To be alone with you

340 11 27

Genre: Fluff

After your boyfriend makes a bet with his band members, the two of you go on a camping trip that ends in a disaster.

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Ever since you were younger, you weren't an outdoorsy person. You hated the warmth of the sun in the summer. The bugs were too much of a risk. The last thing you wanted to do was go outside, let alone multiple days for a camping trip.

It was your boyfriend's suggestion. He promised you that it'd be fun and you'd both have a great time. A great time, your ass. You assumed that you'd be at a campsite with premade tents. The kind that were already set-up and you could rent them out.

You had no idea what kind of trip you were in for until Minho parked the car. You grabbed your backpack and got out. He popped open the trunk and dropped out a tent. An actual tent wrapped securely in a traveling bag.

"You cannot be serious," you mumbled beneath your breath.

All you got in response was a cheesy grin and Minho chucked your sleeping bag at you. The weight of it caught you off guard. You stumbled back, nearly hitting the ground in the process, which caused him to laugh. That was just the start of this endless nightmare.

Tucked in a pair of leather hiking boots, you made the correct choice. The walk to the actual campsite was almost a mile. The whole time you grumble in disapproval while Minho mocked you.

"You do realize that thousands of years ago, this was how it was, right? No internet, no toilets, no air conditioning, nothing. Just people and the endless outdoors."

"That's why they were constantly dying."

"Are you going to complain this whole trip?"

"Can you blame me? I'm soaked in sweat, the mosquitoes keep biting me, and I'm practically going to die from dehydration."

"We've only been walking for five minutes!"

"Five minutes?" Your eyes widened in shock. "It feels like we've been walking for five hours!"

He rolled his eyes and continued trudging along the dirt path. In the forest, you were surrounded by trees and the chirps and warbling of nature. Birds were chattering mid-day and the rest of the animals were scattered out and about.

Minho dug out a flask of water and pushed it towards you. You took it with a sigh, unscrewed it, and began to slowly sip. You really hadn't prepared enough for this trip. When it was first brought up, you refused. You refused until the rest of his band members made a bet.

They bet Minho a hundred bucks that you wouldn't last three days in the wilderness. He bet against them and you weren't one to let your boyfriend down. You were determined to prove them wrong.

After walking for nearly a half hour, you mumbled that your legs hurt. Minho dropped the tent onto the ground and jerked off his backpack too. You had no idea what he had packed. The entire thing was bulging and was on the verge of busting. Earlier, he barely got it to zip.

He was in a pair of cargo jeans and a t-shirt. It was warm enough outside that the two of you didn't need jackets. On the other hand, you were regretting the denim overalls. It seemed like a good idea, but they were itchy and too hot. You should have gone with Minho's suggestion earlier and worn a pair of denim shorts and long socks.

"How much farther?"

"Another half a mile, maybe."

You tipped your head back and groaned.

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