Falling in love with SKZ

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There's not much to say, it's literally just that. Nothing, but pure fluff. These are relatively short, so I've put them all in one chapter.

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It takes a while before you realize you're head over heels about Chan. He's always in the studio or traveling, so it takes a bit before you come to terms with it. You think those butterflies in your stomach are just because you haven't seen him in a bit. You ignore your blushing face and brush it off because you're easily embarrassed. 

You don't realize how you feel about him until someone points it out to you. Even then, you're still in a bit of denial. When it finally does happen and you two get together, there's so many little things that Chan does. He might struggle with insomnia, but he doesn't want you to worry. On the nights he can be with you, he prefers to be the big spoon. He tosses an arm over you and pulls you closer to him. 

He might softly sing your favorite songs until you fall asleep. He'll lay there for hours watching you even though he can't sleep because he knows it's comforting to you. He's the type of guy that will place his hand on your thigh while going on late night drives. He sings along to whatever songs are on the radio. Even if the song is new, he somehow knows all the lyrics already. 

Even though you know nothing about music production, he always wants to know if his music sounds good. You are one of the special few people he trusts with his laptop. He always greets you with a warm hug and if nothing else, at least, a kiss on the top of your head. 

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Lee Know: 

Lee Know is the type of guy that you have no idea what the two of you are. Are you friends? Are you enemies? You have no idea. You just go along with it and you can't help, but be shocked when he asks if you'd like to be his significant other. 

"Who? Me?" You ask. 

He gestures around the empty room with both hands. "Who else?" 

After dating for a while, the two of you can often be found taunting each other and using sarcasm. You slightly bully the members of the band, but you make it up to them by making them food. If you don't know how to cook, he's right there offering to teach you. He has to remind you how to properly hold the knife and not to touch the metal handle of a pan without a pot holder. 

When you slip up and injure yourself, he's right there with a first aid kit. With furrowed brows and a serious face, he bandages you up while insisting that you have to be more careful. After lecturing you, he seals it with a kiss on your forehead. 

It takes a bit of bickering, but when you finally meet his cats, he's glad he chose you to date. They all really love you. He might not shower you with physical affection 24/7, but when he's out, he'll buy things that remind him of you. 

He gives them to you randomly without warning. He likes spoiling you and buying you things. When you pout about it, he tells you to get over it and pay his kindness forwards. So you do, by spoiling his cats. 

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Changbin is the type of guy you click with right away. You laugh at every joke no matter how dumb. When he's full of high energy, you're right there beside him mocking him and egging him on. When you're around with his band, Chan feels like he has eight kids, instead of seven. 

When Changbin realizes you haven't ate or he hears your stomach growl, he'll immediately suggest that the two of you go find food. Whether that be a gas station snack, a restaurant visit, or making your own food in the kitchen. He always wants to make sure you're doing your best. 

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