Honey bun

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You let out an annoyed groan as you once again lost another level of your favorite game on your phone. You had flopped down on your bed and you had been laying there for the past twenty minutes. Your eyes strained as you kept them glued to the screen. Over and over again, you couldn't stop playing the game.

Your boyfriend, Han, was supposed to be home soon. You were just killing time until he got there. Usually, he tried to text you when he could while he was at the studio. Today, your phone remained silent. It hadn't buzzed with any new text messages. You had even texted him a few times hoping that he'd respond, but he never did.

You got home early before him, you always did. Today was no different. You tried to text him earlier and ask what he wanted for dinner, but since he hadn't responded, you hadn't bothered making anything. It was incredibly rare for Han to have days like this. He loved being so clingy with you. Usually when you didn't respond within an hour, he'd begin to spam your phone with texts and selfies of himself.

All of them, you kept in a folder on your phone. Finally fed up with your game, you clicked out of it and went to the folder that you kept of him. Han with his lips poked out with duck lips. Han with his tongue sticking out. There was one of him and Felix pretending to pick each other's noses. Seeing it made you chuckle.

You paused your scrolling when you heard the front door open up. Wasting no time, you sat up on the large bed that the two of you shared. His footsteps came closer to the bedroom door. When he opened the door, that's when he spotted you.

You with your glittering eyes and your bright smile. You let out a meek "hi" and that's all it took. He kicked off his shoes and headed towards you. His lips were down-turned. Brows pressed together as if something were bothering him. He crawled up onto the bed and collapsed into your chest.

You were warm and you smelled like you. He buried his head further into your chest and made you giggle. "What are you doing?" You asked. Your hands instantly found home in his chestnut hair. "Did my baby have a bad day?" You cooed.

He didn't respond, but he nodded into your chest.

"Oh, you poor thing, do you want to tell me what's wrong?"

He muttered something. His voice vibrated against your chest. You gently rubbed the soft pads of your fingers against his scalp. "I can't hear you when you're lying on my chest."

He let out a sigh and tilted his head to face the door. One of his cheeks was pressed into your body. His ear was up near your heart, so he could easily hear your soothing heartbeat. At the sound of it, he felt himself slowly begin to relax. As you continued rubbing his scalp, his tension seemed to ease.

"I just don't know if I'm doing enough. I keep having all these doubts about a lot of things. My anxiety is bad and I just keep assuming the worst. I showed a new song to Chan and Changbin today and I was so proud of it, but I'm not sure if they liked it. It completely destroyed my mood."

You frowned. 3Racha had always had a great relationship. The three of them were always pushing each other and bouncing new ideas off one another. The story didn't seem right. You couldn't imagine the two of them purposefully telling Han that his song was bad.

"Did they say something about it?"

"No, but they just gave me this weird look."

"Did you ask them why they did that?"

"No, I glanced down at my phone and used the excuse that you were calling me. I've been trying to avoid them since then. I can't believe I thought it was good. I feel so mortified."

"So you just assumed it was something bad?"

"Yes, why else would they act like that? They just froze as they heard my recording and looked at each other. I left in the middle of it. I feel like a piece of shit."

"Is the song about someone?"

"It's about you," he mumbled. "I tried to write about you and the love I feel for you, but clearly I failed."

You grabbed your phone from beside you and scrolled through your first few contacts until you got to Chan's number. When you got there, you instantly pressed the call button and waited a few moments while your phone rang.

"What are you do-"

"Shush." You cut Han off and continued waiting for Chan to pick up the phone. You quickly placed the phone on speaker phone as the dial tone kept going.

"Hello?" Chan asked.

"Hi, Chan!" You began rubbing the top of Han's head with your hand again. He seemed to relax once more. "Did you get a chance to listen to the new song that Han wrote? He showed it to me this morning and I just wanted to know if you listened to it yet."

"Yeah, Changbin and I actually got to listen to it earlier. We really liked it! The two of us were shocked when it started playing. Unfortunately, he left the room because you called him. We never got the chance to tell him before we went home. I hope we can tell him how much we liked it tomorrow."

"Yeah, I hope you can too. I wanted to know your opinion on it because I thought it was good, but I'm not a producer or anything."

Chan let out a laugh on the other side of the phone. "Yeah, I think it's pretty incredible. Plus, I'm pretty sure it's about you. He really loves you, you know?"

"Yeah and I really love him. Sorry for bothering you, I was snoopy and I just wanted to know your opinion."

"No problem. Tell him I said hi. Have a good night!"

"You too, bye."

You ended the call and tossed your phone to the side. "Was that the answer you were looking for?"

"I can't believe you did that."

"Well, you're the love of my life, of course I'd do things like that for you. You're my honey bun and apparently an incredible lyricist."

"Honey bun?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, my honey bun. You know, like the apple of my eye, sweetie pie, sugar, whatever."

"Are you going to eat me?"

"Um...no? I am hungry, so maybe that's why I'm thinking of food. Do you want to order take out? We can eat it on the couch and afterwards we can do face masks. If you don't want to put one on, I can do it for you since you've had a long day assuming the worst."

He lifted his head off your chest and looked into your eyes, "you're incredible."

"And you're a simp. Back to the food, would you like pizza or something else? We could do Chinese food or maybe Mexican or-"

As you continued on, all he could do was watch you with a look of admiration. You truly were the love of his life. He had felt so much better since you called and talked to Chan. You hadn't even told Chan that he had been the main reason for calling. You completely took the blame yourself.

"Honey bun?"

He blinked his eyes and snapped back into reality. "Hmm?"

"What do you want to eat?"



And before you could get out another word, his lips met yours in a sugary sweet kiss. 

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