile stretched across his face. "Hi, baby! How was your family dinner?"

You pulled your eyes away from him and walked around him as you muttered a response about it being fine. Chan frowned at your behavior. Usually, you were happy to see him, but today you were different. Something seemed to be off.

He reached out and gently grabbed your wrist to stop you. You instantly yelped and jerked your wrist away. Chan's eyes widened in shock at your response. You tugged your wrist back towards your chest protectively.

The long sleeve black shirt you were wearing covered your wrist. At least, it did until you pulled your arm up against you. Your brother's grip caused capillaries to burst. Your wrist was dusted with darkened purple fingerprints and red crescents from where your brother dug his nails.

Chan gently pulled your hand back towards him. He moved your wrist around carefully while observing the injuries. His delicacy was enough to make tears appear in your eyes. You tried to blink them away, but he already saw them.

"What happened?" He asked. His eyes found yours with a face full of concern. "Did someone grab you?"

"It's okay. My brother got mad and grabbed me. I'm fine, I promise."

His face fell. "He grabbed you hard enough to leave bruises and scratches? Baby, nobody should be grabbing you, let alone grabbing you enough to cause this." He went back to examining your wrist.

"He just gets angry sometimes."

"Does he always do this?"

"Not always, just when he's mad."

Chan pulled you into his arms and you melted at his comforting presence. "Next time you have a family dinner, I'm coming with you if your brother is there."

"But Chan I-"

"No buts. Nobody is allowed to put hands on my significant other. Got it?"

When you nodded, he let out a sigh of relief. He planted a kiss on the top of your head. His arms squeezed around you tighter. "Nobody touches the love of my life unless it's to smother them with affection."  

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