Cookie monster

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After working hard while preparing for a comeback, you decide to make Felix's life a little sweeter. 

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When Felix came home from the JYP building, he was exhausted. Half-closed lids and sleepy eyes. One slight touch and he might topple over like a stack of dominoes. The night before, he hadn't gotten much sleep. With a day full of bustling activity, there wasn't time for rest.

New dances to learn, new songs to record, and another language to memorize. Glued to a chair while stylists did their best to hide the ever-growing brown bags beneath his eyes. Stuck somewhere between this reality and the next, he'd turned into a zombie.

The same routine was starting to get to him again. The days felt repetitive and no matter how much he tried to change his mindset, it was starting to bother him. Another comeback was creeping up and everyone was trying their best to be ready for it.

If it meant lack of sleep and a skipped meal here and there, so be it. He had one goal in mind and it was to perform and be better than the last comeback. He put too much pressure on himself and he was starting to crack.

You saw through him easily. His multiple text messages filled with emojis had turned into a few one-word responses throughout the day. The phone calls between the two of you had ceased. You tried your best to be there for him, but it wasn't always possible. You had a job and your own life to focus on.

The opening of the front door caused you to end the phone call with your friend and slip into the living room. Felix stood with his eyes closed and his back pressed against the door. You studied his prominent jawline and golden freckled face while debating to approach him or not.

Eventually, you gave into your temptation and started towards him. His eyes opened and his lips turned up into a sleepy smile. "Hi, baby." He held his arms out towards you.

You hurried forward and wrapped your arms around him tightly. Your own smile appeared on your face as you pressed your cheek into his white shirt. "Hi. Did you have a good day?"

"It was okay, but I'm exhausted." His arms engulfed you in a loving hug. You let out a soft sigh and held him a little tighter. He chuckled, "what's this for?"

"Am I not allowed to miss my significant other?" You glanced up at him with a teasing tone.

He shrugged, "you're not normally too fond of skin-ship."

"You might have caught me. I've had a rough day and I missed you more than I usually do. Plus, you have a comeback and interviews and traveling and yo-"

Felix groaned at the thought of it all. "Please don't remind me. I just want to climb into our bed. I went to the studio this morning and I swear I could feel the stress in the building throughout the day. Everyone is putting so much pressure on themselves. We're exhausted and the comeback isn't here yet."

"It sounds like you guys need a break."

"I know," Felix frowned, "but we can't afford to take one right now. It'll smooth over soon, it always does, but until then; we all feel like we're in a bit of a rut right now. I love my job and I love my fans so much, but sometimes I wish I could take a week long break."

"And everyone is working so hard right now. So many people are exhausted, but they keep going. It's unhealthy, but it's inspiring too. I'm not sure how they're doing it. The band members, our personal staff and stylists, the management, etc. They're doing an amazing job and I wish I knew how to thank them for staying strong in such a chaotic time period."

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