Corroded love

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Genre: Angst with no happy ending

After ghosting Felix, you find him at a cafe and hope to fix your past relationship.

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Every day for the past three months, each day killed a piece of your heart a little more. A piece here and a sliver there. You walked around with only half a porcelain heart. The majority of it had crumbled and turned to dust.

Life was never the same after you left Felix and you weren't sure you'd ever be okay again. In the heat of the moment, you called off the relationship and you were left with nothing, but sour regret. You'd never forgive yourself for the way Felix looked at you with betrayal.

You snuffed out the sparkle in his eyes. You crushed his heart between your bare hands. Betrayal was all that was left as you spun around and left him alone in your shared apartment.

Both of you knew it was a matter of time, but neither of you wanted to let go. No matter how difficult things became, no matter how much you fought over the smallest things, Felix would never let you go. In his mind, the two of you would get through your rut eventually.

You were stressed from work and Felix was stressed with his band. You were both at your wits end which led to explosive arguments. The times the two of you wanted to hang out with each other, the other was busy. The relationship was crumbling apart until you cut it off entirely.

You were supposed to go grocery shopping, but after coming home from work, you were exhausted. The simple task slipped your mind and when you got home, you went into your room and collapsed. By the time Felix came home, he was expecting to find the ingredients he wanted to make dinner, but he was left with empty cupboards and a fridge full of condiments.

In a fit of rage, he stormed into your shared room and angrily shook you awake. He was angry because that dinner was the one thing he was looking forward to all day. You were angry because you were exhausted and it was just groceries. He could have gone and picked them up himself.

Your conversation escalated into yelling and, in a fit of impulsivity, you announced you were done. You were done with the fights, you were done with the eggshell walking, you were done with the crumbled ruins of your relationship. You were done with all of it.

You didn't even say good-bye properly. You packed up your stuff and disappeared. Felix expected you to come back home, but you never did. You took out all your stuff when you left. You assumed he'd text you eventually. Unfortunately, that text never came your way.

Three months, ninety long days, had passed since you stormed out of the house with tears in your eyes. Defeat weighed heavily on your shoulders. Your cheeks were stained with tears and your heart felt hollow instead of the usual fulfilled feeling you used to get when you were with him.

You jerked open the door to the cafe you regularly began going to without paying attention. You started walking inside when you slammed into someone. With a quick yip of surprise, you jerked yourself back and began to apologize.

Who was staring back at you? The same freckled-face man you fell in love with. His hair was darkened this time. The usual blonde was gone. It had been dyed black due to another comeback of his band. His eyes looked you up and down before he softly uttered your name.

It wasn't the same. He used to say your name and a grin would stretch across his face. He spoke your name with a sweetened honey. You made his heart flutter and his stomach churn with butterflies. Today, that tone and that look was gone.

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