A flicker of hope (6)

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Felix knew your older sister could be a pain in the ass. You warned him beforehand, but he took your words with a grain of salt because surely she couldn't be that bad, right? When he walked into your family's house and you introduced her, he thought you might have been pulling his leg.

Your older sister was kind and soft-spoken. Her eyes sparkled beneath the warm light in the dining room. She helped serve dinner and struck up a conversation with Felix. You watched the two of them interact out of the corner of your eye. Your stomach churned with jealousy as your sister laughed and stuck out her hand and placed it on Felix's shoulder.

Felix could be a little naive at times and usually it didn't bother you, but today you weren't sure how you could get through family dinner without beheading your sister. You tried to ignore it, but as the evening went on, your sister continued hanging around your boyfriend. She'd tell jokes and get him to laugh. Her wandering hands would find a way to touch his body.

Felix didn't mind her touch. After all, he liked touching people too and she was your sister. You admitted you liked physical touch, so maybe your sister did too. When it felt like her touch lingered for too long, Felix would pull away. He'd adjust his position and slip away from her.

When your sister sat on the other side of Felix at the dinner table, you tried not to let it bother you. You forced yourself to cut the steak in front of you and swallow the overcooked meat your mother made. However, when you saw your sister's hand touch Felix's thigh from the corner of your eye, you dropped your knife.

The loud clatter caused your family members to look up. Felix glanced over at you concerned. You mumbled an apology and began cutting back into the steak. Beside you, Felix shifted and scooted away from your sister to look over at you. It didn't take him long to realize you were upset.

"Not a surprise they dropped their knife, they've always been a klutz. Like that time they fell at their 13th birthday party or the time they tripped over their own feet and broke their elbow. Speaking of birthdays," your sister perked up, "remember that time when you turned sixteen and nobody showed up?" She let out a laugh.

You gritted your teeth and cut back into your steak trying to ignore her. Your mother chuckled at the memory. "I remember that year, you went all out and planned everything and nobody showed up. You poor thing," she shook her head. "You never planned another birthday party after that."

"Nobody showed up to your birthday party?" Felix frowned. "Why not?"

"Because they're an obvious loser," your sister commented. "Such a loser that they don't even celebrate their birthday anymore, right?" Your sister glanced over at you. Amusement sat on her face.

You weakly nodded your head.

Felix's face fell, "is that why you've always refused to tell me your birthday?"

Your sister snorted. Felix raised an eyebrow and looked over at her. "What? Why is that so funny?"

"They were a mistake anyway. Our mom even says so, right, Mom?"

Your mother's cheeks turned a darkened red across the table. She meekly nodded her head. "I wouldn't say it was a mistake, but it was an unplanned pregnancy."

"A one night stand gone wrong. Nobody even knows who their real father is. What a shame," your sister's voice was filled with sarcasm.

Felix sat taking the conversation in without a word. Your eyes were burning holes into the white table cloth. You suddenly pushed yourself away from the table. "I'll be right back, I've gotta use the restroom."

As you left, you caught a glimpse of your sister slinging her arm around Felix's neck and shoving herself closer to him. You disappeared inside the bathroom and locked the door behind you. You stared at your reflection in the mirror with glassy eyes. You blinked rapidly and fanned your face trying to keep the tears away.

When you opened the bathroom door a few moments later, Felix was right there staring at you. You raised an eyebrow, but he didn't respond. He just held an empty hand out to you. You hesitated before taking it and let him lead you back towards the kitchen.

You were barely listening as Felix explained he wasn't feeling well and needed to head home because he didn't feel great. Your sister seemed disappointed, but your mother understood. The two of you left your half-eaten food behind as Felix led you out of the house.

Once you were outside, he pulled you away from it. "I'm sorry," the words flew out of his mouth. "I'm sorry you saw your sister do those things to me and I didn't stop it. I didn't want to cause a huge scene."

"It's okay," you responded.

He shook his head, "no it's not. It's not okay and it shouldn't have happened. I didn't want to cause issues, but now I see that I should have. Are you really okay?" He pulled you closer by your waist and looked at you with concern.

"I'm fine," you reiterated.

"Can I know when your real birthday is?" He asked curiously.

You hesitated, but Felix waited for your response patiently. He looked at you like a lost puppy dog. It's not like you could keep it hidden anymore anyway. He could always easily ask one of your family members.

"It's tomorrow actually."

"Tomorrow?" His eyes widened. "Oh my god, it's nearly seven in the evening. That's not enough time to plan!"

"I don't plan on celebrating it."

"But I want to! It'll be fun! We can make a cake and invite some of our friends and we can ha-"

You shook your head, "it's just another year older, Felix. There's not really anything to celebrate. So I survived another year, big whoop."

"Please," he pushed his lips into a pout. "Please let me celebrate your birthday and create a party you've never had before. I'll make it really fun for you, I promise."

"I don't know," you mumbled. "There's not really a point to cel-"

"You lived a full three-hundred and sixty-five days. You survived fifty-two weeks and I think that's pretty amazing. You made it to this point, so please." He pushed his face closer to yours. "Please let me celebrate it with you."

"You're not going to invite my mom and sister, are you?"

"No fucking way!" Felix's eyebrows scrunched together. "Not after the way they treated you tonight! They can kiss their hypothetical pieces of chocolate cake good-bye."

You snorted at his words.

"Please?" He tried again. "If you hate it, you never have to do it again, I promise. I just want to throw a celebration as a thank you for getting this far. I think your sixteen year old self deserves the birthday party you never got."

"Fine," you reluctantly agreed.

Before you knew what was happening, Felix grabbed your hand and began tugging you away from the house. "Come on! Come on! The store closes soon and I still have so many things to get! I think I might have to call for backup." 

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