Skz finds out you're not eating

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A/N: I think some of you so desperately need this. You're not alone in your struggles. Please reach out to someone if you need to. No matter how awful you may feel, no matter how much your brain screams at you, you deserve to eat. I'm placing these all in a single drabble because they're short. Please do not forget how precious you are <3

Trigger warning: Contains mentions of skipping meals, fainting, weight loss, starvation, exhaustion, hair loss, over-exercising, spitting and chewing, weighing self, and throwing up.

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He knew something was wrong when you declined breakfast and then lunch and at dinner, you slipped up. He was making the two of you food. Standing over the stove, steam floated up from the pot of rice. He worked quickly around the kitchen as you sat at the kitchen table.

The two of you had been sharing snippets about your day. When he grabbed two bowls from the cupboard, that's when you intervened. "What are you doing?" You asked.

"Getting us bowls for dinner, why?"

"Oh, I'm not hungry, I had a big lunch. Whatever leftovers you have, if you don't want them, I can eat them later."

He agreed at first, but then when he thought back to it, you had lunch with him and the guys. You slowly nursed a coffee and insisted you had a stomach ache. Upon realizing this, he turned around to face you. You knew the moment that his eyes hit yours that he caught your lie.

"You didn't have lunch."

"I-I did!" You slipped up with a stutter. "It was after I left you and the guys." Your voice raised an octave. Feeling mortified, you quickly looked down at the floor.

"What's going on?" He walked over to you and grabbed your hands in yours. His soft voice nearly made you cry. "Why are you lying to me?" When he started rubbing the back of your hands with his thumbs, that's when you broke completely.

"Okay, so I've been skipping meals. It hasn't been an issue. It's only for a little bit beca-"

"A little bit? You have to eat. Your body needs energy. If you don't eat, you're going to be so tired."

"But I-"

"No," he cut you off again. "I'm going to finish making dinner and you're going to eat some of it, okay?

As much as you wanted to disagree, you knew how much he valued your health. The look of pity that he gave you nearly killed you."

"Yeah, okay."

_ _ _ 

Lee Know: 

Lee Know hummed beneath his breath as he brought out canned cat food. At his feet, his three cats sat impatiently. Doongie meowed as he eagerly slithered between Lee Know's legs.

"You're going to have to wait patiently," Lee Know muttered. "We've been doing this for years, you guys know the drill."

You chuckled from your place on the couch. From where you were located, you could see all of them in the kitchen. The meaty smell of cat food floated towards your nose and without warning, your stomach grumbled loudly. So loud, that Doongie's meow was cut off and he whipped his head towards you as did his siblings.

Lee Know paused his movements. "Are you hungry too?"


Your stomach rumbled again and you mentally cursed yourself. You hadn't eaten since this morning and now it was dinner time. You thought you could make it the whole day without making your hunger obvious.

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